testata inforMARE
20 septembre 2024 - Année XXVIII
Journal indépendant d'économie et de politique des transports
08:54 GMT+2




"The latest developments in reefer container monitoring technology are investigated by John Bensalhia"

The reefer container market remains on the upswing - a head of the dry van sector - bolstered by a number of influential factors including increasing demand for fresh imported food, continued penetration of non-container chilled cargo markets, bigger demand from the pharmaceuticals sector, new vessel deliveries featuring a high number of reefer slots and continuing technical innovation.

This growth combined with other considerations such as the pursuit of enhanced cargo safety and quality presents a significant area of challenge to container terminal operators.

A challenge which container reefer system suppliers are keen to confront - as is evidenced in the following review by Port Strategy of recent thinking and innovation in the arena of reefer container monitoring.

"Tracking and monitoring reefers is more important than ever," explains Atul Jain of Refrigerated Transport Electronics (RTE). "Container Terminals have the need to be more efficient and have better control of their reefer operations and are looking for solutions to automate processes like temperature monitoring which, without a system in place, is a manual task, allowing technicians to focus on more important assignments," he says.

"Terminals also need to have traceability of the data and operations and it must be available to their customers, elaborates Jain. "The automated acquisition of data that a reefer monitoring system like RTE's GRASPTM provides makes this possible offering accurate temperature reading with alarms, power consumption measurement, plug / unplug event details as well as other key information available through a simple XML interface."

Al Tama, Vice President and General Manager, Container and Port Solutions, ORBCOMM, says that there has been an increase in the number of RFP / RFQ / RFIs in the container terminal space during the last 12 - 24 months. "The container shipping industry, in general, is shifting toward remote container monitoring, particularly for refrigerated and controlled atmosphere equipment."

"Smart containers are absolutely becoming more common as shipping lines deploy remote telemetry solutions of their own. We estimate some 600,000 'connected containers' are in circulation worldwide today. In some cases, shipping lines are monitoring reefer boxes on the terminal remotely from a central control and command centre. Integrating remote monitoring data into terminal operating systems (TOS) and other terminal IT offers a lot of potential benefit for improved operating efficiency and reduced claims," says Mr Tama.

There are more remote monitoring solutions available to the industry and IoT (Internet of Things) adoption continues to grow. "The cost savings that can be achieved with remote monitoring are significant for all concerned," explains Mr Tama.

"That includes the terminal, the shipping line and inspection and service suppliers. The speed with which exceptions and breakdowns can be managed is greatly increased by realtime remote monitoring technology compared with manual checks every four to six hours (or worse). There are safety benefits also, of course, removing terminal and service personnel from the ground and allowing them to monitor containers from a central office instead.

And automated pretrip inspections (PTIs) using IoT tools are becoming more common, saving considerable time and money." Today's digital platforms also allow data to be shared among multiple parties, including the cargo owner / shipper.

"Of course, who gets to see data is at the owner's discretion, but the technology is there for many different players to tap into a 'single version of the truth' with real-time data that doesn't require manual input or intervention."

Clearly, with reefer containers comes plenty of data for ports to pore over, from temperature levels to risks or hazards. See Captain Peter panel.

Refrigerated Transport Electronics (RTE), McGraw, New York, has launched GrAsPPTM, an Android application which is designed for the Reefer shipping industry.

The GrAsPPTM is compatible with the current ecosystem of RTE products. GrAsPPTM can be used as an interface to RTE's current GRASPTM systems or in conjunction with RTE's new RRCE-BT (Remote Reefer Communication Engine - Blue-tooth) device. A low-cost monitoring device compatible with all the reefer manufacturers, it allows monitoring and tracking when combined with GrAsPPTM while the container is in transit.

This new system allows continuous monitoring and tracking at a reasonable price point. GrAsPPTM, along with RRCE-BT, can provide precise data about temperature, controlled atmosphere variables, location, as well as reefer alarms.

"GrAsPPTM brings Reefer monitoring to your fingertips and is one of our most innovative projects to date." says Derrick Hartnett, Project Manager for RTE.

"GrAsPPTM will give users a flexible approach to monitor containers for their needs," adds Donald Vinson, CEO of RTE, who also believes that GrAsPPTM has the potential to be a sustaining innovation for the industry.

Identec's Reefer Runner is also providing customers with a solution that keeps a fresh eye on reefer containers. The remote monitoring and control system addresses every aspect of linking the container with hardware that then relays the required information to the port operator. The device assesses, processes and communicates data to the user. Furthermore, it's a customised system that can suit each customer in terms of monitoring time, at regular intervals, whether in minutes or hours.

The Reefer Runner can considerably reduce labour levels of up to 30% and reduce installation costs because of its wireless monitoring communication.

Lumel SA's Reefer Container energy monitoring solution works along the same kind of principles. The system includes in-built Wi-Fi and / or GSM modules, depending on the customer's choice. Either of these generates wireless communication which then gives the port operator access to both up to the minute and archived information about the energy levels. For the container, a mobile measuring case is provided, made to protect against unwanted dust and water.

Meanwhile, a comprehensive measuring circuit boasts an ND 40 analyser, current transformers and the required protection devices. For ports, today's high level of technology can encompass a wider spread of port size. "The beauty of the technology currently available is that it suits small, mid, and large terminals all the same," concludes Al Tama. "The demand for remote reefer container monitoring truly is diverse. We see customers who already have some level of automation and are trying to fill a gap along with customers who are looking to totally overhaul their operations."

Captain Peter leads the way

Captain Peter is the brainchild of Maersk Line. A piece of virtual technology introduced in 2019, Captain Peter uses modern methods to inform ports of upto- date information concerning reefer container voyages.

It can send a port fresh information via texts or emails regarding container temperatures and atmospheric conditions. Also, Captain Peter provides constant updates on the ship's journey, informing the port in the event of any deviations or delays.

Once the reefer container reaches its destination, Captain Peter will also assess its final state, and send a final update to the port.

This year sees another innovation from Maersk Line, with the launch of its Sekstant Reefer digitalisation service. With production commencing in the first quarter of 2020, Sekstant is designed to ensure that customers do not have to keep a constant eye on reefer containers. The service is tailored to each customer's respective requirements, with notifications sent via the Sekstant gateway as and when the customer wants.

Sekstant can support 2G, 3G and 4G LTE connectivity, with each one of the data streams kept separate from the individual container lines. A basic package deal of 99 cents per container per month gives the customer a GPS location, temperature readings and alarms. There is also the option to expand the basic level package with extra features such as G-Shock recording and remote ITI (Intelligent Trip Inspection) reporting.

Another real-time information tool comes from German container shipping firm Hamburg Süd (part of AP Moller Maersk). It introduced the Remote Container Management System for monitoring reefer container shipments, allowing ports to keep fully up to date with all the necessary information. Aspects including humidity, temperature, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels are constantly updated via the online tool which can be accessed via a computer or a Smartphone, laptop or tablet - a good solution for port operators away from the office.

www.portstrategy.com - 27/02/2020

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La Spezia
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Hong Kong
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Long Beach
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Joy Tauro
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Il est relié aux routes entre l'Asie et les États-Unis via Panama et Suez
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Au deuxième trimestre 2024, le port de Brême / Bremerhaven a traité 15,9 millions de tonnes de fret (+ 9,2%)
Au cours des six premiers mois de l'année, la croissance, tirée par des conteneurs, a été de 9,9%.
Ports Italiens:
Ancône Gênes Ravenne
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerne
Bari La Spezia Savone
Brindisi Livourne Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palerme Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venise
Interports Italiens: liste Ports du Monde: Carte
Armateurs Réparateurs et Constructeurs de Navires
Transitaires Fournisseurs de Navires
Agences Maritimes Transporteurs routiers
La septième édition de "Mer de Suisse" aura lieu à Lugano le 11 octobre à Lugano.
Forum international sur l'axe logistique entre les ports liguri et les marchés de l'Europe centrale
Le 17 juillet, l'assemblée publique d'Assiterminal se tiendra à Rome.
Messine (Assarpowners): avec le renouvellement du Ccnl de l'industrie de l'armateur, des réponses valables aux besoins des travailleurs
››› Archives
Die Rettung der Meyer Werft geht in die entscheidende Phase
Samsung, HMM clash in US over shipping rates
(The Korea Times)
››› Index Revue de la Presse
FORUM des opérateurs maritimes
et de la logistique
Relazione del presidente Nicola Zaccheo
Roma, 18 settembre 2024
››› Archives
MSC Cruciere espère que la concession sera accordée dans les ports de Bari et Brindisi malgré l'avis de rejet de la demande.
La société présentera ses propres contre-déductions à l'AdSP
La pénurie de plantes à repasser à froid dans les ports donne également des indications sur le développement de cargos électriques.
Francfort sur le Main
Document sur l'impact environnemental des piles dans l'océan de marchandises transportées par le CIMAC et le Maritime Battery Forum
Le MOSOLF Port Logistics & Services de l'Allemagne achète un compatriote au groupe
Kirchheim unter Teck / Bremen
La transaction comprendra des sites en Belgique, en Espagne, en Pologne et aux Émirats arabes unis.
Au premier trimestre 2024, elle a repris le trafic dans les ports belges
Augmentation des charges à l'embarquement
Saipem a attribué à l'Arabie saoudite deux contrats d'une valeur d'un milliard de dollars.
En juillet, le trafic marchandises dans les ports de Gênes et Savona-je vais y aller
La baisse du secteur des croisières est particulièrement constante.
Christiania Shipping (groupe Eitzen) va acquérir Navquim Holding
Le Havre
La société néerlandaise possède et exploite une flotte de 13 pétroliers en acier inoxydable
Kongsberg vendra le segment des systèmes gouvernementaux aux sociétés de capital-investissement Norvestor
En 2023, ces actifs ont généré des revenus d'environ 850 millions de couronnes norvégiennes
Oakley Capital cède au Lloyd's Register une participation majoritaire dans Ocean Technologies Group
Londres / Luxembourg
La transaction sera complétée au cours du dernier trimestre de cette année.
Le nouveau terminal de croisière de Fusina, Marghera, a été inauguré.
Cette année, on prévoit une croissance de 9% du trafic des croisières à Venise
Au cours de la première moitié de 2024, le trafic de conteneurs dans les terminaux de CMPort était de 71,8 millions de tonnes
Hong Kong
Enregistré une croissance de 7,9%
Grimaldi a pris livraison du cinquième navire roulier polyvalent de la classe "G5"
Le "Grand Casablanca" sera employé dans les liens entre l'Europe du Nord et l'Afrique de l'Ouest
- Via Raffaele Paolucci 17r/19r - 16129 Gênes - ITALIE
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Numéro de TVA: 03532950106
Presse engistrement: 33/96 Tribunal de Gênes
Direction: Bruno Bellio
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