testata inforMARE
27 de julio de 2024 - Año XXVIII
Periódico independiente sobre economía y política de transporte
04:16 GMT+2
FORUM de lo shipping y
de la logística

Shipping and Shipbuilding Markets in 2002


The containership market in 2002

The freight market
Fleet growth versus demand
The operators
The fleet
The second-hand market


The year 2002 can be summed up as a year of convalescence, after the 2001 traumas, while 2003 is hopefully to see full health recovered ' at least in the absence of any unpredictable event.

Indeed, 2002 has been also a transitional year on another front, as new, stringent rules on container content monitoring and cargo manifests have been elaborated by the U.S. administration to prevent unwanted weapons entering the U.S. The year 2003 will see these rules coming into force.

During the implementation phase, hiccups will surely occur, resulting in ship delays. Carriers said that they will have to pass the costs of these measures onto shippers, although it is not yet clear if it will be through rate increases or through a 'U.S. cargo manifest' surcharge.
The freight market

2002 has been a mixed year, with varying fortunes witnessed by operators. Some of them expected to close the year with comfortable profits while others are deep in the red.

Charter rates for containerships have increased by around 75 % on average since the January 2002 lows. At least the rise lasted until November, when the winter season and its lower volumes of cargoes started to take effect.

Rates eased slightly during the last weeks of 2002, but were expected to rise again in the first quarter of 2003. Relatively strong rates can be anticipated for the next summer season, boosted by traditional high seasonal volumes and a well-balanced supply / demand ratio.

The larger the ship, the more volatile the rates. This is well illustrated by the fluctuation in rates for modern 3,500 teu ships, which plunged from $ 25 / 26,000 in the Summer 2000 to $ 10,000 in January 2002. They have recovered month after month in the first part of 2002 to stagnate around $ 17,500 in the second part of the year. Meanwhile, rates for 1,100 teu ships went down from $ 9,500 (summer 2000) to $ 5,250 (January 2002), and $ 7,000 / 7,500 during the last quarter 2002.

Having plunged under the $ 6,000 mark in January 2002, the rates for 1,700 teu ships -such as the B-170s- have risen to reach $ 9,500 in October 2002 before easing just under $ 9,000 at the year end. There is some way to go before flirting again with the $15,000 figure of the summer 2000.

The fleet of cellular ships over 1,000 teu identified as idle (not including those which underwent routine general repairs) has decreased from 160,000 / 180,000 teu during the first four months of 2002 to around 60,000 teu during the summer. Is was expected to increase slightly after the summer season, but it did not, thanks to the lock-out in the USWC ports, which has prolonged artificially the demand for 1,000 to 2,500 teu ships in order to scoop up the boxes left in Asia by delayed main-line ships. At the beginning of 2003, the idle fleet stood at 65,000 teu. Interestingly, there were no large ships identified as mothballed. The situation is indeed very different from one year ago.

Industrial production is rising again in most south east Asian countries while the export boom in China seems endless. As this region of the world generates high containerised cargo volumes, it governs the supply/demand balance in container transportation more than other regions.

In 2001, the world seaborne trade contracted by 1 %. It is now growing again. After a period of stalling during the winter 2001-2002, the demand in container transportation has, surprisingly, recovered above all expectations. The volume of containers carried at sea is expected to grow by 7 or 8 % in 2003, in line with growth rates observed in the 1990s.

The demand in container transportation may even surpass these figures. The cellular fleet has risen by 10.8 % per annum over the past 7 years. The way the market has absorbed this extra capacity is remarkable. So, with an expected cellular fleet growth of 'only' 7.5 % per annum for the years 2003 and 2004, the market will be on the owners side.

Another factor which may have a strong impact on rates is the trend of East Asian-U.S. cargoes shifting from the U.S. West Coast ports to the U.S. East Coast, to the detriment of rail 'landbridges'. The Panamax ships of 4,000+ teu are much sought after for the Far East-USEC services that have to transit the Panama Canal.

The longer transportation distance means that eight or nine ships are needed on such services instead of five or six for the Far East-USWC option. Assuming that, say, four new Far East-USEC routes are launched, it means that a dozen supplementary Panamax ships are needed. This can be sufficient to create a shortage of such ships, and could send the charter rates soaring for 4,000 teu ships.

Fleet growth versus demand

The fleet growth is expected to match the rise in demand, at least during the years 2003 and 2004. A tight market may well even develop if the 10 to 11 % growth in containership demand observed since the mid-1990s is to continue.

This spectacular growth rate of the cellular fleet will not be repeated in the two years to come. It will hover around 7.5 % (see accompanying table). This will lead to a fleet of 7 million teu in January 2005, up from 6 million teu in January 2003 and 3 million teu in January 1996.

In fact, to keep up with the average yearly increases of 7 % in the seaborne container trade observed during the past decade, the cellular fleet should have grown from 3 million teu in 1996 to 4.8 million teu in early 2003 (notwithstanding the increase in average ship speed and box handling productivity).

So, the extra 1.2 million teu of on board capacity added to reach the 6 million teu figure has been filled with goods which were either already containerised, but were moved on general cargo vessels or simply not containerised half a decade ago. Breakbulk liner services continue to fade away as the cargoes they carry shift to the box (see inset).

This leads to think that, in the first instance, owners and operators were right to invest so massively in container tonnage. However, the balance is fragile. Most operators are struggling in trying to make profits, and economic accidents are catastrophic for the bottom line.

The dwindling breakbulk services

As the container continues to make inroads into the breakbulk sector, the surviving regular conventional services see their volumes dwindle year after year, vanishing like fading stars. Each year brings it examples. In 2002, the U.S. Gulf-Brasil service operated by Brasilian operator Global Transporte Oceanico (GBTO) was closed. This service used to be run with up to five 17,000 dwt / 500 teu ships in the mid 1990s (mostly Astrakhan tonnage), then lost progressively its grip on the market as competitive container services were incessantly upgraded, up to the unavoidable weekly frequency and with unbeatable transit times. High volumes of specific cargoes (such as CKDs - Cars Knocked Down) and the boxes still carried on these multipurpose ships were more and more siphoned off by full container ships, while cheaper box rates helped to attract low value 'breakbulk' cargoes. And as the cargoes flee the conventional ships, less and less sailings were offered. Eventually, these services lost their remaining appeal with regular shippers.

As for the non-cellular fleet deployed on liner trades, it includes multipurpose cargo vessels, ro-ro ships and a few conbulkers. Some of these non- cellular ships are currently deployed on liner trades, and as far as they can be identified they total some 1,550 units of 100 teu and over, representing around 800,000 teu.

By comparison, in early 1996, the figure for these ships stood at around 2,600 units for almost 1.1 million teu. Thus, the non cellular component of the liner fleet has lost 1,050 ships for some 0.3 million teu in 6 or 7 years, which can be assumed to have shifted to cellular ships (and this is a maximum figure as many general cargo ships and ro-ros do not make full use of their teu capacity).

This still leaves us with a differential of almost 1 million teu, which can be assumed as having absorbed cargoes not yet containerised in the mid-1990s as well as empty boxes carried in larger quantities than ever before.

In addition, it can be said that these massive investments spurred competition so that box rates reached such low figures that the container sector now attracts low value cargoes or goods of a certain value, which were until recently cheaper to carry in conventional or bulk carrying tonnage, such as steel products, forest products or bagged sugar.

No reversal expected in the box rates downtrend

Should this trend continue, as there are still a lot of goods that could be containerised, container tonnage could be ordered massively and yet be filled. The question is of course the cost for carriers' It is a nonsense to carry waste paper on ships plying at 25 knots but such low value cargoes make a few bucks when repositioning otherwise empty boxes, which is better that nothing at all. Conversely, a lot of not so cheap consumer goods are carried at a cost representing a tiny fraction of their prices as displayed on the retail shelf.

The industry is still fragmented, with the 'Top 10 carriers' controlling roughly 50 % of the market. So there is room for bitter rivalry. Intense competition between carriers and the race for market share have driven rates down over the years, and there are no signs of a reversal of this trend. Instead, the container shipping industry is under constant pressure not only from shippers -which is natural- but also, more artificially, from regulators, which suspect every form of alliance or sharing agreements to generate cartel-like behaviour.

And with 4,000+ teu ships starting to find their way on North-South trades, the box rates are expected to plunge further in the long term on these trades, in corollary to the economies of scale that these large ships allow.
Fragmentation, competition pressure and the race to market share are powerful incentives for mergers and acquisitions. On the other hand, the destruction of value, which has followed large mergers in the recent past (in sectors ranging from the automotive industry to the telecom and steel industries) appears as a strong deterrent. There has been a lull in the consolidations since the late 1990s. A new round of mergers is inevitable. But who can dare say when it will happen, and in what context ?

The deadweight comes back in vogue

The cargoes which have shifted to the container over the recent years are generally significantly heavier than the cargoes traditionally stuffed in boxes. The deadweight capacity of containerships now takes on a greater significance than ever before. With most liner statistics focusing on teu, the deadweight capacity has been forgotten. It is now time to reinstate it. After all, the cellular fleet nom reaches 85 million dwt, which represents roughly 10 % of the deadweight tonnage of the world merchant fleet.

The traditional items carried by containers are light ones, both in their own nature (think of the volume to weight ratio of a TV set) and because of the packing used (think of the super light polyester pads which protect this same TV set in its bulky cardboard box) ' not to mention boxes full of Christmas balls which flow periodically out of China. Light boxes have now to share ship slots with boxes fully laden in weight.

Modern cellular ships are designed in such a way that the average load of teu carried stands at around 12 to 13 tons per teu, which leaves roughly 10 tons of cargo per teu after subtraction of the box tares, and allowance for bunker supplies.
Most of the time, ships are today fully laden in weight well before deck cargoes are complete. Fortunately, empty boxes have often to be repositioned on the legs where the average loaded box weight is high. Thus, deck cargoes are topped up with these empty boxes, provided that allowance has been planned to take their light weight into account.

The operators

The liner shipping industry is not as concentrated as other industrial sectors. It is scattered among some 300 operating groups operating 4,650 ships deployed on liner trades worldwide, representing 6.3 million teu at the closure of the year 2002, of which only 1 % were inactive, according to BRS-Alphaliner data.

The largest of them, Maersk-SeaLand, operates a capacity of 825,000 teu, representing 12 % of the global active capacity in teu terms. The next in size is MSC, with 6.8 % of the global capacity.

There have been only minor transactions in 2002. The most significant ones have been the sale by Andrew Weir & Co of most of its services to Hamburg-S'd (which bought the Ellerman Line) and CMA CGM (which bought MacAndrews and UBC), the sale by D'Amico di Navigazione of Italia Line to C.P. Ships and the sale by CSX of its container shipping activities to US investors. Interestingly, the ships owned by the sellers were not involved in the Andrew Weir and D'Amico deals, and were merely chartered in. Other transactions are summed up in the accompanying table.

There are larger deals in the offing. P&O Nedlloyd could become a target when it will be introduced on stock exchanges (which was postponed). APL, which suffers from heavy losses, is also prone to accept an M&A deal (although APL parent company NOL is to raise cash from the planned sale of its tanker subsidiary AET). The privatisations of Zim and S.C. India are still in the news, although they have stalled for political reasons.

East-West niche carriers are also downsizing their operations as they cannot compete with global organisations employing large, economic ships. In 2002, Trans Pacific Line (TPL) left the Asia-U.S. trade while Sinotrans left its Asia-Europe trade. Senator Linie has also left all its U.S.-related trades, which have been in fact shifted to its parent company Hanjin.


Operators : transactions and significant moves in 2002

Straight sales

  • Hamburg-S'd bought the Ellerman Line from Andrew Weir & Co.

  • CMA CGM bought MacAndrews and UBC from Andrew Weir & Co.

  • C.P. Ships bought Italia Line from D'Amico di Navigazione.

  • CSX Corp. (U.S.) reached an agreement to convey its domestic container shipping unit CSX Lines LLC to a venture formed with the Carlyle Group (effective 2003).

  • A.P. M'ller bought the liner division of Copenhagen-based Torm A/S D/S.

  • Navalmar Transportes Maritimo (Boggazzi Group) bought 50 % of the stock of Nordana Line A/S from Dannebrog.

  • CSAV bought the Norsul container shipping activities (Brasil), which were limited to its participation in the 'Good Hope Express'.

  • Sea Star Line (U.S.) bought Navieras de Puerto Rico (U.S.) from Holt (U.S.).

  • Tropical Shipping (U.S.) bought certain assets of Tecmarine Lines and TMX Logistics (U.S.).

  • Seaboard Marine (U.S.) bought the remaining services of Tecmarine (U.S.).

  • Wan Hai took over the customer base of Trans Pacific Line.

Transfers within operating groups

  • The Preussag Group bought the remaining 0.4 % of Hapag-Lloyd shares, giving it the whole control of the company.

  • Tschudi & Eitzen (Norway) gained 100% ownership of the Estonian Shg Co.

  • NYK completed its stake in TSK (its intra Asian arm), gaining 100% ownership.

  • Evergreen International Storage and Transport Corp. bought Uniglory (intra Asian arm of Evergreen) through a share swap.

Cessations of activity

  • International Shipping Line (ISL) was terminated after Belgium - based MCL Shipping (Maritime Chartering & Liner Shipping Company NV, which managed the ISL service) filed for bankruptcy (ISL operated a North Europe - West Africa breakbulk service).

  • Valuship ceased its activities after the failure of its  WCNA-Europe service.

Significant other moves

  • Senator Linie (Germany, 75 % Hanjin ownership) left all the services involving the U.S.

  • Sinotrans left the China-Europe trade.

  • Fu Hai Line halted its Far East-South Africa service.

  • Coral Container Line (Cuba) closed its own Med-Cuba service and opted for slot buying.

  • Global Transporte Oceanico (Brasil) closed it U.S. Gulf-Brazil multipurpose service.

  • Libyan carrier GNMTC ran into difficulties.

The fleet

The cellular fleet stood at 6,068,000 teu on 1st January 2003, shared between 3,044 ships. It has doubled during the past seven years, in teu terms, meaning that the average annual growth has been at roughly 10.5 %. In 2002, the growth reached 10.3 %.

Two hundred and one cellular ships were delivered during the year 2002, for a total capacity of 642,261 teu. At the same time, 59 cellular ships were withdrawn for 74,001 teu, leaving a net fleet increase of 568,260 teu.

Eighty two cellular ships were ordered for 363,000 teu, Their cumulated value is estimated at $3.6 billion. It is a far cry from the year 2000, when 1,038,000 teu were ordered for a total value of $11.5 billion (some of them were however cancelled in 2002, especially in Polish yards).

In 2003 and 2004, the annual growth should reach a relatively modest 7.5 %, based on the current orderbook in January 2003 and taking into account a deletion rate of 50,000 teu per annum.

The largest ships in service remain the 19 'Sovereign' class series vessels of Maersk-SeaLand, the capacity of which stands at around 8,000 teu (although advertised at 6,600 teu by A.P. M'ller). Four of them were delivered in 2002. A.P. M'ller has six 'large' ships on order, for delivery in 2003-2004. Their size is undisclosed and it is only when the first ship will be delivered that their real capacity can be appreciated. Meanwhile, Seaspan has ordered five ships of 8,100 teu at Samsung on behalf of a long term charter by China Shipping Container Lines (CSCL).

There are currently 28 ships of more than 7,000 teu in service, including 25 units owned by A.P. M'ller and three by Hapag-Lloyd. There are 29 more on order : six for A.P. M'ller/Maersk-SeaLand, eight for OOCL, five for Seaspan/CSCL, five for Rickmers Schiffahrts/Cosco, four for P&O Nedlloyd and the remaining ship for Hapag-Lloyd. German owners have engaged discussions with Hyundai for a series of ships of 8,450 teu.

With the exception of the six Maersk-SeaLand newbuildings, for which nothing is known, all the 7,000+ teu ships offer a breadth of 42,80 m, allowing the stowage on deck of 17 rows of boxes. This is no coincidence : most of the large terminals are fitted with gantry cranes with a 17-row or 18-row reach.

As for the six Maersk-SeaLand newbuildings for delivery this year and next, a breadth of 55 or 56 meters cannot be ruled out. It corresponds to 22 rows on deck, in line with the gantry cranes in which Maersk-SeaLand invested so much over the past three years for its own terminals. One can reasonably speculate that such an investment will be matched with the construction of adequate ships. That means the 10,000 teu barrier could be broken.


The containership second-hand market in 2002


2002 as a vintage was relatively modest but nonetheless respectable concerning the second-hand market activity, with some 135 containerships sold for a combined value of $ 1.56 billion. The relative weakness of the market can be explained for the most part by the quasi-non-existence of the German market (except the numerous orders of new ships), preoccupied by placing the 150 ships already in her portfolio with local independent investors. On the other hand, this year can be viewed as one of consolidation after several seasons rich in mergers and acquisitions.

The breakdown of the sales in 2002 quite accurately reflects the proportions of the existing fleet with 13 ships over 3,000 teu (of which 5 over 4,000 teu) sold, 30 ships between 2,000 and 3,000 teu, 50 ships 1,000 and 2,000 teu and 42 ships under 1,000 teu.

There were relatively few massive 'en bloc' sales this year, with the exception of the 11 ships built in 1995-1996 of 650 teu for Elite Shipping sold to the Danish operator Clipper for a global price of $ 110 million, and the 4 ships of 3,500 teu built in 1993-1994 of L+B sold to MSC following a bareboat charter for about $ 20.7 million each.

The Greek owner Technomar was extremely active this year with 5 ships bought in 2002 to bring his total to 13 (of which 4 GX-class, 4 G-class and 4 L-class) bought from Evergreen on a time charter back for 5 to 7 years.

The small number of ships scrapped this year is worth noting, 59 ships with a total containership capacity of 74,001 teu roughly 1 % of the world capacity. This phenomenon can largely be explained by a freight market, which on average was rising steadily throughout the year.

A large majority of business contracted in 2002 was combined with charter employments (longer or shorter depending on investment sizes) to the liner operators, which has now become a recurring feature in this sector's activity.

As to price variations over the year, it can be summarised by a rising curve, which saw all sectors appreciate by some 10 to 20 % compared to 2001. Naturally this trend is more or less pronounced according to the various type and size of ships. As to be expected the sale prices follow the tendency of the market, with immediate effect in the case of a jump in daily rates (which happened this year), whereas prices are bolstered up for a longer period in the case of falling freight rates. Consequently although we have seen rates drop as from November 2002 after the prolonged strike in ports which blocked a large number of ships on the U.S. West Coast, ship prices have nonetheless remained fairly stable over the last two months.

Ships under 1,000 teu

As usual with this size, buyers are fairly heterogeneous. Given their poor profit-earning capacity in terms of pure investment, it is rarely speculators but rather pure liner operators who buy these ships. The market price has remained very steady. The improvement in rates has helped reassure buyers as to the high prices being sought by sellers. It is in these conditions that we have seen the following:

  • 'Flemming Sif', 'Kathrin Sif' 9,750 dwt, 972 teu, 1990 Orskov, change hands at around $ 8.7 million each.
  • 'Green Breeze', 'Green Better' and 'Green Bridge', 512 teu, 1984 Hakodate, sold to Bangladesh buyers at around $ 2.5 million each.
  • 'Xin Hai Yi', 9,734 dwt, 612 teu, 1985 Japan, sold for $ 3 million in September 2002 to Chinese buyers.

Ships of 1,000 to 2,000 teu

The market took advantage of a favourable upsurge after having slumped in the doldrums during the course of 2001. A large number of ships on order which can take the place of sold units have been delivered or are on the point of being so. Sales have for the most part benefited from time charters back, covering the interim period up until the delivery of new ships awaited by the sellers. We can note for example :

  • 'Sagittarius' 23,051 dwt, 2001 Szczecinska, 1,730 teu, 20 knots on 50.5 t, sold by Costa Container Lines for $ 22 million in September to Lipsi Navigation.
  • 'Mapocho' 21,184 dwt, 1999 Hanjin, 1,620 teu, sold to CSAV for $ 17.4 million in September.
  • 'Iyo', 24,370 dwt, 1995 Shin Kurushima, 1,613 teu, 20 knots on 53 t, sold by Fair Wind Navigation to Tsakos for $ 13.3 million in December 2002.
  • 'Box Wave', 'Gallant Wave', 24,083 dwt, 1995 and 1996, Shin Kurushima, 1,510 teu, 19 knots on 45 t, sold in August to clients of Teo Shipping for $ 14 million each with a charter-party attached for 18 months at $ 8,000 per day.
  • 'Kuo Lih', 18,050 dwt, 1995 Imabari, 1,471 teu, 17 knots on 31 t, sold in May to clients of Vroon for about $ 9.7 million, with a charter-party attached for 12 months at a level of $ 7,500 per day.
  • 'Lisboa', 'Tavira' and 'Miden Agan', 21,370 dwt, 1982 Warnowwerft, 1,438 teu, 19 knots on 62 t, sold in October by Sarlis Container Line for about $ 3 million each.

Ships of 2,000 to 3,000 teu

One can detect a certain hesitancy on the part of buyers in this market as the future does not have the backing of a fair number of operators. Some fear that the units of 2,500 teu will be replaced sooner or later by ships carrying more than 3,000 containers. This point of view is supported by an orderbook which carries relatively few ships of this size. It is true that 1999, 2000, and 2001 produced a large number of units between 2,000 and 2,800 teu. Operators have consequently been prudent, in concluding several operations mainly secured against firm employment:

  • 'P&O Nedlloyd Xiamen', 'Oriental Bay' and 'Grand Vision', 44,006 dwt, 59,285 dwt and 44,005 dwt, built in 1991, 1989, and 1991 at Daewoo, with a capacity of 2,797, 4,206, and 2,986 teu were sold en bloc on subjects to clients of Zodiac for $ 61 million.
  • 'MOL Victory' and 'MOL Independence', 40,638 dwt and 38,014 dwt, 1988 and 1986 Imabari, 2,890 and 2,571 teu, 22 knots, sold en bloc in October by Karakoram Maritima to clients of Danaos for $ 24 million.
  • 'MSC Europe', 45,647 dwt, 1986 Tsuneishi, 2,875 teu, 22.5 knots on 89.5 t, sold in June by Acasia Shipping to clients of Danaos for $ 12 million.
  • 'LT Glory', 'LT Grand', 'LT Globe', 43,310 dwt, 1984 Onomichi, 2,728 teu, 20.5 knots on 74 t, sold en bloc in December by Everglory Line to clients of Technomar for $ 13 million each with a charter-party attached for 5 years at a rate of $ 12,500 per day.
  • 'CMA CGM Claudel', 34,622 dwt, 2002 STX, 2,602 teu, sold by Efshipping to Schulte Group for $ 33.85 million, including a transfer of the charter-party to CMA CGM until February 2007 at $ 16,600 per day.
  • 'Christine Schulte', 33,871 dwt, 2001 Hyundai, 2,550 teu, sold in December by B. Schulte to German investors for $ 33.5 million, including a transfer a 4-year charter-party to CSAV at $ 16,750 per day.
  • 'Ambassador Bridge', 45,643 dwt, 1986 Tsuneishi, 2,518 teu, 22.5 knots on 89.5 t, sold in May to clients of Danaos for $ 11 million with a 18 to 24 month charter-party at $ 12,000 per day.

Ships over 3 000 teu

Only 13 sales were achieved out of more than 600 ships existing in this category. None or very few sellers showed themselves. The market was extremely nervous on the selling side, with owners reluctant to sell for fear of not finding a replacement unit and this, even if the sale prices were attractive. Consequently outside of the 'straight' purchase by MSC of 4 ships from L+B, already under charter to them, the others sales were all undertaken by operators / investors against charters back. These operations are more and more sought after not only by the traditional German investors, but also by owners such as Zodiac, Technomar, Danaos, Costamare'

  • 'CMA CGM Normandie', 59,600 dwt, 1991 Samsung, 4,734 teu, 24 knots on 158 t sold in September by CMA CGM to clients of Zodiac for $ 31 million with a 3-year charter back at $ 21,775 per day.
  • 'MSC Sarah', 'MSC Ingrid', and 'MSC Matilde', 67,795 dwt, 2000 Samsung, 4,400 teu, 25 knots, sold in March to Swiss buyers for $ 40 million each and fixed for a long period with MSC.
  • 'Peloponesian Pride', 53,240 dwt, 1986 Onomichi, 3,428 teu, 21 knots on 74.5 t, sold in August by Evergreen Marine to clients of Technomar for $ 21 million with a 7-year charter back at $ 15,500 per day.
  • 'MSC Martina', 'MSC Sophie', 'MSC Monica' and 'MSC Rossela', 43,600 dwt, 1993, 1994, 1993 and 1994 at Samsung, 3,424 teu, 22.5 knots on 99 t, sold in February by Hansa Asia to MSC for $ 20.7 each, subjects lifted following a bareboat charter with purchase option on the 4 ships.

* * *

Nearly all analysts at the end of 2001 were predicting a vintage 2002 somewhat depressed and a declining market. Once again as in 2000, the containership market surprised everybody. In a stagnant world economy, shipping lines were able to re-distribute the cards to be able to offer a service tailor-made to the situation. The specificity of containers allows such flexibility. It is also this adaptability that reassures investors, who have found a means of investment which insures regularity, safety (very few accidents), flexibility to market changes and - the icing on the cake - tax relief.

At the time of writing, good news has been announced in France regarding the introduction of 'tonnage tax' system. We can only hope that this tax incentive is as open and accessible as it has been in Germany, which thanks to this opening, has experienced the shipping activity that we all know.

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Meyer Werft confirma la posibilidad de aplicar la reestructuración del grupo navalmecánico
Meyer Werft confirma la posibilidad de aplicar la reestructuración del grupo navalmecánico
Se anunció la definición de un borrador de un plan que se espera que se complete en 2028
IBIA, el indicador de intensidad de carbono actual de la OMI penaliza el negocio de bunkerage
Presentado una propuesta para cambiar el CII antes de la próxima sesión del MEPC
COSCO Shipping Puertos, en junio nuevo registro histórico de tráfico de contenedores mensual
Hong Kong
En el período abril-junio de este año, también se registró un nuevo récord trimestral.
Ligero crecimiento trimestral y semestre del tráfico de contenedores en el puerto de Algeciras
Nuevas locomotoras para el transporte transalpino de SBB Cargo International
Munich de Baviera
Orden a Siemens Mobility
Nuevo récord histórico de tráfico de contenedores mensual en el puerto de Barcelona
También se registraron nuevos picos máximos de volúmenes en contenedores trimestrales y semestrales
Nuevo récord histórico de tráfico de contenedores mensual en el puerto de Barcelona
En el segundo trimestre, el tráfico de mercancías en el sistema portuario de Amberes-Zeegrugge creció un 4% por ciento.
En el segundo trimestre, el tráfico de mercancías en el sistema portuario de Amberes-Zeegrugge creció un 4% por ciento.
Los contenedores fueron iguales a casi 3,4 millones de teu (+ 2%)
Puerto de Rotterdam, en recuperación del tráfico de contenedores en el segundo trimestre
Puerto de Rotterdam, en recuperación del tráfico de contenedores en el segundo trimestre
En la segunda mitad del año, se espera que los volúmenes aumenten en otros segmentos del mercado.
CMA CGM concuerda con Google para aplicar inteligencia artificial a operaciones de grupo
Entre los objetivos, aumentar la eficiencia del uso de la flota y los contenedores
Le Aziende informano
ABB completa l'acquisizione del business di routing meteorologico di DTN per la navigazione
La transazione è stata completata oggi, in seguito a un precedente annuncio di accordo con il gruppo globale di dati e analisi DTN
En el primer semestre de 2024 el tráfico de contenedores en el puerto de Los Ángeles creció un 14,4%
Los Angeles
El crecimiento de las ganancias de ABB mientras caen pedidos
Aumento de las confirmaciones en los sectores marítimo, portuario y químico
Asiterminal, utilizar los fondos del RCDE UE para la inversión en infraestructuras y nuevos equipos para las empresas portuarias
Asiterminal, utilizar los fondos del RCDE UE para la inversión en infraestructuras y nuevos equipos para las empresas portuarias
Los sindicatos están abandonando la deriva de confrontación en la Ccnl.
Marsa Maroc operará dos terminales en el puerto beninés de Cotonou
El negocio se celebrará junto con la nueva empresa público-privada Bénin Manualidades
Clerc (Maersk): Los próximos meses también se caracterizarán por una deficiencia de retención en contenedores frente a la alta demanda
Acuerdo en Bahréin para crear un astillero de reciclaje de astilleros
En mayo, se acentuó el declive del tráfico naval en el Canal de Suez.
En mayo, se acentuó el declive del tráfico naval en el Canal de Suez.
El Cairo
Los cruces de petroleros han disminuido un -41,5% y los de buques de otro tipo en un -59,4%.
Cognolato es el nuevo presidente de Assiterminal
Ferrari confirmó director de la asociación de terminalistas portuarios
El CIMAC ha sido acreditado con estatus consultivo en la Organización Marítima Internacional
Fráncfort del Meno
Barco de carga general detenido y sancionado por la Guardia Costera de Génova
Constatados incumplimientos graves de la legislación europea de reciclado de buques
Las renuncias de los comisarios europeos Valean y Sinkevicius en el Parlamento de la UE
El rebote de los ingresos registrado por OOCL continúa.
Hong Kong
En el segundo trimestre de este año, crecieron un 14,4%
Puerto de Singapur registra nuevos registros históricos de tráfico trimestral y semestral de contenedores
Nuevos picos máximos también de graneles no petroleros
Pedidos de 2.700 millones a KSOE para la construcción de 12 15,500-teu portacontenedores
La Comisión de Comercio Justo autoriza al KSOE a adquirir el 35,05% del capital de STX Heavy Industries
FMC bloquea la entrada en vigor del Acuerdo de Gemini Corporation entre Maersk y Hapag-Lloyd en operaciones con los EE.UU.
Se volvería automáticamente efectivo el lunes, pero la agencia estadounidense solicitó más información.
En el primer semestre de 2024, el tráfico de mercancías en los puertos rusos cayó un -3,1% por ciento.
San Petersburgo
Productos secos en disminución de 2,7% y masa seca de -3,5%
En el puerto de Klaipeda comenzará la construcción de un nuevo terminal de cruceros
Se espera que el trabajo se vaya a partir de este año
Inaugurado el nuevo puerto indio de transbordo
Inaugurado el nuevo puerto indio de transbordo
El calentador de agua profunda en Vizhinjam es administrado por los puertos y la logística de Adani
En el segundo trimestre, los actos de piratería contra los buques, pero no la violencia contra la gente de mar, disminuyeron.
En el segundo trimestre, los actos de piratería contra los buques, pero no la violencia contra la gente de mar, disminuyeron.
Londres/Kuala Lumpur
Se reportaron 27 ataques en comparación con 38 en el período de abril a junio de 2023.
Suscripción del acuerdo para la renovación del Ccnl de la industria del armador
Aumento global del parámetro medio (nostrome) de 202 euros
Global Ports Holdings acepta oferta de adquisición del accionista mayoritario GIH
La propuesta incluye la eliminación de la empresa
GNV publica su propio informe comunitario 2023
Catani: Generamos anualmente impactos directos, indirectos e inducidos de 1,360 millones de dólares en la economía italiana.
Cambios aprobados en el presupuesto de previsión para 2024 de Western Ligure AdSP
OK of the Management Committee at conventions with RFI for last-mile links
Sindicatos, aprobaron la renovación de la gente de mar ' contrato y desbandada la reserva
Algunas críticas en el sector del remolque
El AdSP de Cerdeña acelera los gastos de infraestructura
Cerca de 60 millones de euros de sumas disponibles en exceso de 2024
Adjudicada la licitación para el nuevo pavimento de los muelles 19, 20 y 21 del Puerto de Ancona
Parte de las actrices del ferry serán trasladadas a la zona.
Medlog (grupo MSC) se convertirá en el copropietario del nuevo puerto interior belga de Limburg
Asociaciones con Essers y Machielos
En el camino en el puerto de Augusta el trabajo para la realización del nuevo puesto de control fronterizo
Se completarán en enero de 2025
En los primeros cinco meses de 2024, el tráfico de mercancías en el puerto de Nápoles creció un 5,8% por ciento mientras que en Salerno cayó un -1,0% por ciento.
Aprobado el DPSS de la Autoridad del Sistema Portuario del Mar Tirreno del Norte
El instrumento establece los objetivos y las estrategias de desarrollo coordinado de los puertos del sistema
En el segundo trimestre de este año los ingresos de UPS cayeron un 1,1%
Beneficio neto-32,3%
Estable el volumen de negocios trimestral del grupo logístico Kuehne + Nagel
En crecimiento, los ingresos generados por los envíos aéreos
Nuevo servicio de Transporte Bertani para el transporte ferroviario de automóviles entre Chignolo Po y Cassino
El 6,5% de la flota en navegación es capaz de utilizar combustibles alternativos o propulsiones
Trafigura se convierte en el único propietario de los petroleros de alta temperatura
Adquirido el 50% del capital en mano en Gearbulk
Positivo el segundo trimestre de Wärstilä
Crecimiento acentuado en el segmento marítimo
Lanzado un ro-pax de Bluferries
A partir del inicio del próximo año, conectará Villa San Giovanni con Messina
Acuerdo Fincantieri-Hera para la optimización del ciclo de residuos
Se establecerá un nuevo co. La actividad se pondrá en marcha en el astillero de Monfalcone
ENEOS de Japón cede la flota de buques cisterna y graneleros a un nuevo participante al 80% por ciento de NYK
La venta no incluye barcos para el transporte de petróleo crudo
Visual Sailing List
- orden alfabético
- nación
- aréa geogràfica
Fondos de la UE por 765 millones de euros en la nueva línea ferroviaria-Lyon
Acceso también financiado al túnel de base del Brennero
Medtruck (grupo MSC), acuerdo con los sindicatos sobre el salario y los derechos
En los próximos 15 días se llamará a los trabajadores para que se pronuncien sobre el acuerdo.
Inaugurado el nuevo enlace ferroviario intermodal entre el Interpuerto de Toscana Central y el Terminal de Darsena Toscana
A la llegada en el puerto de La Spezia los medios navales para la construcción de los nuevos cruceros de muelle
El Spezia
Se utilizarán para la consolidación del fondo marino y la prefabricación y puesta de las barricas
Rhenus ha inaugurado dos plantas cerca de Bolonia y Milán.
Nuevas sucursales en Castel San Pietro y Casei Gerola
En junio, el Puerto de Long Beach establece un nuevo récord de tráfico de contenedores para este mes
Long Beach
El BEI financia 90 millones del proyecto de la Darsena Europa del puerto de Livorno
Guerreros: pleno apoyo político y financiero para su realización
Acuerdo entre la AdSP del Adriático Central y la Policía Estatal para la prevención y contraste de delitos cibernéticos
Cross (Assessopers): No detener la realización de grandes infraestructuras
Presa de Génova, Tercer Valico y la autopista de la parrilla-señala-son obras esenciales
En el primer semestre de 2024 el tráfico de contenedores en el puerto de Hong Kong cayó un -5,4%
Hong Kong
En el segundo trimestre, el descenso fue de -7.5% por ciento.
Renovado el acuerdo quinquenal entre los armadores honrados y el IMAT para la formación de las tripulaciones
Castel Volturno
Saipem ganará dos proyectos offshore en Arabia Saudita
Nuevos activos por valor de 500 millones
Se ha llevado a cabo el trabajo sobre la realización de la nueva entrada al puerto de Augusta.
Di Sarcna: Trabajo estratégico también a la luz de la reciente transferencia de tráfico de contenedores de Catania
La fuerte demanda de contenedores se refleja en los beneficios del CIMC
Hong Kong
Registrado un aumento significativo en las ventas de caja seca
Los Servicios de Aduanas de ALS han adquirido los Servicios de Aduanas de Battaglino
La empresa de Milán tiene 79 empleados
Aprobado el presupuesto 2023 de Interporto Campano
Confirmado Alfredo Gaetani (Presidente) y Claudio Ricci (Director Gerente)
Saipem, se compromete para actividades offshore en Azerbaiyán
En la actividad del programa en las aguas azerbaiyanas del Mar Caspio
El grupo danés SGL compra Brazilian Blu Logistics Brasil
Acuerdo para adquirir todo el capital social
99,2% de los 400 millones de Fincantieri de aumento de capital suscrito a
El accionista mayoritario CDP Equity se ha suscrito a nuevas acciones por valor de 285,8 millones de euros.
El 17 de julio, la asamblea pública en Assiterminal se celebrará en Roma.
Messina (Asseswarms): con la renovación del Ccnl de la industria del armador respuestas válidas a las necesidades de los trabajadores
En la terminal de contenedores de especias iniciar las vieiras de los buques de contenedores de 21.000-teu de OOCL
El Spezia
Inaugurado la planta de suministro de energía en tierra del puerto de Valletta
Cada miércoles "MSC World Europa" se conectará a la red eléctrica de la escala
PSA, medidas para mitigar la congestión en el puerto de Singapur están teniendo éxito
En los últimos meses, ha aumentado, entre otras cosas, la necesidad de manejar contenedores varias veces.
Presentado el XII Informe Nacional sobre la Economía del Mar
El sector genera un valor añadido directo de 64.600 millones de euros.
Instalación en la obra de Ancona construcción del crucero de aluminio extra-aluminio Cuatro Temporadas I
Fincantieri lo entregará a finales de 2025
Hapag-Lloyd anuncia los resultados preliminares del primer semestre
La compañía cree que la segunda mitad de 2024 será mejor que las expectativas previas.
En mayo el tráfico de mercancías en el puerto de Ravenna disminuyó un -3,0%
Se espera que el mes de junio disminuya un -3,3% por ciento.
El análisis económico-financiero de Fedespedi de compañías navieras en contenedores
Colocación de la quilla del nuevo megayacht de ultra lujo destinado a Aman en el mar
Ceremonia en la obra de San Jorge de Nogaro de T. Mariotti
Danaos confirma orden en China para cinco nuevos buques portacontenedores
Cuatro tendrán una capacidad de 9.200 teu y una de 8.258 teu
En Barcelona la primera terminal de contenedores en el Mediterráneo con muelle electrificado
El viernes la inauguración de la planta de suministro de energía en la costa de Hutchison
Puertos italianos:
Ancona Génova Rávena
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Liorna Taranto
Cagliari Nápoli Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venecia
Interpuertos Italianos: lista Puertos del mundo: Mapa
Armadores Reparadores navales y astilleros
Expedicionarios Abastecedores de bordo
Agencias marítimas Transportistas
El 17 de julio, la asamblea pública en Assiterminal se celebrará en Roma.
Messina (Asseswarms): con la renovación del Ccnl de la industria del armador respuestas válidas a las necesidades de los trabajadores
La asamblea de Assagents se celebrará en Génova el 25 de junio.
Evento titulado " Mari inquieti. Rutas y conflictos: la incognición de los traficantes "
››› Archivo
Samsung, HMM clash in US over shipping rates
(The Korea Times)
Houthis Mount Biggest Month of Attacks on Ships This Year
››› Reseña de la Prensa Archivo
FORUM de lo shipping y
de la logística
Relazione del presidente Tomaso Cognolato
Roma, 17 luglio 2024
››› Archivo
El crecimiento de los ingresos de los taiwaneses Evergreen y Yang Ming continúa
YML ordena 9.100 nuevos contenedores
Inaugurado en Gioia Tauro el muelle que acogerá el polo de reparaciones navales
Alegría Tauro
Agostinelli: Este año el tráfico de contenedores en el puerto desafiará los cuatro millones de teu
El grupo chino Hengli construirá un astillero en la isla de Changxing
Inversión del valor de 1 300 millones
SFL Corporation renueva con Maersk el alquiler de cuatro portacontenedores
La capacidad de los barcos será alta de 8.700 a 9.500 teu
Prysmian, registro de instalación de un cable en aguas ultraprofundas
Ensayo de instalación a -2.150 metros
El Rhenus de Alemania ha adquirido el 15% de los C Chez Vous de Francia
Está especializada en la entrega de mercancías con un peso superior a 30 kilogramos
Astilleros Armon entregó el ferry de combustible dual Margarita Salas a Baleària
Puede ser alimentado a gas natural licuado
Hermanos Cosulich ordena dos nuevos petroleros químicos
Se tomarán en entrega en el primer semestre de 2026
Fincantieri vara a Ancona el crucero Viking Vesta
Los Angeles
A mediados de 2025 se entregará a American Viking
Linaje compra el proveedor abruzzese de los depósitos frigoríficos de Eurofrigor
Gestiona una estructura de celdas refrigeradas de más de 24.000 metros cuadrados en Controir
Al final la fase constructiva del puerto de Porto Torres
Encomendada a un panel consultivo técnico sobre la cuestión de los mayores costes de la ópera
En China, se ha establecido la quilla del nuevo ro-pax. GNV Virgo
Será el primer barco de la flota de GNV en ser alimentado por gas natural licuado
En Génova, el Día Mundial de la Navegación Ausile
El 22 de agosto, IALA asumirá el estatuto jurídico de la organización intergubernamental
SFL Corporation ordena la construcción de cinco portacontenedores de 16.800 teu
Compromete el valor de mil millones de dólares a New Times Shipbuilding
En 2023, Fratelli Cosulich registró un rendimiento financiero sólo superado por los registros de 2022.
OMT (Accelleron) adquiere el OMC2
La compañía fabrica inyectores de combustible de alta precisión para motores marinos, estacionarios y ferroviarios
El año pasado, el tráfico de mercancías en los puertos holandeses cayó un -7,6% por ciento.
La Haya
Reducción de volúmenes en todos los principales compartimentos merceológicos
Chantier Naval de Marsella se retrofit otros dos cruceros de AIDA Cruises
Forman parte de la clase "Esfinge"
Genovese De Wave ha adquirido Inoxking
La compañía fabrica muebles de acero y sistemas de refrigeración para la industria marítima
La caída del tráfico de contenedores en el puerto de El Pireo continúa
Hong Kong
En general, se han aumentado los volúmenes gestionados por la red de puertos de envío COSCO.
MSC obtiene el 97.71% del capital de Gram Car Carriers
En los próximos días la adquisición de las acciones restantes
Hapag-Lloyd reitera su propia división terminalista
A Hanseatic Global Terminals hacen 20 terminales de contenedores en 11 naciones
ADNOC Logistics & Services ordena en Corea 8-10 nuevos buques de gas natural licuado
Abu Dhabi
Serán construidos por Samsung Heavy Industries y Hanwha Ocean
Kombiverkehr está alarmado por la reducción de los servicios de DB Cargo para el transporte intermodal
Fráncfort del Meno
La empresa está buscando socios alternativos
- Via Raffaele Paolucci 17r/19r - 16129 Génova - ITALIA
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