testata inforMARE
2 giugno 2024 - Anno XXVIII
Quotidiano indipendente di economia e politica dei trasporti
15:00 GMT+2
Proposta di direttiva della Commissione UE per facilitare le concentrazioni tra imprese della Comunità
All'interno dei singoli Stati membri le fusioni sarebbero disciplinate dai principi e dalle disposizioni vigenti per le operazioni di concentrazione nazionali
19 novembre 2003
La Commissione Europea ha presentato ieri una proposta di direttiva per ridurre gli ostacoli che si frappongono alle fusioni tra imprese di differenti Stati comunitari posti dalle normative nazionali. La proposta di legge prevede l'istituzione di una procedura per le fusioni transfrontaliere in base alla quale .

«La facilitazione delle fusioni transfrontaliere - ha detto il commissario europeo per il Mercato interno, Frits Bolkestein - costituisce un importante mezzo per favorire la cooperazione e la ristrutturazione necessarie per rendere l'Europa più concorrenziale. Attualmente è difficile o impossibile effettuare delle fusioni transfrontaliere e la proposta intende ovviare a tale problema. È importante garantire, al contempo, l'introduzione di dispositivi di salvaguardia, onde evitare che le imprese si servano delle fusioni transfrontaliere per sottrarsi agli obblighi relativi ai regimi di partecipazione dei lavoratori vigenti a livello nazionale. È particolarmente importante che la misura sia approvata rapidamente, poiché l'allargamento acuirà l'esigenza delle imprese di poter cooperare instaurando rapporti transfrontalieri».

Secondo Bruxelles la nuova legge sarebbe di particolare utilità per le imprese di medie dimensioni che intendono operare in più di uno Stato membro, ma non in tutta l'Europa, e quindi poco propense a volersi costituire come società di diritto europeo attraverso l'adozione dello statuto di società europea.

«In base alla normativa attualmente vigente nell'Unione Europea - ha ricordato la Commissione - le fusioni transfrontaliere sono possibili solo se le imprese che intendono effettuare tale operazione hanno la loro sede sociale in alcuni Stati membri. Infatti in altri Stati membri le differenze tra le normative nazionali vigenti sono tali da indurre le imprese che intendano procedere ad una fusione a ricorrere a soluzioni complicate e costose. Tali accordi spesso complicano l'operazione e non sempre sono attuati in modo trasparente e nella certezza del diritto. Inoltre causano spesso la liquidazione dell'impresa acquisita, talvolta con notevoli costi». La proposta di direttiva, che riguarda tutte le società di capitali, sia le società per azioni sia le aziende con altre forme societarie, mira invece ad agevolare le concentrazioni all'interno dell'Unione Europea assimilando la procedura delle fusioni transfrontaliere alle procedure applicate alle operazioni di concentrazione in ambito nazionale tra imprese soggette alla normativa del medesimo Stato membro. «In altre parole - ha spiegato Bruxelles - le singole imprese che partecipano ad una fusione transfrontaliera dovranno attenersi secondo il disposto della direttiva proposta alla normativa nazionale dello Stato membro in cui hanno la loro sede sociale (ad eccezione dei casi specifici contemplati dalla direttiva, in ragione della natura della fusione transfrontaliera)». «La direttiva - ha precisato la Commissione - mantiene la tutela prevista dalla normativa nazionale per i creditori, gli obbligazionisti ed i possessori di titoli diversi dalle azioni, gli azionisti di minoranza e i dipendenti. Nel caso specifico dei diritti dei lavoratori vale il principio generale dell'applicazione della normativa nazionale alla società risultante dalla fusione. Qualora la normativa non contempli un regime di partecipazione dei lavoratori, tale situazione resterà immutata; se invece la società risultante dalla fusione verrà costituita in uno degli Stati membri ove è previsto un regime di partecipazione dei lavoratori, la società sarà assoggettata a tale regime. Tuttavia, se almeno una delle imprese partecipanti all'operazione transfrontaliera è assoggettata ad un regime di partecipazione dei lavoratori nello Stati membro ove ha la propria sede sociale, e se la società risultante da tale fusione è costituita in uno Stato membro la cui normativa non prevede tale regime, si applica la procedura di negoziazione contemplata dallo statuto della società europea (regolamento (CE) n. 2157/2001 del Consiglio dell'8 ottobre 2001 relativo allo statuto della Società europea e direttiva complementare n. 2001/86/CE del Consiglio dell'8 ottobre 2001). Tale procedura permetterebbe alle parti in causa di definire e concordare un regime convenuto di partecipazione dei lavoratori. Solo qualora le parti interessate non riuscissero a trovare un accordo è prevista, come soluzione di ripiego, l'estensione del regime di cogestione. Nel caso di fusione tra due imprese soggette a regime obbligatorio di cogestione, queste potrebbero decidere di costituirsi in società in uno Stato membro ove viga un regime obbligatorio non equivalente al regime più rigido di cogestione, senza l'obbligo di avviare i negoziati previsti dallo statuto della società europea».

La direttiva proposta - ha sottolineato l'esecutivo europeo - colmerebbe un'importante lacuna del diritto societario ed è la prima misura ad essere presentata nel quadro del Piano d'azione della Commissione in materia di diritto societario e governo di società nell'Unione Europea pubblicato nel maggio scorso.




Brussels, (18/11/2003)

Proposal for a
on cross-border mergers of companies with share capital






The purpose of the Directive, which is to be viewed against the background of the Financial Services Action Plan and the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament of 21 May 2003 entitled Modernising Company Law and Enhancing Corporate Governance in the European Union ' A Plan to Move Forward, is to fill a significant gap in company law left by the need to facilitate cross-border mergers of commercial companies without the national laws governing them ' as a rule the laws of the countries where their head offices are situated ' forming an obstacle.

At present, as Community law now stands, such mergers are possible only if the companies wishing to merge are established in certain Member States. In other Member States, the differences between the national laws applicable to each of the companies which intend to merge are such that the companies have to resort to complex and costly legal arrangements. These arrangements often complicate the operation and are not always implemented with all the requisite transparency and legal certainty. They result, moreover, as a rule in the acquired companies being wound up ' a very expensive operation.

There is an increasing need today in the Community of Fifteen for cooperation between companies from different Member States, as there will be tomorrow in the future enlarged Union, not forgetting the EFTA countries.

For a number of years now, Community companies have been calling for the adoption of a Community legal instrument that meets their needs for cooperation and consolidation between companies from different Member States and that enables them to carry out cross-border mergers.

More than ever, all companies, whether they be public limited liability companies or any other type of company with share capital, must have at their disposal a suitable legal instrument enabling them to carry out cross-border mergers under the most favourable conditions. The costs of such an operation must therefore be reduced, while guaranteeing the requisite legal certainty and enabling as many companies as possible to benefit. The scope of the Directive will therefore be drawn in such a way as to cover above all small and medium-sized enterprises, which stand to benefit because of their smaller size and lower capitalisation compared with large enterprises and for which, for the same reasons, the European company Statute does not provide a satisfactory solution.



On 14 December 1984 the Commission adopted a proposal for a tenth Council Directive on cross-border mergers of companies.1 Several committees of the European Parliament examined the proposal, including the Committee on Legal Affairs, which adopted its report on 21 October 1987.2 However, Parliament did not deliver its opinion owing to the difficulties raised by the problem of employee participation in companies' decision-making bodies. This situation of deadlock, which was linked to the fate of the proposal for a European company Statute, lasted more than 15 years. In 2001, against the backdrop of a wholesale withdrawal of proposals which had been pending for several years or which had become devoid of purpose, the Commission withdrew this first proposal for a tenth Directive with a view to presenting a fresh proposal based on the latest developments in Community law. A resolution of the European company (SE) question having been reached on 8 October 2001, the work on preparing a new proposal for a Directive on cross-border company mergers accordingly resumed. In the light of this state of affairs and of the fact that the parties have had an opportunity to comment on the broad lines of the proposal, both as part of the consultations carried out by the High-Level Group of Company Law Experts and as part of those on the above-mentioned Commission communication of 21 May 2003, further consultations and impact assessment on the present proposal, the speedy adoption of which is wished for by the interests concerned, have not been considered necessary.

1 OJ C 23 25.1.1985, p. 11.
2 PE/113303/JUR/FIN, A2/1987/186.



The present proposal differs from the original proposal of 1984 mainly in scope and in the way it takes account, with regard to the participation of employees in the decision-making bodies of the acquiring company or of the new company created by the cross-border merger, of the principles and solutions incorporated in Council Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001 of 8 October 2001 on the Statute for a European company (SE)3 and in Council Directive 2001/86/EC of 8 October 2001 supplementing the Statute for a European company with regard to the involvement of employees.4


The original proposal covered only public limited liability companies. The present proposal extends that scope to include all companies with share capital which, in the unanimous view of the Member States, may be typified as companies having legal personality and separate assets which alone serve to cover the company's debts. It is aimed primarily at companies which are not interested in forming an SE, i.e. for the most part small and medium-sized enterprises.

3.2.Principles governing the cross-border merger procedure

The basic principle underlying the cross-border merger procedure is that ' save as otherwise provided by the Directive for reasons to do with the cross-border nature of the merger ' the procedure is governed in each Member State by the principles and rules applicable to mergers between companies governed exclusively by the law of that State (domestic mergers). The aim is to approximate the cross-border merger procedure with the domestic merger procedures with which operators are already familiar through use.

In order to take account of the cross-border aspects, the principle of the application of national law is incorporated - but no more than is strictly necessary ' via provisions based on the relevant principles and rules already laid down for the formation of an SE.

Protection under national law is also afforded to the interests of creditors, debenture holders, the holders of securities other than shares, minority shareholders and employees, as regards rights other than those related to participation in the company, vis-à-vis each of the merging companies. Reference may be made here to Council Directive 2001/23/EC of 12 March 2001 relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings,5 Directive 2002/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2002 establishing a general framework for informing and consulting employees in the European Community,6 and Council Directive 94/45/EC of 22 September 19947 and Council Directive 97/74/EC8 of 15 December 1997, both of which concern the establishment of a European works council or a procedure in Community-scale undertakings and Community-scale groups of undertakings for the purposes of informing and consulting employees. These Directives also apply to companies created by a cross-border merger.

The Directive, as is the case for comparable previous legal acts9, is without prejudice to the application of the legislation on the control of concentrations between undertakings, both at the Community level10 and at the level of Member States.

3 OJ L 294, 10.11.2001, p. 1.
4 OJ L 294, 10.11.2001, p. 22.

3.3.Employee participation and company law coordination

Employee participation in a company created by cross-border merger, which was the reason for the deadlock over the original proposal of 1984, is coordinated by the present proposal for a Directive with a view to ensuring freedom of establishment.

The overriding fear concerning cross-border mergers was that the process might be hijacked by companies which, faced with having to live with employee participation, might try to circumvent it by means of such a merger.

Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001 and Directive 2001/86/EC have come up with a solution which can be used, mutatis mutandis, also with a view to coordinating company law under Article 44(2)(g) of the EC Treaty, as is the purpose of this Directive.

The context in which the Regulation and the Directive on the SE operate is different, however, from that surrounding the application of this Directive. By virtue of its Community nature, the SE is not subject to any existing national rules on compulsory participation in the Member State in which its registered office is situated. By contrast, companies created by the cross-border merger operations covered by the present Directive will be companies governed by the law of a Member State. Such companies will accordingly remain subject to the compulsory participation rules applicable in that Member State. It may well be, however, that, following a cross-border merger, the registered office of the company created by the merger is situated in a Member State which does not have this type of rule, whereas one or more of the companies taking part in the merger were operating under a participation system before the merger. To deal with this eventuality, provision is made for extending to companies covered by the present Directive the same protection of rights acquired with respect to participation as is granted under the system set up by the SE Regulation and Directive. The protection of acquired rights of participation is entirely justified in this case. In cases where the national law of the Member State by whose law the company created by the merger is governed does have rules on compulsory employee participation, such specific protection is unnecessary as the company in question will be subject to those rules.

5 OJ L 82, 22.3.2001, p. 16.
6 OJ L 80, 23.3.2002, p.29.
7 OJ L 254, 30.9.1994, p. 64.
8 OJ L 10, 16.1.1998, p. 22.
9 Third Council Directive concerning mergers of public limited liability companies (78/855/EEC) and Council Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001 on the Statute for a European Company (ECS).
10 Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 on the control of concentrations between undertakings, OJ L 395, 30.12.1989, p.1; corrected version OJ L 257, 21.9.1990, p. 13, Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1310/97, OJ L 180, 9.7.1997, p.1; corrigendum in OJ L 40, 13.2.1998, p. 17.



Article 1
contains definitions which serve to delimit the scope of the Directive. The definitions of merger by acquisition and merger by the formation of a new company are taken from Directive 90/434/EEC, which also covers mergers between companies from different Member States and forms of company other than public limited liability companies. These definitions are in keeping with those in Directive 78/855/EEC concerning domestic mergers of public limited liability companies.11 The scope includes all Community companies with share capital which, in the unanimous view of the Member States, may be typified as companies having legal personality and separate assets which alone serve to cover the company's debts. It is wider than that of Directive 78/855/EEC in that it is not limited to public limited liability companies but covers all companies with share capital.

Article 2
is designed to identify the law applicable in the event of a cross-border merger to each of the merging companies. Save as otherwise provided by the present Directive for reasons to do with the cross-border nature of the operation, each company remains subject to its national law on domestic mergers.

As to the protection of employees, the cross-border merger remains subject, with regard to rights other than those of participation in the acquiring company or in the new company created by the cross-border merger, to the relevant provisions applicable in the Member States, as harmonised inter alia by Council Directive 2001/23/EC of 12 March 2001 relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, Directive 2002/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2002 establishing a general framework for informing and consulting employees in the European Community and Directives 94/45/EC and 97/74/EC concerning the establishment of a European works council and the informing and consulting of employees. By virtue of these provisions, the change of employer resulting from the merger operation must have no effect on the contract of employment or employment relationship in force at the time of the merger, which is automatically transferred to the new owner. Likewise protected after the merger are all acquired rights of employees agreed under a collective agreement, and their rights to old-age, invalidity or survivor's benefits under statutory social security schemes.

Article 3
lists the points that have to be included in the draft terms of cross-border merger. It includes the items already harmonised by Directive 78/855/EEC for domestic mergers of public limited liability companies, to which have been added, as in the case of the SE, a number of further items dictated by the cross-border nature of the operation, such as the name and registered office proposed for the new company. The place where the registered office is situated determines which law will be applicable to the new company ' an important piece of information as far as all interested parties, including creditors, are concerned. The draft terms must also contain information on the arrangements for employee involvement in decisions taken by the company created by the cross-border merger.

Article 4
deals with publication of the draft terms of cross-border merger and the information that must be furnished.

Article 5
provides for the possibility, as already laid down by Directive 78/855/EEC for domestic mergers of public limited liability companies and by Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001 for the European company, of providing for a single expert report on behalf of all shareholders.

Article 6
lays down the requirement of approval of the draft terms of cross-border merger by the general meeting. A similar requirement exists in the case of domestic mergers of public limited liability companies and in that of the formation of an SE by merger.

Articles 7 and 8
govern scrutiny of the legality of cross-border mergers. They are based on the corresponding principles and techniques provided for in Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001 for the SE.

Article 9
concerns the date on which the cross-border merger takes effect. The relevant date is to be that provided for by the law of the Member State by which the acquiring company is governed in the case of cross-border merger by acquisition or by which the new company is governed in the case of cross-border merger by the formation of a new company. The date must be after all the checks on all the companies taking part in the operation have been carried out.

Article 10
deals with the disclosure that must be effected upon completion of a cross-border merger. It is based on the corresponding provisions of Article 3 of Directive 68/151/EEC on the safeguards required to protect the interests of members and others,12 this being the article that governs the publicising of all essential documents relating to companies with share capital.

Article 11
is based on Articles 19 and 23 of Directive 78/855/EEC, which already coordinate the effects of a domestic merger for public limited liability companies.

Article 12
is based on Article 29 of Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001, according to which, after the date on which a cross-border merger takes effect, it is no longer possible to declare the merger null and void, the aim being to ensure absolute certainty for all third parties affected by the merger in the various Member States concerned. It would be highly dangerous for third parties subject to the laws of different Member States to be faced with the nullity of an operation after all the checks in each Member State had been carried out conclusively.

Article 13
seeks to simplify the cross-border merger procedure in the case of a merger between two companies where the acquiring company already holds all or most of the shares or other securities of the company being acquired that confer the right to vote at the latter's general meetings. In such cases, a number of steps can in fact be dispensed with.

Article 14
deals with the participation of employees in the company created by a cross-border merger where the protection of acquired rights of participation is put at risk by the merger.

Article 14 is relevant only in a situation where one of the merging companies has a participation regime, be it compulsory or voluntary and the law of the Member State where the company created by merger is to be incorporated does not impose compulsory employee participation. In all other cases, the national law applicable to the company created by merger determines the rules on employees' involvement. Article 14 reflects the balance already found in the context of the European Company Statute, in particular the negotiation procedure which should enable the interested parties to negotiate an appropriate regime to be applied for employee participation. For this purpose, article 14 incorporates by reference the provisions of Directive 2001/86/EC and Part 3 of the Annex which are specifically relevant to mergers.

Accordingly, it is only if the merging companies fail to reach a negotiated solution, that the participation system which best protects the acquired rights of the workers and which already exists in one of the merging companies is extended to the company created by merger.

Articles 15 and 16
contain the usual final provisions concerning implementation, entry into force and the addressees of the Directive.

11 OJ L 295, 20.10.1978, p. 36.
12 OJ L 65, 14.3.1968, p. 8.



Proposal for a


on cross-border mergers of companies with share capital


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 44(1) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,1

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee,2

Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions,3

Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty,

  1. The need for cooperation and consolidation between companies from different Member States and the difficulties encountered, at the legislative and administrative levels, by cross-border mergers of companies in the Community make it necessary, with a view to the completion and functioning of the single market, to lay down Community provisions to facilitate the carrying-out of cross-border mergers between various types of company with share capital governed by the laws of different Member States.
  2. The above-mentioned objectives cannot be sufficiently attained by the Member States in so far they involve laying down rules with common features applicable at transnational level; owing to the scale and impact of the proposed action, they can therefore best be achieved at Community level, it being possible for the Community to take measures in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity laid down in Article 5 of the Treaty. In accordance with the principle of proportionality as set forth in that article, this Directive does not go beyond what is necessary to achieve those objectives.
  3. In order to facilitate cross-border merger operations, it should be laid down that, unless this Directive provides otherwise, each company taking part in a merger, and each third party concerned, remains subject to the provisions of national law by which the company is governed, being those provisions which are applicable in the event of a merger with other companies governed by the same law.
  4. The common draft terms of cross-border merger must be drawn up in the same terms for each of the companies concerned in the various Member States. The minimum content of such common draft terms should therefore be specified, while leaving the companies free to agree on other items.
  5. In order to protect the interests of members and others, both the draft terms of merger and the completion of the merger must be publicised for each merging company via an entry in the appropriate public register.
  6. The laws of all the Member States provide for the drawing-up of a report on the draft terms of merger by one or more experts on behalf of each of the companies that are merging at national level. In order to limit experts' costs connected with cross-border mergers, provision should be made for the possibility of drawing up a single report intended for all members of companies taking part in a cross-border merger operation. The common draft terms of cross-border merger must be approved by the general meeting of each of these companies.
  7. In order to facilitate cross-border merger operations, it should be provided that monitoring of the completion and legality of the decision-making process in each merging company should be carried out by the national authority having jurisdiction over each of those companies, whereas monitoring of the completion and legality of the merger should be carried out by the national authority having jurisdiction over the company created by the merger. The latter authority may be a court, a notary or any other competent authority appointed by the Member State concerned. The national law determining the date on which the merger takes effect - this being the law to which the company created by the merger is subject - should also be specified.
  8. In order to protect the interests of members and others, the legal effects of the cross-border merger - distinguishing according to whether the company created by the merger is an acquiring company or a new company - should be specified. In the interests of legal certainty, it should no longer be possible, after the date on which a cross-border merger takes effect, to declare the merger null and void.
  9. This Directive is without prejudice to the application of the legislation on the control of concentrations between undertakings, both at the Community level4 and at the level of Member States.
  10. Employees' rights other than rights of participation should remain subject to the national provisions referred to in Council Directive 98/59/EC of 20 July 1998 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to collective redundancies,5 Council Directive 2001/23/EC of 12 March 2001 on the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings,6 Directive 2002/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2002 establishing a general framework for informing and consulting employees in the European Community7 and Council Directive 94/45/EC of 22 September 1994 on the establishment of a European Works Council or a procedure in Community-scale undertakings and Community-scale groups of undertakings for the purposes of informing and consulting employees.8
  11. If at least one of the companies taking part in the cross-border merger is operating under a participation system and if the national law of the Member State in which the registered office of the company created by the merger is situated does not impose compulsory employee participation on that company, the participation of employees in the company created by the cross-border merger and their involvement in the definition of such rights must be regulated. To that end, the principles and procedures provided for in Council Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001 of 8 October 2001 on the Statute for a European company9 and in Council Directive 2001/86/EC of 8 October 2001 supplementing the Statute for a European company10 should be taken as a basis,

1 OJ C ['], ['], p. ['].
2 OJ C ['], ['], p. ['].
3 OJ C ['], ['], p. ['].
4 Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 on the control of concentrations between undertakings, OJ L 395, 30.12.1989, p.1; corrected version OJ L 257, 21.9.1990, p. 13, Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1310/97, OJ L 180, 9.7.1997, p.1; corrigendum in OJ L 40, 13.2.1998, p. 17.
5 OJ L 225, 12.8.1998, p. 16.
6 OJ L 61, 5.3.1977, p. 26.
7 OJ L 80, 23.3.2002, p.29.
8 OJ L 254, 30.9.1994, p. 64; Directive amended by Directive 97/74/EC (OJ L 10, 16.1.1998, p.22).
9 OJ L 294, 10.11.2001, p. 1.
10 OJ L 294, 10.11.2001, p.22.




Article 1

For the purposes of this Directive:

- "merger" means an operation whereby:

(a) one or more companies, on being dissolved without going into liquidation, transfer all their assets and liabilities to another existing company - the acquiring company - in exchange for the issue to their shareholders of securities or shares respresenting the capital of that other company and, if applicable, a cash payment not exceeding 10% of the nominal value, or, in the absence of a nominal value, of the accounting par value of those securities or shares; or

(b) two or more companies, on being dissolved without going into liquidation, transfer all their assets and liabilities to a company that they form - the new company - in exchange for the issue to their shareholders of securities or shares representing the capital of that new company and, if applicable, a cash payment not exceeding 10% of the nominal value, or in the absence of a nominal value, of the accounting par value of those securities or shares; or

(c) a company, on being dissolved without going into liquidation, transfers all its assets and liabilities to the company holding all the securities or shares representing its capital;

- "cross-border merger" means a merger within the meaning of the first indent which involves companies with share capital formed in accordance with the law of a Member State and having their registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the Community, provided at least two of them are governed by the laws of different Member States;

- "company with share capital" means a company having legal personality, possessing separate assets which alone serve to cover its debts and subject under the national law governing it to conditions concerning guarantees such as are provided for by Council Directive 68/151/EEC11 for the protection of the interests of members and others.

11 OJ L 65, 14.3.1968, p. 8.


Article 2

Save as otherwise provided in this Directive, each company taking part in a cross-border merger shall be governed, as far as the merger formalities are concerned, by the provisions of national law to which it is subject that apply to mergers of this type of company with other companies with share capital subject to the same national law. The said provisions shall include those concerning the decision-making process relating to the merger and the protection of creditors, debenture holders and the holders of securities other than shares to which special rights are attached, as well as of employees as regards rights other than those governed by Article 14.


Article 3

  • The Member States shall provide that each management or administrative organ of each of the merging companies must draw up common draft terms of cross-border merger. The common draft terms of cross-border merger shall include the following particulars:

  • (a) the form, name and registered office of the merging companies and those proposed for the company created by the merger;

    (b) the ratio applicable to the exchange of securities or shares representing the company capital and the amount of any compensation;

    (c) the terms for the allotment of securities or shares representing the capital of the company created by the merger;

    (d) the date from which the holding of such securities or shares representing the company capital will entitle the holders to share in profits and any special conditions affecting that entitlement;

    (e) the date from which the transactions of the merging companies will be treated for accounting purposes as being those of the company created by the merger;

    (f) the rights conferred by the company created by the merger on members enjoying special rights or on other holders of securities or shares representing the company capital, or the measures proposed concerning them;

    (g) any special advantages granted to the experts who examine the draft terms of merger or to members of the administrative, management, supervisory or controlling organs of the merging companies;

    (h) the statutes of the company created by the merger;

    (i) information on the procedures by which arrangements for the involvement of employees in the definition of their rights to participation in the company created by the merger are determined pursuant to Article 14.
  • In addition to the items provided for in paragraph 1, the merging companies may, by common accord, include further items in the common draft terms of merger.


    Article 4

    The Member States shall provide that, for each of the merging companies, the following particulars at least must be published, not less than one month before the date of the general meeting referred to in Article 6, in the manner laid down by the law of each Member State in accordance with Article 3 of Directive 68/151/EEC:

    (a) the form, name and registered office of each merging company and those proposed for the company created by the merger;

    (b) the public register in which the documents of each merging company are filed and their identification number in that register;

    (c) an indication, for each of the merging companies, of the arrangements made for the exercise of the rights of creditors and of any minority shareholders of the merging companies and the address at which complete information on those arrangements may be obtained free of charge.


    Article 5

    1. An expert report intended for members and made available not less than one month before the date of the general meeting referred to in Article 6 shall be drawn up for each merging company.

    2. As an alternative to experts operating on behalf of each of the merging companies, one or more independent experts, appointed for that purpose at the joint request of the companies by a judicial or administrative authority in the Member State of one of the merging companies or of the future company, may examine the draft terms of cross-border merger and draw up a single written report to all the shareholders. Depending on the law of each Member State, such experts may be natural persons, legal persons or companies.

    The experts shall be entitled to secure from each of the merging companies all information they consider necessary for the discharge of their duties.


    Article 6

    1. After taking note of the expert report referred to in Article 5, the general meeting of each of the merging companies shall approve the common draft terms of cross-border merger.

    2. The general meeting of each of the merging companies may reserve the right to make implementation of the cross-border merger conditional on express ratification by it of the arrangements decided on with respect to the involvement of employees in the company created by the merger.


    Article 7

    1. Each Member State shall designate the authorities competent to scrutinise the legality of the merger as regards that part of the procedure which concerns each merging company subject to its national law.

    2. In each Member State concerned the competent authorities shall issue to each merging company subject to that State's national law a certificate conclusively attesting to the proper completion of the pre-merger acts and formalities.


    Article 8

    Each Member State shall designate the authorities competent to scrutinise the legality of the merger as regards that part of the procedure which concerns the completion of the merger and, where appropriate, the formation of a new company created by the merger where the company created by the merger is subject to its national law. The said authorities shall in particular ensure that the merging companies have approved the common draft terms of cross-border merger in the same terms and that arrangements for employee participation have been determined in accordance with Article 14.

    To that end each merging company shall submit to the competent authorities the certificate referred to in Article 7(2) within six months of its issue together with the common draft terms of cross-border merger approved by the general meeting referred to in Article 6.


    Article 9

    The law of the Member State to whose jurisdiction the company created by the merger is subject shall determine the date on which the cross-border merger takes effect. That date must be after the supervision as referred to in Article 8 has been carried out.


    Article 10

    The law of each of the Member States to whose jurisdiction the merging companies were subject shall determine, with respect to the territory of that State, the arrangements for publicising completion of the cross-border merger in the public register in which each of the companies is required to file documents.


    Article 11

    1. A merger carried out as laid down in point (a) of the first indent of Article 1 shall, from the date referred to in Article 9, have the following consequences:

    (a) all the assets and liabilities of each company being acquired are transferred, by way of universal succession, to the acquiring company;

    (b) the shareholders of the company being acquired become shareholders of the acquiring company;

    (c) the company being acquired ceases to exist.

    2. A merger carried out as laid down in point (b) of the first indent of Article 1 shall, from the date referred to in Article 9, have the following consequences:

    (a) all the assets and liabilities of the merging companies are transferred, by way of universal succession, to the new company;

    (b) the shareholders of the merging companies become shareholders of the new company;

    (c) the merging companies cease to exist.

    3. Where, in the case of a merger of companies covered by this Directive, the laws of the Member States require the completion of special formalities before the transfer of certain assets, rights and obligations by the merging companies becomes effective against third parties, those formalities shall be carried out by the company created by the merger.


    Article 12

    A cross-border merger which has taken effect as provided for in Article 9 may not be declared null and void.


    Article 13

    1. Where a cross-border merger by acquisition is carried out by a company which holds all the shares and other securities conferring the right to vote at general meetings of the company being acquired, Articles 3(1)(b) and (c), 5 and 11(1)(b) shall not apply.

    2. Where a merger by acquisition is carried out by a company which holds 90% or more but not all of the shares and other securities conferring the right to vote at general meetings of another company, reports by the management or administrative body, reports by an independent expert or experts and the documents necessary for scrutiny shall be required only to the extent that the national law governing either the acquiring company or the company being acquired so requires.


    Article 14

    Where at least one of the merging companies is operating under an employee participation system and where the national law applicable to the company created by the merger does not impose compulsory employee participation, the participation of employees in the company created by the merger and their involvement in the definition of such rights shall be regulated by the Member States in accordance with the principles and procedures laid down in Article 12(2), (3) and (4) of Regulation (EC) No 2157/2001 and the following provisions of Directive 2001/86/EC:

    (a) Article 3(1), (2) and (3), (4) first subparagraph, first indent, and second subparagraph, (5),

    (6) first and second subparagraphs and (7);

    (b) Article 4(1),(2), point (g), and (3);

    (c) Article 5;

    (d) Article 6;

    (e) Article 7(1), (2) first subparagraph, point (b), and second subparagraph, and (3);

    (f) Articles 8 to 12;

    (g) Part 3 of the Annex.


    Article 15

    Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive within eighteen months of its publication. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof and communicate a table of equivalence between those provisions and this Directive.

    When Member States adopt such measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference at the time of their official publication. The procedure for such a reference shall be adopted by Member States.

    This Directive shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.


    Article 16

    This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

    Done at Brussels, [']

    For the European Parliament
    The President

    For the Council
    The President

    ›››Archivio notizie
    La gestione del Container Terminal 2 del porto di Dar es Salaam passa ufficialmente ad Adani Ports
    Ahmedabad/Abu Dhabi
    Una joint venture controllata dall'azienda indiana acquisisce il 95% della Tanzania International Container Terminal Services
    FEPORT, necessarie misure per mitigare l'impatto sui porti europei dell'inclusione dello shipping nell'EU ETS
    Bonz: essenziale che l'UE preveda un adeguamento della propria legislazione che danneggia la competitività
    Rail Cargo Group compra la compagnia ferroviaria olandese Captrain Netherlands
    Ha una flotta di sette locomotive impiegate nei servizi di manovra e di ultimo miglio
    Sessanta chili di cocaina sequestrati nel porto di Livorno
    Erano occultati in un container con un carico di banane
    Nel primo trimestre di quest'anno il traffico delle merci nei porti marocchini è aumentato del +13,3%
    A Tanger Med la crescita è stata del +14,9%
    Hannibal incrementa la frequenza dei collegamenti ferroviari con il porto della Spezia
    Aumento del +50% delle rotazioni con i terminal di Melzo, Marzaglia e Padova
    Per la gestione del nuovo porto georgiano di Anaklia sono state selezionate due società cinesi che non gestiscono porti
    Per la gestione del nuovo porto georgiano di Anaklia sono state selezionate due società cinesi che non gestiscono porti
    Le aziende ingegneristiche CCCC e CHEC costruiscono infrastrutture portuali. La società terminalista TiL rinuncia a presentare una proposta
    Il gruppo crocieristico Viking Holdings ha chiuso il primo trimestre 2024 con una perdita netta di -493,9 milioni di dollari
    Los Angeles
    Ricavi in crescita del +14,2%
    Bancarotta CIN, Onorato e i figli chiedono il patteggiamento
    Calo trimestrale delle merci nei porti di La Spezia e Marina di Carrara
    La Spezia
    Nei primi tre mesi del 2024 il traffico containerizzato nello scalo spezzino è aumentato del +10,8%
    Nel primo trimestre del 2024 il traffico delle merci nel porto di Napoli è cresciuto del +1,3%, mentre a Salerno è calato del -2,0%
    Nel primo trimestre del 2024 l'export di merci del G20 ha segnato una variazione congiunturale del +1,9%
    Nel primo trimestre del 2024 l'export di merci del G20 ha segnato una variazione congiunturale del +1,9%
    Importazioni in diminuzione del -0,2%
    Ad aprile il traffico delle merci nei porti marittimi cinesi è cresciuto del +2,7%
    I soli volumi di carichi da e per l'estero sono aumentati del +8,2%
    Il governo cipriota ha revocato la concessione per la gestione e lo sviluppo del porto di Larnaca
    Progetto del valore di 1,2 miliardi di euro. Attribuita alla Kition la violazione di una clausola del contratto
    Wallenius Wilhelmsen vende il proprio terminal ro-ro di Melbourne alla Australian Amalgamated Terminals
    ABG Sundal Collier ritiene equa l'offerta di MSC per l'acquisizione della Gram Car Carriers
    La proposta è supportata dal Cda della compagnia norvegese
    Boluda Towage comprerà la società britannica di rimorchio SMS Towage
    L'operazione includerà la flotta di 20 mezzi navali
    Assegnato a Fincantieri Marinette Marine il contratto per la quinta e sesta fregata della classe “Constellation”
    Rotterdam rischia di perdere il ruolo di principale hub di bunkeraggio europeo a favore di Tanger Med
    Rotterdam rischia di perdere il ruolo di principale hub di bunkeraggio europeo a favore di Tanger Med
    Le nuove norme dell'UE sui fuel navali potrebbero indurre le navi che percorrono la rotta Asia-Europa a rifornirsi in Marocco
    MOL installerà una vela rigida telescopica su una seconda nave carboniera
    Il sistema ha consentito di ridurre il consumo giornaliero di carburante sino al 17%
    Restrizioni al traffico marittimo nei canali di Panama e Suez e negli Stretti Turchi potrebbero ridurre di 34 miliardi di dollari il Pil mondiale
    Studio guidato dal Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
    L'austriaca Rail Cargo Group e la serba Transfera costituiscono una joint venture
    Svilupperà soluzioni logistiche intermodali in Serbia e nell'area dei Balcani occidentali
    Nel primo trimestre del 2024 in Italia il traffico cargo aereo è aumentato del +16,8%
    Albertini (Anama): fondamentale per l'Italia attrarre quel 30% di merce che oggi perdiamo a favore degli altri aeroporti europei
    DSV, Maersk e MSC tra i pretendenti all'acquisizione di DB Schenker
    New York
    Offerta anche da un consorzio guidato da CVC Capital Partners e Carlyle
    I porti spagnoli stanno beneficiando degli effetti della crisi nel Mar Rosso
    Nel primo quadrimestre di quest'anno i container in trasbordo sono aumentati del +18,6%
    Conftrasporto evidenzia sette temi da affrontare in sede UE per rilanciare logistica e trasporti
    Fincantieri crea una società in Arabia Saudita
    Folgiero: l'obiettivo è di dar vita ad una partnership strategica per lo sviluppo della cantieristica navale nel Paese
    COSCO prevede un 2024 positivo per il settore dei container
    Attesa una prosecuzione del trend di crescita in atto sia per il trasporto marittimo che per la produzione di contenitori
    Ad aprile il traffico dei container nel porto di Algeciras è cresciuto del +0,7%
    Più accentuato l'aumento (+7,4%) dei soli container in trasbordo estero su estero
    Netto miglioramento delle performance operative ed economiche della ZIM nel primo trimestre
    Netto miglioramento delle performance operative ed economiche della ZIM nel primo trimestre
    Crescita particolarmente sostenuta nei mercati dei servizi nel Pacifico e con l'America Latina
    Nei prossimi 12 mesi il valore dei noli nello shipping containerizzato potrebbe scendere ai minimi storici
    Danish Ship Finance ritiene che gli effetti dell'eccesso di stiva diverranno predominanti
    A marzo il traffico delle merci nel porto di Genova è calato del -3,9% e nello scalo di Savona-Vado del -24,2%
    A marzo il traffico delle merci nel porto di Genova è calato del -3,9% e nello scalo di Savona-Vado del -24,2%
    Nel capoluogo ligure record dei crocieristi relativo al primo trimestre dell'anno
    Ad aprile il traffico delle merci nei porti russi è diminuito del -8%
    San Pietroburgo
    Nel primo quadrimestre del 2024 sono state 288,4 milioni di tonnellate di carichi (-4,3%)
    Ordine a Fincantieri ed EDGE per la costruzione di dieci pattugliatori d'altura
    Abu Dhabi/Trieste
    Le due aziende hanno formalizzato la creazione della joint venture Maestral
    Nei primi tre mesi del 2024 i ricavi della CMA CGM sono calati del -7,0%
    Nei primi tre mesi del 2024 i ricavi della CMA CGM sono calati del -7,0%
    Flessione del -11,3$ del solo volume d'affari dello shipping
    Nel 2023 le spedizioni di trasporto combinato in Europa sono diminuite del -10,6%
    Numerose le cause della performance annuale deludente evidenziate dai soci della UIRR
    Lo scorso mese il traffico dei container nel porto di Valencia è stato pari a 457mila teu (+14,2%)
    Nei primi quattro mesi di quest'anno il totale è stato di 1,7 milioni di teu (+12,8%)
    Nuovi dazi degli USA sulle importazioni dalla Cina che colpiscono anche le gru ship-to-shore
    Protesta dell'associazione dell'industria siderurgica cinese
    Nel porto di Amburgo tiene il traffico containerizzato mentre calano le rinfuse
    Nei primi tre mesi del 2024 lo scalo tedesco ha movimentato 27,4 milioni di tonnellate di merci (-3,3%)
    SEA Europe e industriAll Europe sollecitano una strategia dell'UE per l'industria navale europea
    Tra le richieste, l'introduzione del requisito “Made in Europe” negli appalti pubblici
    Le associazioni della logistica esortano gli operatori ad essere pronti alla terza fase dell'ICS2
    Riguarda le merci importante nell'Unione Europea per via marittima
    Marco Verzari è il nuovo segretario generale della Uiltrasporti
    Subentra al dimissionario Tarlazzi
    La Svizzera aumenta gli investimenti per l'esercizio e il rinnovo della rete ferroviaria
    Previsti contributi d'investimento a favore di impianti privati
    Le locomotive con tecnologia Ultimo Miglio di Mercitalia Logistics in servizio a Gioia Tauro
    Gioia Tauro
    Utilizzate per trasportare autovetture dalla Campania al porto calabrese
    La società terminalista SSA Marine crea una divisione per le crociere
    È guidata da Stefano Borzone, manager con esperienza nel settore
    Nei primi tre mesi del 2024 il traffico dei container nei terminal di HHLA è aumentato del +3,4%
    Ricavi stabili
    Prosegue il trend negativo delle performance economiche della Hapag-Lloyd
    Prosegue il trend negativo delle performance economiche della Hapag-Lloyd
    Nel primo trimestre del 2024 i ricavi sono diminuiti del -24,2%. Noli in calo -32,0% e carichi trasportati dalla flotta in crescita del +6,9%
    Bruxelles dà ragione all'Italia che chiede all'Austria di rimuovere le restrizioni al trasporto stradale di merci al Brennero
    Il governo tirolese annuncia che è pronto a battersi dinanzi alla Corte di Giustizia dell'UE
    Nel primo trimestre del 2024 il traffico navale nel canale di Suez è crollato del -42,9%
    Nel primo trimestre del 2024 il traffico navale nel canale di Suez è crollato del -42,9%
    A marzo la riduzione è stata del -49,1%
    Parte dell'area ex Tubimar del porto di Ancona sarà riservata allo sviluppo della cantieristica nautica
    Approvato un atto di indirizzo
    Domani La Méridionale inaugurerà il servizio traghetto Livorno-Île-Rousse
    Previste tre partenze settimanali
    Il primo luglio Maersk introdurrà una Fossil Fuel Fee
    Il nuovo soprannolo sostituirà gradualmente il Bunker Adjustment Factor e il Low Sulphur Surcharge
    Fit Cisl, necessario garantire la piena operatività del Comitato di gestione dell'AdSP della Liguria Occidentale
    Bilog, le imprese affiancano l'AdSP della Liguria Orientale e il Comune di Piacenza
    La Spezia
    Vittorio Torbianelli è stato nominato commissario straordinario dell'AdSP del Mare Adriatico Orientale
    Fratelli Cosulich, nuova nave cisterna bunker chimica IMO2
    È la prima della flotta pronta a trasportare metanolo
    COSCO realizzerà l'upgrade a dual-fuel di quattro nuove portacontainer da oltre 16.000 teu
    Rinnovato il Cda di Interporto Padova
    Luciano Greco è il nuovo presidente
    Le imprese dell'autotrasporto che operano con il porto di Genova introducono una “congestion fee”
    A Venezia è stata istituita l'Accademia della Logistica e del Mare
    È frutto della collaborazione tra ITS Marco Polo Academy, Vemars e CFLI
    Siglato il contratto per l'elettrificazione delle banchine del porto di Termoli
    In programma opere del valore complessivo di circa 4,5 milioni di euro
    Flessione delle performance finanziarie trimestrali di Danaos e MPCC
    Le due società hanno flotte rispettivamente di 69 e 56 navi portacontenitori
    Da luglio diventerà attivo il Port Community System del porto di Palermo
    Consente la gestione del traffico delle navi, dei mezzi e delle merci nello scalo
    Hupac ha chiuso l'esercizio 2023 con una perdita netta di -6,2 milioni di franchi
    Prossimo aumento della frequenza dei servizi intermodali sul corridoio Benelux-Italia
    RINA presenta un piano di crescita che potrebbe includere ulteriori acquisizioni
    Nel 2023 ricavi in crescita del +10%. Stabili i nuovi ordini nel primo trimestre di quest'anno
    Supporto di Banco BPM, UniCredit e SACE per l'attuazione di interventi nei porti di Napoli e Salerno
    Advance Payment Bond di 36 milioni di euro a R.C.M. Costruzioni
    Arrivato a Genova il primo dei cassoni della nuova diga foranea
    È stato posato a -25 metri di profondità
    Missione di Spediporto in Cina per promuovere lo sviluppo del cargo aereo a Genova
    Tappe ad Hong Kong, Shenzhen e Guangzhou
    Pianificazione dello spazio marittimo, l'Italia deferita alla Corte di Giustizia dell'UE
    Bruxelles denuncia la mancata elaborazione e comunicazione dei piani di gestione
    A La Spezia si auspica l'istituzione di una Facoltà di economia dei trasporti e logistica
    La Spezia
    Pisano: il comparto è alla costante ricerca di professionalità adeguate
    Martedì a Livorno si terrà il convegno “Il Treno Merci nei Porti”
    FerMerci promuove un confronto tra istituzioni e operatori del trasporto ferroviario merci nei porti
    Protocollo di intesa siglato da ALIS e Assiterminal
    Sviluppo congiunto di temi strategici per le imprese ed i lavoratori dei settori di riferimento
    Svizzera, rincaro del +2,1% delle tariffe delle tracce ferroviarie
    I costi per il traffico merci aumenteranno di circa sei milioni di franchi all'anno
    Il noleggiatore di portacontainer Euroseas ritiene positive le prospettive del proprio segmento di mercato
    Visual Sailing List
    Porto di partenza
    Porto di destinazione:
    - per ordine alfabetico
    - per nazione
    - per zona geografica
    CargoBeamer si assicura finanziamenti per 140 milioni di euro da parte di investitori pubblici e privati
    Rinnovato il direttivo di SOS LOGistica
    Daniele Testi è stato confermato alla presidenza
    Nuovo maxi sequestro di droga nel porto di Civitavecchia
    Intercettato un carico di marijuana di oltre 442 chilogrammi
    Mercitalia Shunting & Terminal dotata di nuove locomotive per la manovra ferroviaria
    Si tratta di locomotori DE 18 prodotti da Vossloh Rolling Stock
    Saipem si aggiudica contratti in Angola per complessivi 3,7 miliardi di dollari
    Sono stati aggiudicati da una società controllata da TotalEnergies
    Ad aprile il traffico dei container nel porto di Los Angeles è cresciuto del +11,9%
    Los Angeles
    Nel primo quadrimestre del 2024 l'aumento è stato del +24,8%
    FERCAM sbarca sul mercato indiano
    Aperta una filiale a New Delhi. La presenza sarà estesa a Mumbai, Calcutta, e Chennai
    Fincantieri vara un'unità di supporto logistico a Castellammare di Stabia
    È la seconda LSS costruita per la Marina Militare Italiana
    Ferretti inaugura il rinnovato cantiere nautico di La Spezia
    La Spezia
    Lo stabilimento ligure è dedicato alla produzione degli yacht Riva
    Positivo primo trimestre per Global Ship Lease
    Ricavi in crescita del +12,7%
    Avviato da Interporto Padova il servizio intermodale di Trans Italia con l'Interporto di Livorno Guasticce
    Inizialmente prevede due circolazioni settimanali
    Operativo il nuovo gate automatizzato al Reefer Terminal di Vado Ligure
    Vado Ligure
    Gli autotrasportatori possono svolgere le attività di carico e scarico senza scendere dal veicolo
    Lo scorso mese il traffico dei container nel porto di Hong Kong è diminuito del -10,2%
    Hong Kong
    Nel primo quadrimestre movimentati 4,5 milioni di teu (-4,7%)
    DP World inaugura nuove infrastrutture portuali e logistiche in Romania
    Nuovi terminal nel porto di Costanza destinati al project cargo e ai rotabili
    Ad aprile è proseguita la crescita del traffico dei container nel porto di Long Beach
    Long Beach
    Nel primo quadrimestre del 2024 l'incremento è stato del +15,8%
    Uniport Livorno acquista tre nuovi trattori portuali
    La Kalmar li consegnerà nell'ultimo trimestre del 2024
    Saliranno da cinque a sei le rotazioni settimanali del servizio Melzo-Rotterdam di Hannibal
    Incremento della frequenza a partire dal 10 giugno
    Nel 2023 i ricavi di Stazioni Marittime sono aumentati del +18,5%
    Utile netto a 1,7 milioni di euro (+75,5%)
    Nei primi tre mesi del 2024 il traffico delle merci nel porto di Koper è calato del -6,6%
    A marzo la flessione è stata del -3,1%
    Ad aprile il traffico delle merci nel porto di Singapore è cresciuto del +8,8%
    I container sono stati pari a 3,4 milioni di teu (+3,8%)
    Porti italiani:
    Ancona Genova Ravenna
    Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
    Bari La Spezia Savona
    Brindisi Livorno Taranto
    Cagliari Napoli Trapani
    Carrara Palermo Trieste
    Civitavecchia Piombino Venezia
    Interporti italiani: elenco Porti del mondo: mappa
    ArmatoriRiparatori e costruttori navali
    SpedizionieriProvveditori e appaltatori navali
    Agenzie marittimeAutotrasportatori
    Martedì a Livorno si terrà il convegno “Il Treno Merci nei Porti”
    FerMerci promuove un confronto tra istituzioni e operatori del trasporto ferroviario merci nei porti
    L'11 aprile partirà la sesta edizione degli “Italian Port Days”
    Anche quest'anno il progetto è stato diviso in due sessioni: la prima in primavera e la seconda dal 20 settembre al 20 ottobre
    ››› Archivio
    Deutsche Bahn Schenker takes CVC, Maersk, DSV and Bahri into final round, sources sa
    Chabahar Port: US says sanctions possible after India-Iran port deal
    (BBC News)
    ››› Archivio
    FORUM dello Shipping
    e della Logistica
    Relazione del presidente Mario Mattioli
    Roma, 27 ottobre 2023
    ››› Archivio
    Traffico trimestrale dei container in crescita per Eurogate e Contship Italia
    Nei primi tre mesi del 2024 i volumi movimentati sono aumentati rispettivamente del +8,0% e +4,9%
    Meyer Werft ha consegnato a Silversea la nuova nave da crociera di lusso Silver Ray
    Ha una capacità di 728 passeggeri
    Nei primi tre mesi del 2024 i nuovi ordini acquisiti da Fincantieri sono diminuiti del -40,7%
    Stabili i ricavi
    Bando di gara per l'adeguamento strutturale di una banchina del porto di Ancona
    L'importo dell'appalto è di 16,5 milioni di euro
    Gli operatori portuali di La Spezia chiedono un rilancio del porto
    La Spezia
    Sollecitano azioni mirate ed efficaci
    Nel primo trimestre di quest'anno il traffico delle merci nei porti montenegrini è cresciuto del +1,8%
    Il flusso da e per l'Italia è aumentato del +16,2%
    GNV installa un sistema per assicurare la stabilità delle navi
    NAPA Stability, sviluppato dalla finlandese NAPA, è stato esteso ai traghetti
    Deciso calo del -24,9% delle merci nei porti croati nel primo trimestre di quest'anno
    Deciso calo del -24,9% delle merci nei porti croati nel primo trimestre di quest'anno
    I contenitori sono stati pari a 92mila teu (-0,4%)
    Vard costruirà due Commissioning Service Operation Vessel
    Sono destinate ad una società di Taiwan
    In funzione la nuova stazione marittima del porto di Termoli
    Nel 2023 lo scalo molisano ha movimentato oltre 217mila passeggeri (+5%)
    Nuova linea della CTN che collega i porti di La Goulette, Livorno, Salerno e Rades
    Sarà inaugurata il 21 maggio
    Nei primi tre mesi del 2024 i ricavi di Wan Hai Lines sono cresciuti del +8,1%
    Utile netto pari a circa 143 milioni di dollari USA
    Prosegue il trend di crescita del fatturato delle taiwanesi Evergreen e Yang Ming
    Ad aprile è aumentato rispettivamente del +42,4% e +35,3%
    Evergreen ordina 10.000 nuovi container
    Commessa da 32,3 milioni di dollari alla Dong Fang International Container (Hong Kong)
    Vard costruirà una Ocean Energy Construction Vessel per Island Offshore
    Sarà consegnata nel primo trimestre del 2027. Opzione per altre due navi
    La Lombardia tra le regioni più virtuose nel trasporto alimentare
    Oltre il 50% dei veicoli a temperatura controllata è immatricolato nelle classi 5 e 6
    Positive performance economiche trimestrali della Wallenius Wilhelmsen
    Ad Emanuele Grimaldi il 5,12% del capitale della Höegh Autoliners
    Nei primi tre mesi del 2024 il traffico dei container a New York è aumentato del +11,7%
    New York
    A marzo la crescita è stata del +22,1%
    Inaugurata la strada di collegamento con le nuove aree del porto di Piombino
    L'infrastruttura è costata 10,1 milioni di euro
    Primo trimestre dell'anno difficoltoso per Finnlines
    Accentuato incremento dei costi operativi
    Nel 2023 il fatturato della Fercam è diminuito del -6%
    Costituita una società in Lituania
    ICTSI ha registrato performance economiche trimestrali record
    Nel primo trimestre di quest'anno il traffico delle merci nei porti albanesi è aumentato del +3,4%
    I passeggeri sono diminuiti del -1,9%
    Accelerare i tempi per fare del porto della Spezia e del suo retroporto la prima ZFD
    La Spezia
    Lo chiedono agenti marittimi, doganalisti e spedizionieri
    Affidato il servizio di instradamento veicoli e passeggeri nei porti di Olbia e Golfo Aranci
    Sarà gestito dalla romana Italpol Servizi Fiduciari
    Deciso calo del -15,1% delle merci nel porto di Taranto nel primo trimestre
    I carichi allo sbarco sono diminuiti del -21,0% e quelli all'imbarco del -8,7%
    Quest'anno il forum nazionale per il trasporto ferroviario delle merci Mercintreno si terrà a Padova
    Si svolgerà nell'ambito di Green Logistics Expo
    Inaugurata a Safaga, in Egitto, una fabbrica per la costruzione di rimorchiatori
    Dieci unità navali saranno realizzate per la Suez Canal Authority
    - Via Raffaele Paolucci 17r/19r - 16129 Genova - ITALIA
    tel.: 010.2462122, fax: 010.2516768, e-mail
    Partita iva: 03532950106
    Registrazione Stampa 33/96 Tribunale di Genova
    Direttore responsabile Bruno Bellio
    Vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, senza l'esplicito consenso dell'editore
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