testata inforMARE
26 de abril de 2024 - Año XXVIII
Periódico independiente sobre economía y política de transporte
07:43 GMT+2




Less than a month into 2020, VLSFO came under attack by environmental groups. In this feature article for the first 2020 issue of World Bunkering, IBIA's Director Unni Einemo examines potential undesirable side-effects of the 0.50% sulphur limit.

Few involved in the bunker and shipping industries will have failed to notice the controversy surrounding the use of very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO) blends to comply with the 0.50% sulphur limit imposed on fuel for ships since the start of 2020. Throughout 2019 debate was raging around the potential safety implications of such fuel, both regarding the inherent quality of new blend recipes and incompatibility risk associated with comingling VLSFOs from different sources onboard ships. Those concerns remain with us but at least they are well understood by now. IBIA, among others, worked hard to provide the supply and shipping industries with the tools to produce, handle and use compliant fuels safely.

But in January 2020, VLSFO came under attack amid claims these blends would cause an increase in emissions of black carbon because they are more aromatic than the high sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) they have been made to replace. If that's true, this will be one of several examples of unintended consequences associated with MARPOL Annex VI, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulation dealing with air emissions from shipping.

The main goal of reducing the sulphur limit for marine fuels to 0.50% sulphur is to improve air quality to reduce shipping's negative impact on human health. Several studies have told us so, and while estimates vary hugely regarding just how many premature deaths will be avoided thanks to the new global low-sulphur regime, the positive impact of the MARPOL Annex VI regulation is not in dispute.

IBIA has for some time, however, been pointing out the "MARPOL Annex VI paradox": almost everything we do to improve air quality has a negative impact on efforts to stem global warming, either directly linked to what happens on ships or indirectly due increasing emissions from other sources to provide ships with cleaner, less polluting fuels. The latter forms part of the debate around lifecycle, or well to emissions of gases that contribute to global warming, such as increased CO2 emissions from refineries to produce lower sulphur fuels and methane slip during the production and distribution of LNG. I'm not going into detail on that here. Suffice it to say it's hard to get a handle on it because numbers presented by various studies vary a lot.

Direct impacts from ships relate to how much CO2 or other greenhouse gases (GHG) they emit. On the positive side, IMO has introduced mandatory energy efficiency measures under MARPOL Annex VI aimed at making ships technically and operationally more efficient, consequently reducing CO2 emissions per tonne of cargo carried by ships. The reduction in the sulphur limit outside emission control areas (ECAs) from 3.50% to 0.50% at the start of 2020 may have a positive side effect because low sulphur fuels cost more, incentivising more efficient ships. Ships using exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS), or scrubbers, however, will emit slightly more CO2 due to the extra energy required to run the scrubber. They may even sail faster and hence burn even more fuel because they can continue to use cheaper high sulphur fuel oil (HSFO). These are among the most obvious direct impacts that few would dispute, although actually quantifying them is less straightforward. There are other, less obvious and even harder to quantify
direct GHG impacts from ships associated with meeting sulphur emission limits. These include methane slip from ships using LNG (which depends on what type of engines and fuel systems they use), how much black carbon they emit, and just how big the impact will be from the huge reduction in shipping's sulphate emissions, which have a cooling effect.

Black carbon - facts or speculation?

The IMO begun concrete work on how to address black carbon (BC) emissions from shipping almost a decade ago. It is not an easy subject and many aspects of it are difficult to understand, including for example how to measure it most effectively and the exact relationship between fuel types and BC emissions. Among the many studies submitted to the IMO on the subject over the years, it has been asserted that fuel type has a significant impact with HSFO generally singled out as the worst offender. It hasn't always been clear-cut however, as some studies pointed to engine load as a bigger factor than the fuel type and the fuel sulphur content, at least when talking about petroleum-based fuels ranging from low sulphur marine gasoil (MGO) to HSFO, and everything in between.

Like all particulate matter resulting from burning stuff, including fuels, BC is bad for human health. It has one other key attribute; it is light-absorbing and therefore BC, or soot in layman's terms, is associated with global warning. Suspended in the atmosphere it warms by absorbing sunlight, while soot deposits make ice and snow melt faster. This is why IMO's work has been focusing on reducing BC emission from shipping in the Arctic, where its impact is most severe. LNG is a clear winner for reducing all PM, including BC, but there's no near-term plan to require ships in the Arctic to stop using oil-based fuels. There is, however, parallel work underway at the IMO to develop measures to reduce risks of use and carriage of heavy fuel oil (HFO) as fuel by ships in Arctic waters. The outcome will likely be a ban on carrying and using HFO in the Arctic, subject to an assessment of the impacts on the region to ensure the positives (reduced pollution risk) outweigh the negatives (increasing cost of shipping activities in the region).

Work relating to BC emissions, and the development of an HFO ban in the Arctic, are both on the agenda at the 7th session of the IMO's Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response in mid-February. Among the papers submitted to PPR 7 is a study which claims new blends of marine fuels with 0.50% sulphur content increase BC emissions by 10% to 85% compared to HFO with a 2.5% sulphur content and by 67% to 145% compared to DMA-grade MGO with 0.1% sulphur. The reason for this increase is that fuels with 0.5% sulphur content used in the study contained a high proportion of aromatic compounds in a range of 70% to 95%, compared to 50% in the 2.5% sulphur HFO reference sample and 20% in the DMA reference sample. The study, submitted to the IMO on 15 November 2019, was followed by submissions from FOEI, WWF, Pacific Environment and CSC calling for urgent action to prevent the use of 0.50% sulphur fuel blends in the Arctic and ensure only distillates are used.

In January, the Clean Arctic Alliance sent a letter addressed to the co-authors of the Joint Industry Guidance (JIG) on "The supply and use of 0.50%-sulphur marine fuel", including IBIA. In the letter, which was widely publicised, the Joint Industry Guidance (JIG) was criticised for making "no mention of low sulphur fuel blends containing high levels of aromatic compounds nor of an increase of black carbon emissions of potentially up to 2.45 times that of the distillate DMA." The letter also insinuated that the industry associations behind the JIG should have been aware of this and should have immediately sought to halt the production of these fuels and alert the IMO.

IBIA was surprised by the study's assertion that the 0.50% sulphur fuel oil blends are expected to have higher aromatic content than traditional HSFO, especially as the expectation prior to 2020 was that many of the new marine fuel blends would be more paraffinic in nature.

The shift to 0.50% sulphur fuels is still in its early days but early indications from several fuel testing agencies have indicated that 0.50% sulphur fuels seen so far tend to be more paraffinic and less aromatic than the HSFOs they have replaced. As such, it seems premature to draw any valid and meaningful conclusions on the level of black carbon emissions associated with the use of 0.50% sulphur fuels.

When the IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee decided, at its 70th session (MEPC 70) in October 2016, to implement the 0.50% sulphur limit in 2020, the availability study used as the basis for the decision said blended fuels with between 0.10% and 0.50% sulphur would account for 73% of global consumption from international shipping. As industry prepared, fuel producers began formulating VLSFO blends intended to replace HSFO as economically as possible for use by the global fleet. The focus was not on producing fuels specifically for use in the Arctic, although concerns about the cold flow properties of distillates for use in cold regions was taken into account to ensure ships don't end up with solidified fuel, like candlewax, in their tanks. The primary focus during 2018 and 2019 was on whether the VLSFO blends would be safe, with a particular focus on stability and compatibility because more paraffinic blend components were expected to be used and might create issues when mixed with fuel components that have traditionally been more aromatic in nature. The JIG, which was published in August 2019, was developed to support suppliers, ship managers and seafarers prepare and implement the use of 0.50% sulphur fuels as safely as possible. The document was entirely focused on the safe handling and use of compliant fuels and did not investigate or comment on any other issue.

IBIA, along with co-authors of the JIG, supports a thorough scientific debate of the black carbon issue at the IMO. Furthermore, IBIA believes IMO decisions should be based on solid evidence and science that stands up to scrutiny, and it is important that all interested parties retain open and inquisitive minds when examining potentially conflicting information.

The work underway to develop a ban on the use and carriage of HFO in the Arctic could offer a way forward. PPR has been tasked with developing a definition of HFO, taking into account regulation 43 of MARPOL Annex I which gives a definition of heavy grade oil (HGO). All carriage of HGO, as fuel and as cargo, is banned in the Antarctic. HGO is defined as all oil with a density at 15°C higher than 900 kg/m3 or a kinematic viscosity at 50°C higher than 180 mm2/s. This definition means all the marine fuel grades meeting current ISO 8217 marine distillate (DM) specifications would be allowed for carriage and use in the Antarctic. Residual grades (RM), although several of them have a kinematic viscosity at 50°C below 180 cSt, all have a maximum density limit in excess of 900 kg/m3, which would not be allowed. Although many of the VLSFO blends seen so far have viscosity below 180 cSt, most have tested above 900 kg/m3 threshold used in the HGO definition and as such would be eliminated by using this definition. To help reduce BC emissions in the Arctic further in the future, investigations could be made into including a limit on aromatic content in HFO. If so, we need to understand how it can be measured and tested by a recognised test method, and whether we need a new ISO 8217 specification parameter to do so.

The SOx paradox

Sulphur oxide (SOx) emissions form sulphate aerosols and while these increase human health risks, they have another less discussed side-effect: sulphates formed by ships burning HSFO contribute a cooling effect, both directly by reflecting energy back into space, and indirectly by interacting with clouds and making them brighter so they reflect more sunlight away from the Earth. A paper published in the journal Nature in February 2018 estimated that implementation of the 2020 sulphur limit for ships would result in approximately 75% reduction in shipping SOx emissions globally. This meant policymakers "face trade-offs whereby achieving human health benefits may be associated with climate change," the paper said. Its authors included several renowned academics from the US and the Finnish Meteorological Institute.

A more recently released study into this phenomenon, led by researchers from Imperial College London, together with University College London and the University of Oxford concluded that sulphate aerosols have the most significant impact on cloud formation compared to other components of ship exhaust. The team studied more than 17,000 ship tracks from satellite observations and matched them to the movements of individual ships using their onboard GPS. The study was able to assess the impact of the introduction of the 0.10% sulphur limit in emission control areas (ECAs) where the researchers found that "ship tracks nearly completely disappeared compared to before the restrictions, under similar weather conditions."

The most publicised part of the study's finding was the observation that it might be possible to monitor compliance with the 0.50% sulphur limit because ships burning HSFO "create a measurable difference in the satellite-observed cloud properties." This could indeed be a useful tool on the high seas where compliance monitoring is tricky.

The study notes that the impact of aerosols on cloud properties "is one of the leading uncertainties in the human forcing of the climate" and the team behind it want to find out how to predict more accurately the influence of sulphur aerosols on cloud formation on a larger scale to feed into climate models.

Does this mean that the IMO will reconsider the global sulphur cap because of the climate change impact? At MEPC 70, IBIA proposed that a "global ECA" covering all countries' shores could improve coastal air quality to a similar extent as a global cap and also reduce overall global warming by allowing continued use of HSFO out on the high seas. It wasn't the first time this idea has been mooted, and it might not be the last, but it would require a major revision of MARPOL Annex VI which is complex and time-consuming. There was no time for that at MEPC 70, which was under huge political pressure to ensure the 0.50% sulphur limit would enter into force in 2020. The key concern was to improve the life expectancy of populations affected by air pollution from ships. Sometimes medicine comes with undesirable side effects, but as long as the benefits outweigh them, the prescription won't change..


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Se habría establecido la disfunción a la fuente de alimentación a bordo que causaría un apagón
Grimaldi e IMAT han renovado el acuerdo quinquenal para la formación de tripulaciones
Castel Volturno
Centrarse en las nuevas tecnologías instaladas a bordo de los buques
El rendimiento económico trimestral de DSV sigue disminuyendo
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Aprobado el presupuesto consuntivo 2023 del AdSP del Mar de Cerdeña
Un superávit de la administración de 530 millones de euros, de los cuales más de 475 atados por obras en curso
Las importaciones estadounidenses de mercancías peligrosas han sido penalizadas durante la pandemia.
Encuesta de la Oficina de Responsabilidad Gubernamental
En 2023, el Interport de CEPIM-Parma registró un crecimiento del 6,8% del valor de la producción.
Bianconeses de Fontevivo
Beneficio neto di788mila euro (+ 223,2%)
En el primer trimestre de 2024, los ingresos del Grupo UPS cayeron un -5,3%.
Beneficio neto-41,3%
Grendi ha perfeccionado la compra del barco Wedellsborg
Se renombrará con el nombre de "Grenching Futura"
Grimaldi consolida su presencia en China con nueva sede en Shanghai
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La nueva dotación de la planta orgánica de la institución prevé 50 contrataciones, incluyendo tres puestos directivos.
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El Spezia
Se ha instalado en ubicaciones de Stagnoni
Acuerdo entre MSC, MSC Foundation y Mercy Ships para la construcción de un nuevo buque hospital
Mañana en Livorno una conferencia sobre la historia del puerto de la ciudad
Se hablará de la arquitectura, el comercio y la política entre el XVI y el siglo XX
Acuerdo de Asociación-STI Academia G. Caboto para la formación en los sectores marítimo, portuario y logístico
Visual Sailing List
- orden alfabético
- nación
- aréa geogràfica
En el primer trimestre de 2024, el puerto de Algeciras manejó 1,2 millones de contenedores (+ 8,1%)
El tráfico de bienes en general aumentó un 3,3%
En los tres primeros meses de este año en Valencia, el tráfico portuario de contenedores creció un 12,1% por ciento.
En marzo, el incremento fue de 15.7% por ciento.
El Spezia y Carrara tratan de romper el campanario y solicitar la cooperación en los puertos de Génova y Savona
El Spezia
Suiza y Suiza cortaron el comercio entre Italia y Suiza.
En los primeros tres meses del descenso de 2024 en las exportaciones suizas. Importaciones estables
Puerto de Nápoles, la huelga del ferry rápido Isla de Procida contra un muelle
Cerca de treinta heridos leves entre los pasajeros
Convocado para el 23 de abril una reunión en el MIT sobre ex trabajadores portuarios del TCT
Los sindicatos habían solicitado una aclaración sobre el futuro de los 330 miembros de la Agencia de Trabajadores Portuarios de Taranto.
El muelle exterior de Levante del puerto de Arbatax ha vuelto completamente operativo
En agosto de 2020 había sido gritado por el ferry "Bithia"
El Puerto de Los Ángeles cerró el primer trimestre con un crecimiento del 29,6% por ciento en el tráfico de contenedores
Los Angeles
Se espera una continuación de la tendencia positiva
Estable el valor de los ingresos de ABB en el primer trimestre
Los nuevos pedidos han bajado un -5.0% por ciento. A finales de julio Rosengren dejará la posición de CEO en Wierod
La crisis de la Cooperativa Sole Trabajadores de Porto Flavio Gioia oficializada en instituciones y sindicatos
USB Mare y Porti, lo que está pasando en el puerto de Salerno es el resultado de la presión de los armadores
Euronav vende su propia empresa de gestión de buques a Anglo-Eastern
Amberes/Hong Kong
Gestiona la flota de buques cisterna de la empresa de Amberes
Génova Construcción de la construcción naval ha adquirido una barcaza sumergible de la capacidad de carga de 14.000 toneladas
También se puede emplear como una cuenca flotante para el varo de artefactos de hasta 9.800 toneladas
Venice Cold Stores & Logistics obtiene la calificación de depósito fiscal para vinos y espumosos
Ampliación de los servicios ofrecidos a las empresas del sector vitivinícola
Gasparato insta a eximir a la propiedad de los interpuertos del pago del Imu
El Presidente de la Unión Interports Reunidos advirtió que con los sitios de construcción del PNRR la intermodalidad ferroviaria está en riesgo
Hapag-Lloyd planea futuras inversiones para expandir los negocios en los sectores terminal e intermodo
Entre los mercados, la compañía centra la atención en África, India, el Sudeste Asiático y el Pacífico.
Crear un consorcio para descarbonizar el transporte en la ruta del Pacífico Norte
Está formado por nueve empresas y entidades y está abierto a otros socios
En el primer trimestre de este año, el tráfico de contenedores en el puerto de Long Beach aumentó un 16,4%
Long Beach
En marzo, el incremento fue del 8,3% por ciento.
Entrega de la obra de consolidación de la presa foranea del puerto de Catania
Adquisición del valor de 75 millones de euros
Puertos italianos:
Ancona Génova Rávena
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Liorna Taranto
Cagliari Nápoli Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venecia
Interpuertos Italianos: lista Puertos del mundo: Mapa
Armadores Reparadores navales y astilleros
Expedicionarios Abastecedores de bordo
Agencias marítimas Transportistas
Mañana en Livorno una conferencia sobre la historia del puerto de la ciudad
Se hablará de la arquitectura, el comercio y la política entre el XVI y el siglo XX
El 11 de abril comenzará la sexta edición de las "Jornadas Portuarias italianas".
También este año el proyecto se ha dividido en dos sesiones: la primera en la primavera y la segunda del 20 de septiembre al 20 de octubre.
››› Archivo
Iran says MSC Aries vessel seized for 'violating maritime laws'
Le transport maritime national navigue à vue
(Aujourd'hui Le Maroc)
››› Reseña de la Prensa Archivo
FORUM de lo shipping y
de la logística
Relazione del presidente Mario Mattioli
Roma, 27 ottobre 2023
››› Archivo
Plan para mejorar en Génova y Savona los enlaces ferroviarios con los terminales de cruceros y el aeropuerto
Se presentó hoy en la capital de Liguria
Del 10 al 12 de Mayo en Spezia se llevará a cabo "DePortibus-El festival de los puertos que conectan el mundo"
El Spezia
El programa prevé acontecimientos técnicos y propuestas culturales
Tres nuevas grúas STS han llegado al puerto keniano de Lamu.
Podrán trabajar en buques portacontenedores de la capacidad de más de 18mila teu
Cien nuevos camiones IVECO impulsados por HVO en la flota de Smet
Serán tomadas en el transcurso de este año.
En los primeros tres meses de este año, las mercancías transportadas por ferrocarril entre China y Europa aumentaron un 10% por ciento.
Se han operado 4.541 trenes (+ 9%)
En el primer trimestre de 2024, el tráfico de contenedores en el puerto de Hong Kong cayó un -2,3%
Hong Kong
En marzo, el descenso fue de -10.6% por ciento.
Terminal de regasificación FSRU Toscana izquierda Livorno directo a Génova
En el cuero cabelludo de Liguria y luego en Marsella las intervenciones de mantenimiento se llevarán a cabo
Confirmado a Tugchiers Meeting Puerto de Génova la concesión de servicios de remolque en el puerto de Génova
Inversión prevista de 35 millones de euros para renovar flota
En el primer trimestre de 2024, los ingresos de OOIL disminuyeron un -9,0%
Hong Kong
Los contenedores transportados por la flota OOCL aumentaron un 3,4%
Mattioli (Federación del Mar) relanza el papel propulsivo de los grupos marítimos
Hoy se celebra el Día Nacional del Mar y la cultura marinara
En el primer trimestre de 2024, los ingresos de Yang Ming y WHL crecieron un 18,5% y un 8,1%.
En marzo los incrementos fueron iguales a 20,3% y 8,6%
En 2023 el tráfico de mercancías manejado por el Grupo de Ferrocarriles del Estado cayó un -2,0%
El Polo Logístico registró una pérdida neta de -80 millones de euros, 63 millones de euros más.
Puerto de Génova, inaugurado nuevas habitaciones de Stella Maris en las estaciones marítimas
Están destinados al bienestar y a la socialización de la gente de mar en tránsito en la Superba
Dachser de Alemania ha adquirido el compatriota Brummer Logistik
La empresa se especializa en la logística de productos perecederos
En el primer trimestre de 2024, los ingresos de Evergreen aumentaron un 32,6% por ciento.
En marzo, el incremento fue del 36,5%.
Pacto de cooperación entre las asociaciones de los puertos y compañías navieras de Grecia
El Pireo
Entre las actividades, asegúrese de que los bancos de puertos son adecuados para las nuevas tecnologías navales
En 2023 el tráfico de mercancías en los puertos de la Lazio cayó un -5,7% por ciento. Registro de cruceros
Los servicios de línea de pasajeros crecen un 10,0%
- Via Raffaele Paolucci 17r/19r - 16129 Génova - ITALIA
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Director: Bruno Bellio
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