testata inforMARE
02 June 2024 - Year XXVIII
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
12:10 GMT+2
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Port of Naples, the ANCIP asks the respect for the rules on the job and the AdSP retort confirming the contest for the allocation of article 17
Precise the harbour agency that only if the contest had to go desert will proceed to the constitution of the agency of administration of temporary harbour job
December 20, 2018

It is outlined to sharpen of the contrast on the issue of the harbour job to Naples between the Authority of Harbour System of the Tyrrhenian Sea Central and the National Association Companies and Harbour Enterprises (ANCIP). This last one has newly recalled the harbour agency, that it administers the ports of Naples and Salerno, to the respect of the regarding rules the harbour job and to the exercise of the vigilance on the harbour job. The Authority of Harbour System has replied confirming the next start of a contest for the allocation in the port of Naples of article 17 of the harbour law, that is the subject authorized to the supply of temporary the harbour job, specifying that the allocation will second happen "the tariff conditions and of productivity that an effective operativity today allows with the CULP of Salerno" and that "the contest will presee the social clause of employment of the current associates of the Company Unica Lavoratori Portuali (CULP) of Naples".

The AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Central has specified moreover that only if the contest had to go desert will be proceeded second to the constitution of the agency of administration of temporary harbour job, that it would be managed by the same harbour agency, "guaranteeing - it has still clarified the authority - continuity of employment to the workers a various previewed institutional order from the law. To continue not to assume decisions - it has emphasized the AdSP - would mean to question the occupational orders and the same future of the flexible job in the port of Naples".

The new remonstrances of the ANCIP on the situation of the job in the port of Naples regard - it has explained the association of the Harbour Companies - "some criticalities in the elaboration of the plan of the organic one of the workers, in particular in the relationship between the persistent demand for professionalizzata flexibility of temporary harbour job (of which the port it seems to need constant) and the demanded increasing the marine carriers to carry out the harbour operations of boarding/disembarkation of own ferries in self-handler regime, that is without to resort to local the harbour enterprises and/or to I use it of the performances of temporary harbour job supplied by the Unica Lavoratori Portuali Company of Naples, in a moment of difficulty of this last due cooperative also to the deficiency of occasions of sufficient job in order to guarantee of the sustainability".

To such purpose the association has anticipated that it will send a note to the AdSP in sight of the next reunions of the advisory organs, document in which the ANCIP it is stopped on the necessity of "respect of the rules of the harbour job and on the requirement, today unavoidable - it has emphasized the association - than the harbour agency effectively exercises own adapted power of vigilance through and continues execution controls on how harbour job; in species, on the respect by the harbour enterprises (terminaliste and) of the dispositions previewed from the enforced regulations and the current national collective bargaining agreement of reference on how and on the limits of I do not use of the workers of such enterprises (hours of extraordinary, laid by compensating, I laid by weeklies magazine, I compute of the salary and wage second the parameters of the ccnl, etc); on the phenomenon - prohibited from the law but, unfortunately, frequent - of the exchange of labor between harbour enterprises".

"The violation of these rules - it has denounced the ANCIP - generates an unjust competitive stortura between the same enterprises (penalizing those most vituous ones) and constitutes an illegitimate obstacle to the employment of the workers available of the CULP as well as a damage to the deriving state treasury from the increase of the expenses for the greater inevitable rerun to the institute of the ndemnity of lacked starter by the same CULP".

The ANCIP will ask therefore the AdSP the intensification for such controls, "also - it has specified the association - with the support of the labor organizations, in order to achieve turned out appreciable against dynamics that they end in order to penalize the harbour workers generally".

About the authorization to the harbour operations in self-handler by the marine carriers, the ANCIP has restated "that such tightening authorization must be subordinate to the verification by the AdSP of the possession of and specifies requisitioned established from the law, in particular the presence of staff quantitatively and professionally adapted to the activities to carry out". "The self-handler, therefore - it has evidenced the association - cannot be used as a weapon kind in order to force the harbour enterprises or premises CULP to practice to rates more lowlands, above all if it is considered that the minimal rates for the supply of temporary harbour job by the CULP are established by the same AdSP in the respect of sanctioned binding parameters from the law (costs of labor on the base of the Ccnl of the harbour workers and operating costs for the execution of the activity)".

Also relatively to the self-handler the association has recalled the importance of the activity of vigilance of the competent agencies "that - it has found the ANCIP - they must constantly verify in dock and on board of the ships the respect of the rules by the marine carrier (in terms of adequacy of means, of amount/quality of the staff used for the execution of the harbour operations) also on the phenomenon of the execution of harbour operations of derizzaggio carried out from the staff of edge in the phase of entrance in port". "It also must avoid - it has emphasized the association - than the self-handler ends in order to disguise a real former authorization art.16 of the shipowner to the exercise of the harbour operations, whose release, but, is subordinated to various procedures and still more rigid regarding the self-handler".

The ANCIP has concluded wishing that "the AdSP wants to assume the responsibility to start all the necessary and previewed initiatives from the law for adequately protecting the harbour job in reconcilable way with the operating requirements and of flexibility of the harbour enterprises and the marine carriers, also in the interest of the CULP, that it is held for law to respect specific operating and tariff constraints and that cannot reasonably pay the negative consequences of a situation caused from the lacked respect the basic rules of the harbour job and from the deficiency of an adequate and constant activity of vigilance by the harbour agencies on the harbour job. In such sense - it has observed the association - the predisposition by the AdSP of the plan of the organic one of the harbour workers and the relative measures of participation can indeed represent an important starting point, in the interest of all the harbour section, in order to avoid happening of serious irregularities that penalize all the field".

Slowly of the organic of the harbour workers and consequent operating program that gives to part its Authority of Harbour System has restated to be defined with the attempt "to safeguard the role and the perspectives of the flexible job in the port of Naples, in the full respect than it previews article 17 of the harbour law". "The crisis of the CULP of Naples, than does not succeed to saturate own productive ability and that it anticipate a condition of lacked economic sustainability with budgets in heavy loss from various years - it has explained the harbour agency - demands decided actions to safeguard of the places of work and for the sustainability of the flexible employment of labor". From here - the authority has restated - the decision shortly launch a contest for the allocation of article 17 in the port of Naples.
›››News file
The management of the Container Terminal 2 of the port of Dar es Salaam officially passes to Adani Ports
Ahmedabad / Abu Dhabi
A joint venture controlled by the Indian firm acquires 95% percent of Tanzania International Container Terminal Services
FEPORT, necessary measures to mitigate the impact on European ports of inclusion of shipping in EU ETS
Bonz : essential that the EU provides for an adjustment of its own legislation that damages competitiveness
Rail Cargo Group buys Dutch railway company Captrain Netherlands
It has a fleet of seven locomotives employed in maneuvering and last-mile services
Sixty kilos of cocaine seized in the port of Livorno
They were concealed in a container with a load of bananas
In the first quarter of this year, the traffic of goods in Moroccan ports increased by 13.3%
Rabat / Tangiers
A Tanger Med the growth was 14.9%
Hannibal boosts the frequency of rail links with the port of Spezia
50% increase in rotations with the terminals of Melzo, Marzaglia and Padua
Two Chinese companies have been selected for the management of the new Georgian port of Anaklia that do not operate ports.
Two Chinese companies have been selected for the management of the new Georgian port of Anaklia that do not operate ports.
The CCCC and CHEC engineering firms build port infrastructure. TiL terminalist company waives to submit a proposal
The cruise group Viking Holdings closed the first quarter 2024 with a net loss of -493.9 million
Los Angeles
Revenue in growth of 14.2%
Bankrupt CIN, Honorary and children ask for plea deal
Quarterly decline in goods at ports of La Spezia and Marina di Carrara
The Spezia
In the first three months of 2024, containerized traffic in the stopover has increased by 10.8% percent.
In the first quarter of 2024, freight traffic in the port of Naples grew 1.3% percent, while in Salerno it fell by -2.0% percent.
In the first quarter of 2024, the export of G20 goods marked a conjunctural change of 1.9%
In the first quarter of 2024, the export of G20 goods marked a conjunctural change of 1.9%
Imports in decrease of -0.2%
In April, freight traffic in Chinese seaports grew by 2.7% percent
The only volumes of cargo to and from overseas have increased by 8.2%
The Cypriot government has revoked the concession for the management and development of the port of Larnaca
Project worth 1.2 billion euros. Attributed to the Kition the violation of a clause in the contract
Wallenius Wilhelmsen sells his own ro-ro terminal in Melbourne to Australian Amalgamated Terminals
ABG Sundal Collier considers MSC's offer to be fair for acquisition of Gram Car Carriers
The proposal is supported by the Norwegian Company's CDA
Boluda Towage will buy British truck ride-hopping company SMS Towage
The operation will include the fleet of 20 naval vehicles
Awarded to Fincantieri Marinette Marine the contract for the fifth and sixth frigates of the class "Constellation"
Rotterdam risks losing the role of main European bunkerage hub in favour of Tanger Med
Rotterdam risks losing the role of main European bunkerage hub in favour of Tanger Med
New EU rules on naval fuel could cause ships to run the Asia-Europe route to refuel in Morocco
MOL will install a rigid telescopic sail on a second carbonaceship
The system has been allowed to reduce daily fuel consumption by up to 17% percent.
Restrictions on maritime traffic in the channels of Panama and Suez and in the Turkish Straits could reduce by 34 billion the world's GDP
Study led by the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change
The Austrian Rail Cargo Group and the Serb Transphere constitute a joint venture
Will develop intermodal logistics solutions in Serbia and the Western Balkans area
In the first quarter of 2024, air cargo traffic in Italy increased by 16.8% percent.
Albertini (Anama) : fundamental to Italy attracting that 30% percent of merchandise that we lose today in favour of other European airports
DSV, Maersk and MSC among claimants to acquisition of DB Schenker
New York
Also offered by a consortium led by CVC Capital Partners and Carlyle
Spanish ports are benefitting from the effects of the crisis in the Red Sea
In the first quarter of this year, transshipment containers increased by 18.6% percent.
Conftransport highlights seven topics to be addressed in EU to relaunch logistics and transport
Fincantieri creates a company in Saudi Arabia
"The aim is to create a strategic partnership for the development of shipbuilding in the country," he said.
COSCO expects a positive 2024 for the container sector
Waiting for a continuation of the growth trend in place for both shipping and production of containers
In April, container traffic in the port of Algeciras grew by 0.7% percent
More accentuated the increase (+ 7.4%) of the only containers in foreign transshipment abroad
Sharp improvement in the operational and economic performance of ZIM in the first quarter
Sharp improvement in the operational and economic performance of ZIM in the first quarter
Growth particularly sustained in service markets in the Pacific and Latin America
In the next 12 months the value of noli in containerized shipping could fall to historic lows
Danish Ship Finance believes that the effects of excess stir will become predominant
In March, freight traffic in the port of Genoa fell -3.9% percent and in Savona's airport-I'm going -24.2% percent.
In March, freight traffic in the port of Genoa fell -3.9% percent and in Savona's airport-I'm going -24.2% percent.
In the capital's record capital, the crucierists for the first quarter of the year
In April, freight traffic in Russian ports decreased by -8%
St. Petersburg
In the first quarter of 2024, it was 288.4 million tons of cargo (-4.3%)
Order at Fincantieri and EDGE for the construction of ten altura patrols
Abu Dhabi / Trieste
The two companies have formalized the creation of the joint venture Maestral
In the first three months of 2024, CMA CGM's revenue fell -7.0% percent.
In the first three months of 2024, CMA CGM's revenue fell -7.0% percent.
Decline of -11.3 per cent of the shipping business volume alone
In 2023 combined transport shipments to Europe decreased by -10.6%
Numerous the causes of the disappointing annual performance highlighted by UIRR associates
Last month the container traffic in the port of Valencia amounted to 457mila teu (+ 14.2%)
In the first four months of this year, the total was 1.7 million teu (+ 12.8%)
New US duties on imports from China that also affect ship-to-shore cranes
Washington / Beijing
Protest by the association of the Chinese steel industry
In the port of Hamburg it keeps containerized traffic as they drop the bulk
In the first three months of 2024, the German climber handled 27.4 million tonnes of cargo (-3.3%).
SEA Europe and industriAll Europe solicit an EU strategy for the European shipbuilding industry
Among the demands, the introduction of the "Made in Europe" requirement in public procurement
Logistics associations urge operators to be ready at the third stage of ICS2
Concerns about important goods in the European Union by sea
Marco Verzari is the new secretary general of Uiltransport
Undergoes to the demissary Tarlazzi
Switzerland increases investment for the exercise and renewal of the rail network
Expected investment contributions in favour of private facilities
Locomotives powered by Ultimo Miglio of Mercitalia Logistics in service to Gioia Tauro
Joy Tauro
Used to transport cars from Campania to the Calabrian port
The terminalist company SSA Marine creates a division for cruises
It is led by Stefano Borzone, manager with experience in the industry
In the first three months of 2024, container traffic in HHLA terminals increased by 3.4%
Stable revenues
The negative trend of the economic performance of Hapag-Lloyd continues.
The negative trend of the economic performance of Hapag-Lloyd continues.
In the first quarter of 2024, revenues fell by -24.2% percent. Noli down -32.0% and cargoes carried by the growing fleet of 6.9%
Brussels gives reason to Italy asking Austria to remove restrictions on road transport of goods to the Brenner
Rome / Vienna
The Tyrolese government announces that it is ready to fight before the EU Court of Justice
In the first quarter of 2024, shipping traffic in the Suez Canal collapsed by -42.9% percent.
In the first quarter of 2024, shipping traffic in the Suez Canal collapsed by -42.9% percent.
In March the reduction was -49.1%
Part of the former Tubimar area of the port of Ancona will be reserved for the development of the nautical shipbuilding industry
Approved an act of address
Tomorrow La Méridionale will inaugurate the Livorno-Île-Rousse ferry service.
Expected three weekly departures
The first July Maersk will introduce a Fossil Fuel Fee
The new superb will gradually replace the Bunker Adjustment Factor and the Low Sulphur Surcharge
Fit Cisl, necessary to ensure the full operation of the AdSP Management Committee of Western Liguria
Bilog, the enterprises join the AdSP of the Eastern Liguria and the Municipality of Piacenza
The Spezia
Vittorio Torbianelli has been appointed Extraordinary Commissioner of the AdSP of the East Adriatic Sea
Brothers Cosulich, new tanker bunker chemical bunker IMO2
It is the first in the fleet ready to transport methanol
COSCO will carry out the dual-fuel upgrade of four new container ships from more than 16,000 teu
Renewed the Cda of Interport Padua
Luciano Greco is the new president
Self-transport enterprises operating with the port of Genova introduce a "congestion fee"
In Venice, the Academy of Logistics and the Sea was established
It is the fruit of the collaboration between ITS Marco Polo Academy, Vemars and CFLI
Signed the contract for the electrification of the docks at the port of Termoli
In the programme works of the total value of around 4.5 million euros
Downturn in the quarterly financial performance of Danaos and MPCC
Athens / Oslo
The two companies have fleets of 69 and 56 container ships respectively
From July, the Port Community System of the Port of Palermo will become active.
Allows the management of traffic of ships, means and goods in the stopover
Hupac closed the 2023 financial year with a net loss of -6.2 million francs
Next increase in the frequency of intermodal services on the Benelux-Italy corridor
RINA presents a growth plan that could include further acquisitions
In 2023 revenue growth of 10% percent. Stable new orders in the first quarter of this year
Support from Banco BPM, UniCredit and SACE for the implementation of interventions in the ports of Naples and Salerno
Advance Payment Bond of 36 million euros to R.C.M. Construction
The first of the drawers of the new foranea dam has arrived in Genoa.
It was laid at -25 meters deep
Mission of Spediport in China to promote the development of air cargo in Genoa
Stops in Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou
Planning of the maritime space, Italy referred to the EU Court of Justice
Brussels denounces the lack of processing and communication of management plans
In La Spezia it is hoped the establishment of a Faculty of Transport Economics and Logistics
The Spezia
Pisano : the sector is at the constant search for proper professionalism
On Tuesday in Livorno, the conference will be held "Il Freight Train in the Ports"
FerMerci promotes a confrontation between institutions and operators of freight rail transport in ports
Memorandum of Understanding signed by ALIS and Assiterminal
Joint development of strategic topics for enterprises and workers in the areas of reference
Swiss, 2.1% percent increase in rail tracks tariffs
The costs of freight traffic will increase by about six million francs per year
The Euroseas container charterer deems positive the prospects of its market segment
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
CargoBeamer secures funding for 140 million euros from public and private investors
Renewed the Management of SOS LOGistics
Daniele Texts has been confirmed to the presidency
New maxi seizure of drugs in the port of Civitavecchia
Intercepted a shipment of marijuana of more than 442 kilograms
Mercitalia Shunting & Terminal equipped with new locomotives for rail manoeuvre
These are locomotors DE 18 produced by Vossloh Rolling Stock
Saipem to fix contracts in Angola to total 3.7 billion
They were awarded by a company controlled by TotalEnergies
In April, container traffic in the port of Los Angeles grew by 11.9% percent
Los Angeles
In the first quarter of 2024 the increase was 24.8%
FERCAM bars on the Indian market
Opened a branch in New Delhi. The presence will be extended to Mumbai, Calcutta, and Chennai
Fincantieri vars a logistics support unit in Castellammare di Stabia
It is the second LSS built for the Italian Navy Navy
Ferretti inaugurates the renewed nautical construction site of La Spezia
The Spezia
The ligure establishment is dedicated to the production of the Riva yachts
Positive first quarter for Global Ship Lease
Revenue in growth of 12.7%
Launched by Interporto Padova the intermodal service of Trans Italy with the Interport of Livorno Guasticce
Initially it provides for two weekly circulations
Operating the new automated gate at Reefer Terminal of Going Ligure
Go Ligure
The drivers can carry out the loading and unloading activities without getting off the vehicle
Last month container traffic in the port of Hong Kong decreased by -10.2%
Hong Kong
In the first eventful four-year period 4.5 million teu (-4.7%)
DP World inaugurates new port infrastructure and logistics in Romania
New terminals in the port of Costanza destined for cargo project and rotatable
In April, the growth of container traffic in the port of Long Beach continued.
Long Beach
In the first quarter of 2024, the increase was 15.8% percent.
Uniport Livorno buys three new port tractors
Kalmar will deliver them in the last quarter of 2024
They will rise from five to six the weekly rotations of the Melzo-Rotterdam service of Hannibal
Increase in frequency as of June 10
In 2023, the revenues of Maritime stations increased by 18.5%
Net profit to 1.7 million euros (+ 75.5%)
In the first three months of 2024, freight traffic in the port of Koper fell by -6.6% percent.
In March, the decline was -3.1% percent.
In April, freight traffic in the port of Singapore grew by 8.8%
The containers were equal to 3.4 million teu (+ 3.8%)
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
On Tuesday in Livorno, the conference will be held "Il Freight Train in the Ports"
FerMerci promotes a confrontation between institutions and operators of freight rail transport in ports
On April 11, the sixth edition of the "Italian Port Days" will begin.
Also this year the project has been divided into two sessions : the first in the spring and the second from September 20 to October 20
››› Meetings File
Deutsche Bahn Schenker takes CVC, Maersk, DSV and Bahri into final round, sources sa
Chabahar Port: US says sanctions possible after India-Iran port deal
(BBC News)
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Mario Mattioli
Roma, 27 ottobre 2023
››› File
Quarterly traffic of the growing containers for Eurogate and Contship Italia
In the first three months of 2024 the eventful volumes increased by 8.0% percent and 4.9% percent respectively.
Meyer Werft has delivered to Silversea the new luxury cruise ship Silver Ray
Papenburg / Vienna
It has a capacity of 728 passengers
In the first three months of 2024, new orders acquired by Fincantieri fell by -40.7% percent.
Stable the revenues
Call for tenders for the structural adjustment of a quay of the port of Ancona
The amount of the contract is 16.5 million euros
Port operators in La Spezia call for a relaunch of the port
The Spezia
They solicit targeted and effective actions
In the first quarter of this year, the traffic of goods in Montenegrin ports grew by 1.8% percent
The flow to and from Italy has increased by 16.2%
GNV installs a system to ensure the stability of ships
NAPA Stability, developed by Finnish NAPA, has been extended to ferries
Decided to drop -24.9% percent of goods in Croatian ports in the first quarter of this year
Decided to drop -24.9% percent of goods in Croatian ports in the first quarter of this year
The containers were equal to 92mila teu (-0.4%)
Vard will build two Commissioning Service Operation Vessel
They are intended for a company in Taiwan
The new maritime station of the port of Termoli is running.
In 2023 the Molisan climber handled more than 217mila passengers (+ 5%)
New line of CTN that links the ports of La Goulette, Livorno, Salerno and Rades
Will be inaugurated on May 21
In the first three months of 2024 the revenues of Wan Hai Lines grew by 8.1%
Net profit of approximately 143 million US dollars
The growth trend of Taiwanese Evergreen and Yang Ming is continuing.
Taipei / Keelung
In April, it increased by 42.4% percent and 35.3% percent, respectively.
Evergreen orders 10,000 new containers
Committed 32.3 million to the Dong Fang International Container (Hong Kong)
Vard will build an Ocean Energy Construction Vessel for Island Offshore
It will be delivered in the first quarter of 2027. Option for two more ships
Lombardy among the most virtuous regions in food transport
Over 50% of the controlled temperature vehicles are matriculated in classes 5 and 6
Positive quarterly economic performance by Wallenius Wilhelmsen
Lysaker / Oslo
Ad Emanuele Grimaldi on 5.12% of the capital of the Höegh Autoliners
In the first three months of 2024, container traffic in New York increased by 11.7%
New York
In March, growth was 22.1% percent
Inaugurated the road of connection with the new areas of the port of Piombino
The infrastructure cost 10.1 million euros.
First quarter of the year hardship for Finnlines
Accentuated increase in operating costs
In 2023 the turnover of Fercam decreased by -6%
Established a company in Lithuania
ICTSI recorded record quarterly economic performance
In the first quarter of this year, the traffic of goods in Albanian ports increased by 3.4% percent
Passengers decreased by -1.9%
Speeding up the times to make the port of the Spezia and its retroport the first ZFD
The Spezia
They ask for maritime agents, customs officers and freight forwarders
Air and passenger routing service in the ports of Olbia and Gulf Aranci
It will be managed by the Roman Italpol Fiduciary Services
Decision to drop -15.1% percent of goods in the port of Taranto in the first quarter
The loads at the landing decreased by -21.0% and those at the embarkation of -8.7%
This year the national forum for rail freight transport Mercintrain will be held in Padua
It will take place within the scope of Green Logistics Expo
Inaugurated in Safaga, Egypt, a factory for the construction of tugboats
Ten naval units will be carried out for Suez Canal Authority
- Via Raffaele Paolucci 17r/19r - 16129 Genoa - ITALY
phone: +39.010.2462122, fax: +39.010.2516768, e-mail
VAT number: 03532950106
Press Reg.: nr 33/96 Genoa Court
Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher
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