testata inforMARE
7 mars 2025 - Année XXIX
Journal indépendant d'économie et de politique des transports
03:57 GMT+1
FORUM des opérateurs maritimes
et de la logistique

Shipping and Shipbuilding Markets in 2004


The containership market in 2004

Huge orderbook 
Charter fortunes 
The charter market 
Slot charters follow the trend
Long term charters
The fleet
The operators
The second-hand market

After the 2001 traumas, the year 2002 was a year of convalescence and the full health was restored in 2003. As for 2004, it has been the year of the superlatives. It has witnessed a shipping boom unseen since the early 1970s oil-based boom.

This time, the international trade is sitting on a much larger base than 35 years ago, both in commodity variety and in geographical pattern. One country has however become an essential wheel: China. It is estimated that it is at the origin of one third of the world trade growth last year.

With its economy growing at some 9 % a year and containerised exports reaching a 30 % annual increase, China is itself at the origin of the containership shortage and the concomitant unprecedented levels of charter rates. But China is not alone to fuel the shipping frenzy. First, and it is important, it is inseparable from the purchasing power of the USA and of Europe. Second, there are other countries which are also witnessing high levels of exports, such as India, Thailand, Vietnam and Chile.

The rise of the Euro against the US Dollar and Asian currencies has also implications on the containership demand. It makes Asian products, and especially Chinese ones, cheaper for Europe. All along the year, volumes have soared on the Far East-Europe route, which needs more ships than the Asia-US route because of the longer distances.

Shipowners, liner operators and port operators have been taken by surprise by this surge. They can hardly cope with the volumes. Ships are full to capacity out of Asia and there are not enough of them to scoop up all the boxes that flow out from this continent. The congestion of terminals, especially in Europe and the US, compounds the problem, as they cause delays to busy ships and disrupt the tight schedules of usually well oiled weekly loops. This is a challenge for 2005.

In order to save ships, liner operators have rearranged loops and have cut capacity on the comparatively stagnant transatlantic trade in order to send ships on busiest routes. The optimisation of a number of services has also led to a better overall filling ratio, especially at each end of the loops (even if it means filling with empty boxes, which cannot be discounted as they have to be repositioned in one way or another).

Owners of hired container tonnage are rewarded above all expectations, with charter rates which are 50 % higher than the historical peaks. Leading liner operators have anticipated a further rise in demand for 2005 and beyond by chartering ships for periods much longer than usual and have committed themselves in huge newbuilding programmes.

During the second half 2004, there has been intense chartering activity for ships to be delivered in 2005 so that the pool of ships left available has shrunken fast, which could in turn lead to a further round of charter rate rises once the Chinese New Year festivities (February) end.

Huge orderbook matches strong trade growth

In early 2005, the cellular ships orderbook stood at 3.9 million teu, representing 53 % of the existing fleet. As big as it is, it does not seem excessive, although it looks like somewhat on the high side, especially for the year 2007. The huge influx of capacity could reasonably be absorbed by the bullish international trade, itself supported by a strong world economic growth.

The world GNP growth has reached around 4-4.5 % in 2004 (against 2-3 % for the long term historical average). Although a slight softening is expected in 2005, the GNP growth should remain above the historical average, and this performance could be repeated in 2006, in the absence of unpredictable events.

As for the international trade, it is estimated to have grown by 7 % in US$ terms during 2004 (against 4-5 % for the long term average). Alas no figures are available in volumes, as it is difficult to assess because of the wide variety of goods.

The observation of long term trends shows that the cellular fleet has grown, roughly, twice as fast as the trade growth. It means that if the bullish trade growth of 7 % recorded for 2004 is to be prolonged during the next two or three years, then it will generate containerised volumes needing to be moved by a fleet growing at 14 % per annum. This is precisely the rate at which the fleet is expected to grow during the next three years, according to BRS-Alphaliner forecast.

Even in case of a softening, the supply-demand ratio of containerships is to remain on the owners side, at least in 2005 and 2006, because of the catch up effect: the shortage which has developed in 2004 must be compensated by deliveries higher than the natural growth.

Given this, the capacity coming on stream should be swiftly absorbed by the transportation demand during the coming months, while a return to a balanced supply-demand ratio could occur in 2006. This should mark a turning point in box rates and charter rates.

The situation in 2007 and beyond is another matter. Some forecasters say that the world economic and trade growths are to remain sustained for the remaining years of the decade, although not at 2004 levels as a softening is expected. The question is: what amplitude will take this softening ? The supply-demand balance for 2007 is thus difficult to assess. Trade growth should remain however higher than the historical average and it is a reasonable bet.

As for 2008-2009, the orderbook has yet to be filled in. So, orders of containerships for these two years may flow in the coming months. Assuming that a 6 % growth in trade is maintained, almost 1.3 million teu should be delivered in 2008 and 1.45 million teu in 2009 only to maintain the equilibrium.

If the omens for the second half of the decade are good, a number of worries must not be overlooked, which could affect the container shipping market. They are :

  • the weakness of the US dollar and uncertainties on exchange rates,
  • a possible hard landing of the Chinese economy,
  • a slowdown in the US consumption of imported products due to a weak dollar combined with possible interest rate increases.

More immediate and foreseeable, problems will affect container shipping in 2005 :

  • the shortage of cellular ships,
  • congestion in ports, leading to delays, accentuating the ship shortage,
  • strain on inland transportation networks.
Charter fortunes

Operators are living a strange paradox as they are rivalling to fix ships at peak rates for periods of three or four years, without knowing what the future has in store. Actually, the charter market is not led by demand alone as far as long term expectations are concerned. It is also propelled by skilled operators who play the shortage game, locking up charterers for years against discounts on rates. These discounts remain somewhat limited when one considers the progression of charter rates over the past two years.

With ships sometimes hired at twice their total operating costs (including repayment of capital), owners enjoy an unprecedented situation since container ships started to be offered for charter, some 35 years ago.

Owners of containerships derive profits which are reminiscent of those accumulated by oil tanker owners in the early 1970s (Onassis, Niarchos, YK Pao, CY Tung and a crowd of other more or less known names).

Indeed, a B-170 locked for three years at $ 27,000 per day will raise enough profit to order a brand new ship of the same size!

With this in mind, it is not surprising that charterers look at buying ships. But with exceptional returns expected on hires, sellers' conditions defy gravity and buyers think twice before taking the plunge. Over the last 12 months, prices of second-hand ships have roughly doubled!

Only a few operators have taken steps in order to be less dependent on chartered ships. It concerned mostly MSC and, to lesser extent, CMA CGM. Both have bought second-hand ships as well as existing newbuilding contracts. Far behind, PIL and Simatech have also bought second-hand tonnage. In another deal, Zodiac Maritime has bought eight Panamax containership contracts for assignment to the associated company Zim (which has sold ships as well).

Although there is a trend among operators to order tonnage in their name, they still rely heavily upon non operating owners, which have relentlessly continued to book ships all along the year.

There has been indeed a significant regular drop in the share of chartered ships in the cellular ship orderbook, from 63 % in January 2004 to 52 % January 2005. The lion's share of this reduction concerns the VLCS orderbook: their chartered component has shrunk from 58 % to 36 % (thanks, for a great part, to MSC buying or exercising purchase options on chartered units).

Conversely, existing ships have been sold to non operating owners. P&O Nedlloyd has sold en bloc 14 Panamax, while Zim has sold five 3,000 teu units and Hanjin five 4,000 teu ones. All these ships were sold with charters back to the sellers. However, these deals have more to do with financial engineering than with market play.

These diverging moves led actually to a slight increase in the chartered component of the existing cellular fleet, which stands at 47.4 %, against 47.0 % one year ago. German owners continues to dominate the charter scene, as they control 63 % of the chartered fleet, dwarfing Greek owners (11.5 %) and Japanese owners (7.2 %).

A few operators are however taking advantage of peak charter rates. As strange as it seems, they have been accepting, if not actually welcoming, ever increasing rates for longer and longer periods throughout the year. Maersk Sealand, MSC and CMA CGM have been keen rivals in this race to land as many possible ships, at the expense of others, who are either hesitant or simply do not have a sufficiently strong financial base to follow.

These three carriers have swooped on as much ships as they could (not to mention their unceasing order waves of newbuildings) and are thus in a position to strongly improve their market share.

Actually, with these peak charter rates, we are on the eve of a new era of precipitating the concentration of the fleet in a few hands with a new sort of natural selection. This may explain why there has been no hurry in attempts to take control of other operators last year.


The charter market

We had speculated in our last annual report that the highest rates observed in 2003 could well represent the average rate for 2004. Not only they did, but they went much higher!

With ships as rare as ever, charter rates have exploded to levels which are 50-60 % above the historical highs observed during the summer 2000. Besides record rates, the year 2004 has been characterised by a lengthening of charter periods and by fixing ships six or twelve months in advance.

These two latter trends have dried up the pool of large ships (both existing and newbuildings) available in 2005. Charterers are now eating into the 2006 available fleet, and a market for sublets has started to emerge.

The rally on the charter market continues and owners are reaping the benefits of the shortage of tonnage. The lack of adequate tonnage to launch new intercontinental loops has thwarted the plans of several carriers.

In December 2004-January 2005, 4,000 teu ships were hired at $ 40-45,000 per day for 12 months period while 2,500 teu ships were valued at $ 35-37,000. Ships of 1,700 teu peaked at $ 27,000 for 4 years periods. 1,000 teu ships were negotiated at $ 18,000 for 6-12 months.

The tonnage scarcity and the high demand on regional and feeder trades have sent rates soaring for smaller ships as well. Cellular ships of 800-850 teu are not cheap, as they reach now the $ 15,000 mark for 12 months (against $ 8,000 end 2003). Modern ships of 500 teu ended the year at $ 9,000 for 12 months (against $ 4,400-4,800 during the three years pre-2004, and for periods of 3 to 6 months).

If top rates are good news for owners, carriers relying only upon chartered tonnage do not share the same enthusiasm. Among them are several niche regional carriers and feeder operators. They use small ships (under 1,500 teu), which until early 2004 could still be hired at fair rates, but have since reached such levels that services will have to be reviewed or cut.

Slot charters follow the trend

A little spoken aspect of the container trades concern slot charter rates. As ship charter rates have soared, so have slot charters. Some slot chartering agreements are referring to charter market conditions, and the slot charter rates are reviewed at regular intervals. Other ones are fixed for the duration of the agreement which is usually not more than two years.

Slot charter rates can be indexed on ship charter rates as well as other operational costs, such as voyage costs, including cost of bunkers, canal tolls or port dues. As the ship charter rates item is the heaviest one, it is then not surprising that slot charter hires have risen strongly, leading even to the non-renewal of some agreements.

In this period of tonnage scarcity, those who run the ships may find quite profitable to fill them at full capacity and may not wish to offer their precious earning space to others (which are after all rivals), unless they pay the price.

Operators are now very careful when it comes to enter slot exchange agreements with other lines, as they evaluate risks of failure of partners, especially in the case of small operators whose financial standing may not be strong enough to survive the high charter hires.

There has been during the past year a number of changes in partnerships and slot buyer participation, which may have been caused by tensions created by space shortage on a background of ship shortage and of peak charter rates. On the other side, several operators are teaming up to launch new services with chartered ships, thus sharing the burden of expensive charter hires while being able to offer the needed weekly frequency. Such a way of doing business is of course not new, but it is exacerbated by current market conditions.

Long term charters dominate the market

Periods of four years and more for 4,000-5,000 teu ships accounted for 86 % of the reported fixtures in 2004, against 49 % in 2003 and 17 % in 2002, according to a BRS-Alphaliner analysis. Smaller ships have also been fixed for much longer periods than the usual 12 months. Periods of 24 to 40 months for 1,500-2,000 teu ships accounted for 46 % of the reported fixtures in 2004, against 7 % in 2003 and only 2 % in 2002. The accompanying table details how the duration of charter periods evolved from 2002 to 2004.



The fleet

At 1st January 2005, the cellular fleet reached 3,362 ships for 7.29 million teu, in progression of 9.8 % on 12 months, a relatively modest increase as the average annual progression during the past 10 years has reached 10.7 %. The cellular fleet accounts for 89 % of the total fleet deployed on liner trades in teu terms.

The containership fleet counts 49 units of more than 7,500 teu and there are 165 more of these giants on order, some of them reaching the 10,000 teu mark. By the end of 2007, there will be enough of these leviathans to run 15 Asia-Europe and 15 Asia-US loops.


2004 deliveries stood at 175 ships for 645,000 teu (against 177 ships for 575,000 teu in 2003). Orders stood at 464 ships for 1,692,000 teu, which is significantly less than the record 520 ships for 2,123,000 teu ordered in 2003.

The total value of cellular ships ordered in 2004 reached almost $ 22.2 billion (using conversion rates at time of order), a figure similar to 2003, reflecting the steep rise in newbuilding prices ($ 13,150 per teu instead of $ 10,350 per teu in 2003 - raw figures unadjusted for capacity).

The total orderbook reaches 3.9 million teu in early 2005, representing 53 % of the existing fleet. It is dominated by large ships, with ships over 4,000 teu accounting for 74 % of the total orderbook. As for deletions, only five ships for 2,450 teu were sold for scrap last year.

The teu capacity which will enter the market during the three years 2005, 2006 and 2007 corresponds to 47 % of the existing fleet. In other terms, the fleet is to rise by almost 14 % per year, well above the 10 % average observed during the past 15 years. The cellular fleet is expected to reach 10.8 million teu in January 2008 (assuming no scrapping)


The operators

From 1st January 2004 to 1st January 2005, the combined fleet of the Top 25 carriers has grown from 5,955,000 teu to 6,640,000 teu (+11.5 %). Its share of the world fleet deployed on liner trades has risen from 79.6 % to 81.3 % in teu terms, confirming the concentration trend.

The five largest carriers alone operate 39 % of the capacity effectively deployed on liner trades.

The total teu capacity deployed on liner trades has grown by 9.1 % in 2004, reaching 8,168,000 teu st at 1st January 2005, against 7,485,000 teu one year earlier. In deadweight terms, the figure stands at 7.5 %, with 120 million dwt at 1st January 2005 against 111.5 million dwt one year earlier.

These figures take into account all the types of ships deployed on liner trades (cellular, multipurpose, ro-ro). The cellular fleet itself amounts to 7,290,000 teu (it represents 89.2 % of the total teu figure deployed on liner trades).

The two largest carriers, APM-Maersk and MSC contributed to 29 % of the fleet growth in teu terms, with 197,000 teu out of the 683,000 teu added (+101,000 teu for MSC and + 96,000 teu for APM-Maersk).

APM-Maersk became last December the first teu millionaire, as its fleet reached 1,016,000 teu on 1st January 2005. APM-Maersk controls Maersk Sealand, Safmarine, Norfolkline and APMSS-MCC. MSC comes at the second position with 637,000 teu.

These two leaders are however not among the top teu gainers in relative terms. MSC grew by 18.9 % and APM-Maersk by 10.4 %. They are distanced by four carriers (within the Top 25) which have logged growths of 28-33 %: CSAV, CSCL, Yang Ming and CMA CGM. Outside the Top 25, the emergence of two Chinese regional companies is worth noting: SYMS (+24.4 %) and SITC (+20.2 %).

On the mergers & acquisition side, no large mergers or takeovers occurred between rival carriers. The most significant one has been the buying by Costa Container Line of its compatriot Gilnavi. It appears that aggressive carriers (read: potential buyers) have found ways to increase market share in securing as many ships as they can, leaving conservative ones with what is left, i.e. not much choice and pricey.

On the other side, some potential targets have protected themselves from raiders, such as NOL-APL or TUI-Hapag-Lloyd, in steering clear of market listing. Despite this, there is still a choice of first class carriers which remain potential targets: CP Ships, Royal P&O Nedlloyd, Hanjin-Senator and Hyundai M.M.

There has been however important initiatives on the corporate side, such as Temasek Holdings, the Singapore state investment vehicle, taking control of NOL, parent company of APL, in what can be seen as a move to keep at home the Singapore historical carrier, until then listed on the local Stock Exchange. Other large deals concerned the purchase by Royal Nedlloyd of the whole stock of P&O Nedlloyd and the takeover of Zim by the Ofer Group.

CSCL made the news with its listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in June, while intentions to list Hapag-Lloyd faded away as parent company TUI changed its mind and preferred to keep the full control of its Hamburg jewel.

There has been numerous smaller deals, which are summed up in the accompanying table.

Operators : transactions and significant moves in 2004

Straight sales & mergers

  • Temasek Holdings (Singapore) has taken full control of NOL, parent company of APL.
  • Royal Nedlloyd B.V. (Netherlands) has taken 100% control of P&O Nedlloyd Containers Ltd (UK) through the purchase of the 50 % stake held by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co (i.e. P&O Group). The resulting company, Royal P&O Nedlloyd Ltd, is listed on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange.
  • The Ofer Group (Israel) has taken control of Zim Navigation, since renamed Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd.
  • Costa Container Line took over the deep sea liner trades of Gilnavi srl di Navigazione, the liner arm of the Grimaldi-Genoa branch.
  • The Carlyle Group has sold Horizon Lines to private equity firm Castle Harlan. - STX Corp. (Korea) has bought 67 % of Pan Ocean Shipping Co (Korea).
  • Neptune Orient Lines (NOL - APL parent company), Singapore, agreed to sell its 28.7 % stake in Lorenzo Shipping Corp to National Marine Corp. (both Philippines).
  • Neptune Orient Lines Ltd (NOL) has sold Neptune Associated Shipping Pte Ltd (NAS) (tankers & bunkering).
  • Eimskip (Iceland) and Faroe Ship (Faeroe Islands) have merged.
  • Euro Container Line AS (ECL) (Norwegian company co-owned by Eimskip and Wilson Line) took over Norwegian operator CoNor Line.
  • Rickmers Reederei GmbH & Cie KG (Bertram Rickmers Group), has taken over all of the shares in CCNI GmbH (Deutschland) from Compa''a Chilena de Navegaci'n Interoce'nica SA (Santiago).
  • Egyptian company MISR Shipping has been absorbed by its compatriot National Navigation Co (NNC).
  • Trailer Bridge Inc. (USA) bought 100 % of Kadampanattu Corp. (K. Corp.) from the Estate of Malcom P. McLean (USA)

Transfers and moves within operating groups

  • NYK and its affiliate TSK have decided to spin off their respective domestic liner service operations and related businesses, to set up NYK Line Japan Ltd (effective April 2005).
  • China Shipping Container Lines (CSCL) boosted its share in the Shanghai Puhai Shipping Co, Ltd (SPS) from 50 % to 90 % held by other China Shipping units.
  • Hamburg-S'd abandoned its trade name Ellerman Line.

New operators of liner services

  • Manson Shipping (Taiwan) - services Taiwan-Hong Kong-Vietnam-Philippines.
  • Winland Shipping Co, Ltd (China) - services Weihai-Japan.
  • Dalian Beiliang Logistics Containers (China) - service Dalian-Weihai-Japan.
  • HAL Shipping (Halship) (Canada) - service Halifax-USEC.
  • Delphis NV (Belgium) is incorporated (intra Europe services).
  • AC Forwarding (ACF) and Hudig Veder & Dammers (HVD) form AC Ireland Line.
  • Black Sea Container Shipping Co launches intra Black Sea service.

Cessations of activity in liner shipping

  • CT Navigation (Taiwan) closed its services (Taiwan-Hong Kong-Vietnam-Philippines).
  • Hong Kong Ming Wah (HKMW) has closed its only service (Hong Kong-North China), marketed under the Chiu Lun Transportation name.
  • SPM Shipping (St Pierre & Miquelon) ceased its activity- service Halifax-USEC.
  • Armada Line closes its North Europe-Med service.
  • Blue Container Line (Greece) closed its services (Intra Med and Black Sea).

Significant other moves

  • China Shipping Container Lines (CSCL) has been listed on Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
  • Norwegian shipowner John Fredriksen has bought stakes of 3 to 10% in Hanjin Shipping, Hyundai Merchant Marine, Royal P&O Nedlloyd and NOL.
  • EOX Group Bhd has been renamed HubLine Berhad.
  • The liner division of Unicorn Lines has been renamed Ocean Africa Container Line (OACL).
  • TECO Lines is created by Samskip and Estonian Shipping Co.
  • DAL left the West Africa trades.
  • Steamers Maritime (Singapore - Keppel Group) has sold its whole fleet of ten containerships.
100,400 dwt, delivered in 2004 by Hyundai, owned by Conti Reederei, operated by CMA CGM
(Copyright CMA CGM)
The second-hand market for containerships in 2004
2004, an exceptional vintage! This is certainly true for almost all shipping markets. The year 2004, with no less than 265 sales of pure containerships (of which 44 resales of ships under construction or ordered) and 126 other ro-ro and multipurpose ships, compared to respectively 181 and 104 ships last year. Nonetheless this leaves a feeling of frustration for a number of buyers who were not able to achieve all their intended investments.

This frustration is caused by the evident lack of tonnage for sale, even at very high prices. Many owners, due to lack of prompt yard slot availability, preferred to go on the charter market for periods sometimes as much as 3, 4 or 5 years, but who can blame them'

A simple example illustrates the mood that reigned throughout the second half of the year: the owner of the m/v 'Lissy Schulte' (B170 - 1,730 teu, built in 1995) refused an offer of no less than $ 30 million and has finally been fixed firm to P&O for 48 months at level of $ 26,500 per day! According to our calculations the result of this charter is equivalent to about $ 35 million. We now understand why this ship has not been sold even at such a price level.

The other specificity of the second-hand market for containerships in 2004 is, without any doubt, the number of sales in the 500 to 2,000 teu size range, and more precisely from 800 to 1,200 teu. There were no less than 15 to 20 potential buyers who found themselves chasing the rare units being put on the market. There was again this year an outright winner in the person of Mr Aponte (MSC, Geneva), with a total of some thirty ships bought in 2004, to which should be added the purchase of some ten newbuilding contracts initially ordered by German owners.

German owners bought some sixty ships. It is interesting to note in this respect that it is virtually impossible to compete with a German buyer on a modern ship offered on the market when it is controlled by German interests. A good lesson in self-protection!

Also, whilst in the past ships already under long-term charter were gaining popularity amongst buyers, this year ships that were "time-charter free" were by far the most sought after. In the absence of charter free tonnage in 2004, a large number of buyers went after containerships still employed up until the end of 2005.

Despite the high prices paid, buyers had to be patient for several months before they were able to benefit from a chartering market for which they hope it will stay at least as good as today's levels. As to liner operators, purchases of this kind proved to be essential once they had to ensure operating the necessary tonnage on their regular services.

The principal "en-bloc" sales which can be reported this year are:

  • 5 x 3,500 teu and 9 x 4,200 teu (14 ships) built in 1991, 92, 93, 94 and 95 from P&O Nedlloyd to MPC Capital for a total of $ 660 million.
  • 4 x 2,824 teu Hyundai contracts for delivery between 2005 and 2006 resold by Erck Rickers to CMA CGM for $ 44 million each.
  • 8 x 4,250 teu Dalian New contracts for delivery between 2006 and 2007 resold by Bertram Rickmers to Zodiac.
  • 7 x 1,538 / 1,658 teu built between 1998 and 2000 by Jiangnan and HDW, from clients of Silver Line (who bought the entire fleet in 2001 for $ 100 million) to MSC for $ 130 million.
  • 10 ships of 369 to 1,012 teu, sold by Keppel Group (Steamers) to Interorient for $ 91 million. 
  • 4 x 5,050 teu, Hanjin shipyard contracts for delivery in 2006, resold by Rickmers to MSC for $ 63.5 million each.
  • 5 x 3,039 teu built between 1990 and 1992 by HDW, sold by Zim to Torvald Klaveness and Icon Capital for $ 35 to $ 38 million each, with a bare-boat charter back to Zim.
  • 4 x 2,394 teu (20 knots) built in 1994 in Spain, sold by Zodiac Maritime to MSC for just over $ 30 million each.
  • 4 x 2,524 teu built by Kvaerner in 2003 and 2004, sold by an Andreas Ugland-associated company to the bare-boat charterer of the ships, Hamburg-Sud, for $ 35 million each.
Number of pure containerships sold by size:
Less than 900 teu: 82 
From 900 to 2,000 teu: 83
From 2,000 to 3,000 teu: 42 
Over 3,000 teu: 58 (of which 28 contract resales)
Total number of ships sold in 2004: 265
Total capacity of ships sold in 2004:  500,145 teu

  Containerships under 900 teu

Together with the normal flow of activity this year, we have seen a search by certain buyers for ships smaller than what they originally needed. Prices for some ships have occasionally doubled between mid-2003 and end 2004. Even ships that can hardly been classified as "suitable" on this market, such as a slow-speed vessels or those with gears unable to perform a standard loading/unloading rate, have found buyers at more than favourable conditions for their owners.

Buyers based in the Far East, Germany and Greece were, in this order, the most active within this size category.

Interorient's deal of buying the feeder fleet of the Keppel Group for $ 91 million fairly well reflects the mood of the market this year. A fleet which has been on the market throughout the whole year 2003 and which was finally sold at the beginning of 2004. Since then, one can estimate the theoretical gain in the value of each ship to be at about 50 to 60 %.

Containerships of 900 to 2,000 teu

This has been by far the most active sector of the second-hand containership market! A cascade of sales, dozens of buyers, ships sometimes for sale, sometimes withdrawn, escalating negotiations with the seller rising his price at each stage of the negotiation'.. in short a happy shambles within the context of euphoric freight rates and second-hand prices.

This situation is particularly true since the summer of 2004. At that time buyers were struggling with the steady disappearance of charter-free ships. The few units still available in 2004 and 2005 will become targets for owners such as MSC, Zim or CMA CGM'

Containerships of 2,000 to 3,000 teu

This sector saw only a small progression this year with some fifteen more ships sold compared to last year. At the end of the year owners of newbuilding contracts for delivery in 2005 did not hesitate to ask for ' 45 million ($ 60 million) for a gearless ship of 2,700 teu. In short, the lack of tonnage explains some excess in ship's valuations.

Containerships of 3,000 teu and more

Fifty percent of the 58 deals done this year were newbuilding contract resales. This segment of the market was dominated by Zodiac, MSC and above all the German KGs, always very keen about ships of this size, which combine several favourable factors to investors: 

  • a market predominately stable and secure,
  • a popular size and already well-known in Germany, thus a relatively good market knowledge by investors,
  • a satisfactory "liquidity" of the assets and reliable charterers.

One of the rare pure second-hand operation done this year was the one involving the 3 ships of 3,187 teu controlled by Talcar, Israel, built respectively in 1986, 1986, and 1988 at a price of $ 80 million en-bloc with delivery in 2005 to MSC.


Out of the 52 ships demolished in this category, only 5 were pure containerships, the latter totalling a mere 2,450 teu. The others were either multipurpose or conventional cargo ships. This low scrapping level is a direct consequence of the firmness in the freight market. Scrap metal price levels have been hovering in the region of $ 400 per lightweight ton


The world cellular fleet has increased this year by 9.8 % to reach 3,362 ships (7,290,000 teu). This evolution is in line with the annual average growth of the past 15 years. However we already know by now that the shipyards will deliver a capacity of 47 % of the existing fleet in the course of the next 3 years. This represents a growth of about 14 % per year!

The demolition market usually hits ships of 27 years or more on average, which in the best case will only shrink the world fleet by 3.2 % of its current capacity.

The question is therefore: will Asia, and especially China whose strong export industry has continued to expand, be able to absorb this additional tonnage? A large number of players, both on the industrial as well as the shipping side, believe that it will. It is however a very complex exercise to predict the strength of such a market. As we all know, to simply maintain it at its present levels, it depends upon China and its neighbours, whose growth in turn seems to be in their own hands.

Annunziata nommé commissaire de l'Autorité du système portuaire de la mer Tyrrhénienne centrale
Son mandat présidentiel a pris fin le 2 février.
Avec ces nouvelles commandes, CMA CGM se prépare à devenir le deuxième plus grand transporteur maritime conteneurisé au monde
Actuellement, le carnet de commandes de la compagnie marseillaise est plus important que celui de Maersk
Le groupe génois Sirius Ship Management a acquis son compatriote Generalmarine
L'entreprise est spécialisée dans les solutions pour l'électronique de navigation et les communications maritimes
L'Association des armateurs européens change de nom
A partir d'aujourd'hui, elle s'appelle ECSA European Shipowners
EST a commandé une nouvelle grue mobile à Konecranes pour son terminal du port d'Augusta
En janvier, les navires transitant par le canal de Suez ont diminué de -23,2%
Le Caire/Ismaïlia
En 2024, les marchandises transitant par la voie navigable égyptienne ont chuté de -65,4%
Les navires et bateaux, malgré les contrôles, continuent de polluer les eaux de l'Union européenne
C'est ce que dénonce un rapport de la Cour des comptes européenne
TiL (MSC Group), avec BlackRock et GIP, va acquérir 80% de Hutchison Ports
Hong Kong
Accord également pour acheter 90% du capital de la Panama Ports Company. La valeur de l'entreprise est de 22,8 milliards de dollars
Pessina (Federagenti) demande un examen de l'utilité des nouveaux terminaux portuaires
Une carte mettant en évidence les types de trafic et la demande réelle du marché pour ces types de biens et services a été demandée.
CMA CGM commande 12 nouveaux porte-conteneurs de 18 000 EVP supplémentaires, cette fois en Chine
Ils seront livrés par le chantier naval de Jiangnan entre 2028 et 2029
En janvier, le trafic de marchandises dans le port de Gênes a diminué de -10,7%, tandis qu'à Savona-Vado il a augmenté de +8,1%
Marchandises conteneurisées en hausse de +18,2%. Diminution du nombre de croisiéristes
Les résultats financiers de Kuehne+Nagel pour le second semestre 2024 montrent une amélioration significative
Au quatrième trimestre, le chiffre d'affaires net a augmenté de +18,8% et le résultat net de +11,3%
Le règlement européen sur le recyclage des navires a atteint ses objectifs
Trop d'armateurs - dénonce la dernière évaluation de la législation - choisissent encore de démolir des navires dans des chantiers navals d'Asie du Sud
Croce (Assagenti) : le choix du nouveau président de l'AdSP de Ligurie occidentale ne peut plus être reporté
Il n'est pas acceptable - a-t-il dénoncé - que depuis plus d'un an le système portuaire soit sans tête
En 2024, le chiffre d'affaires de CMA CGM a augmenté de +18% et le résultat net de +57%
Les conteneurs transportés par la flotte ont augmenté de +8%
En 2024, le trafic de fret dans le port de Brême/Bremerhaven a augmenté de +5,9% grâce aux conteneurs
Renversement de tendance au dernier trimestre où les chargements de conteneurs ont diminué de -2,6%
La Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance lance son deuxième concours de transport maritime à faibles émissions
Costamare prévoit la scission de sa division vrac sec
Costamare Bulkers Holdings sera créée et devrait être cotée à la Bourse de New York
Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings enregistre une année record
Forte demande pour les croisières prévues en 2025 et 2026
Le Aziende informanoSponsored Article
ABB Ability™ Marine Remote Diagnostic System
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L'année dernière, le trafic de marchandises dans les ports de l'Adriatique du Sud AdSP a diminué de -7,7%
Le nombre de passagers des ferries a également diminué (-4,4%), tandis que le nombre de passagers des croisières a augmenté de +18,1%.
L'ECSA apprécie pleinement l'accord européen sur l'industrie propre
T&E a également exprimé son soutien, mais a considéré que la décision de reporter la proposition d’un objectif climatique pour 2040 était très inquiétante.
80% du groupe de transport maritime et logistique Louis-Dreyfus Armateurs à InfraVia
La famille Louis-Dreyfus conservera les 20% restants du capital
Marsa Maroc gérera également le nouveau Terminal Ouest du port de Nador West Med
Près des deux tiers du quai de 1 440 mètres seront dédiés aux conteneurs
En 2024, les expéditions intermodales traitées par le transporteur allemand Kombiverkehr ont diminué de -5%
Riedl : Le transport intermodal doit être soutenu également par des mesures incitatives
Au quatrième trimestre 2024, les échanges commerciaux du G20 ont enregistré une baisse conjoncturelle
Des performances mitigées dans le commerce des services
Blackstone achète un important propriétaire et exploitant de marinas aux États-Unis
New York/Southfield
Accord de 5,65 milliards de dollars pour acquérir Safe Harbor Marinas
D'Agostino dénonce la division politique des nominations du secrétaire général et du président d'un port
Je suis dégoûté - a-t-il dit - quand je lis dans les journaux que le président choisit l'un et le secrétaire l'autre
L'année dernière, le trafic de marchandises dans le port de Hambourg a diminué de -2,1 pour cent.
Divers biens en hausse. Volume stable traité au cours du dernier trimestre
En 2024, le trafic de marchandises dans le port de Livourne a diminué de -3,0%
Ralentissement causé par la réduction du volume liquide; croissance dans d’autres secteurs. Le trafic augmente à Piombino
Joint-venture de Noatum Maritime et Erkport dans le secteur des services maritimes rouliers
Abou Dhabi
Dans un premier temps, la nouvelle compagnie disposera d'une flotte de 11 navires qui seront utilisés sur cinq lignes.
Saipem et Subsea7 signent un accord de fusion
Les actionnaires de référence CDP Equity, Eni et Siem Industries se sont engagés à soutenir l'opération
L'ICS satisfait des progrès de l'ISWG-GHG vers la décarbonisation du transport maritime, même s'ils ne sont pas définitifs
Platten : Il reste encore beaucoup de travail à faire de toute urgence d'ici la réunion du MEPC en avril
Au second semestre 2024, le trafic de marchandises dans le port de Venise a augmenté de +15,3%
Au cours de l'année entière, les croisiéristes ont été au nombre de 548 000 (+7,8%)
Au dernier trimestre 2024, le trafic de fret dans le port de Rotterdam a diminué de -2%
Une baisse de -0,7% a été enregistrée sur l’ensemble de l’année.
HMM en pourparlers pour acquérir son compatriote SK Shipping
La transaction serait évaluée à près de 1,4 milliard de dollars
La plateforme Clean Maritime Fuels propose des actions nécessaires pour rendre les carburants propres disponibles pour le transport maritime
Joint-venture Cargill et Hafnia dans l'approvisionnement en carburants marins
Seascale Energy est née
L'AdSP deviendra le seul gestionnaire des manœuvres ferroviaires dans le port de Ravenne
L'entretien extraordinaire et les investissements dans de nouvelles infrastructures resteront de la responsabilité de RFI
Les garde-côtes autorisent l'utilisation de batteries à bord des navires battant pavillon italien
Adoption d'une approche d'évaluation des risques utilisant les lignes directrices de l'EMSA
Joint-venture entre Marsa Maroc et TIL (groupe MSC) pour la gestion du terminal à conteneurs Est du port de Nador West Med
50% du capital plus une action seront détenus par la société africaine
La navigation, le manque de services et les coûts des contrôles de marchandises donnent une mauvaise réputation au port de Gênes
Botta : perdre du temps et de l'argent sur divers contrôles, ne pas avoir de certitude sur les heures de sortie des marchandises des ports rend la situation intenable
Attica Holdings a vendu le ferry ro-pax Kriti II construit en 1979
Vendu pour 3,6 millions de dollars, il sera démantelé dans un chantier naval agréé par l'UE
Nouveaux records économiques et opérationnels pour le groupe de terminaux ICTSI
L'année dernière, le trafic de conteneurs traité par les terminaux portuaires a augmenté de +2,5%
Lauritzen Bulkers a racheté le canadien Alexander & Blake
La société opère dans le transport maritime de marchandises sèches en vrac, de marchandises diverses et de marchandises de projet.
Royal HaskoningDHV a acheté l'Arche écossaise Henderson
L'entreprise d'Aberdeen est spécialisée dans la conception d'ouvrages maritimes
Accord de collaboration entre Saipem et Divento pour l'éolien flottant en Italie
Il prévoit l'utilisation de la technologie STAR 1 pour la construction de fondations semi-submersibles
Global Ship Lease annonce des résultats financiers annuels et trimestriels records
Les revenus ont augmenté de +5,4% en 2024
Trump promet des incitations fiscales aux constructeurs navals américains
Annonce de la création d'un nouveau Bureau de la construction navale
CMB.TECH investit 1,18 milliard de dollars pour acquérir 40,8 % de Golden Ocean
L'entreprise belge va racheter la participation détenue par Hemen Holding de John Fredriksen
Les associés d'Interporto Toscano Amerigo Vespucci injectent dix millions dans l'entreprise
En novembre, le conseil d'administration a préparé un plan de restructuration
Seabourn a vendu le navire de croisière Seabourn Sojourn à Mitsui Ocean Cruises
Il sera transféré à la société japonaise au cours du second semestre 2026
ECG adopte un programme pour augmenter la sécurité de la livraison des véhicules aux concessionnaires
Décès de Cristoforo Canavese à 76 ans
Figure éminente du système portuaire ligure
L'acte d'acquisition du bâtiment historique de Gaeta qui accueillera l'ITS Academy Caboto a été signé
Au terminal PSA de Venise - Vecon, le diesel traditionnel a été remplacé par du biocarburant HVO
Permet une réduction de 88,7 % des émissions de gaz à effet de serre
Dans le port d'Augusta, deux grues portuaires ont été déplacées pour rétablir leur fonctionnement
Ils appartiennent à l'Autorité du Système Portuaire
Le dernier diaphragme de l'infrastructure routière de la Galleria Salerno Porta Ovest a été démoli
Il relie directement le port commercial de la ville de Campanie à la jonction autoroutière
Le chinois CMPort va acquérir 70 % de l'opérateur de terminaux brésilien Vast Infraestrutura
Hong Kong/Rio de Janeiro
Actif dans le port d'Açu, il gère 30% des exportations nationales de pétrole brut
Visual Sailing List
- liste alphabétique
- liste des nations
- zones géographiques
Port de Gioia Tauro, concession renouvelée à Heidelberg Materials Italia Cementi
Joie Taureau
La durée du contrat a été augmentée de quatre à dix ans
La construction d'un nouveau terminal de croisière a commencé à Antigua
Il sera achevé d'ici le milieu de l'année prochaine
Les revenus de Finnlines ont augmenté de +2,7% en 2024
Pippingsköld confirme l'achat de trois nouveaux navires ro-pax supplémentaires qui entreront en service en 2028
Confirmé à Mercitalia Shunting & Terminal l'activité de manÅ“uvre ferroviaire dans l'Interporto de Padoue
Daniele Rossi nommé commissaire extraordinaire de l'AdSP de l'Adriatique Centre-Nord
Tarros nomme son propre agent en Allemagne
Il s'agit de Global Liner Agencies, une société basée à Stuttgart.
Le TAR déclare irrecevable le recours de Med Yacht Storage sur la concession d'État de Vado Ligure
ESPO : L'accord industriel propre est une première étape importante vers la décarbonisation
Le plan a été présenté aujourd'hui par la Commission européenne
En France, le patronat réclame une cellule de coordination public-privé pour limiter l'impact des grèves dans les ports
L'objectif est de trouver des solutions rapidement
L'appel d'offres pour la fourniture de travaux temporaires dans les ports de l'Adriatique du Sud AdSP a été clôturé
Leone : les ports pourront enfin compter sur un mécanisme d'entraide
L'Autorité portuaire centrale de l'Adriatique publie l'avis sur les incitations à l'achat de véhicules portuaires « verts »
Renouvellement du conseil d'administration du groupe de jeunes Federagenti
Filippo Bongiovanni a été nommé président
Augusta Due (groupe Mednav) revient sur le marché de la construction neuve avec un pétrolier de 18 500 tpl
Il a été construit par le chantier naval chinois Fujian Southeast Shipbuilding Co.
2025 a très mal commencé pour les ports espagnols
En janvier, 43 millions de tonnes de marchandises ont été transportées (-6,4%)
Début des travaux de maintenance des infrastructures du port de Syracuse
Interventions d'une valeur totale de plus de 300 mille euros
Nouvel accord Fincantieri-Edge pour développer des solutions de protection des infrastructures sous-marines
Abou Dhabi/Trieste
Ports Italiens:
Ancône Gênes Ravenne
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerne
Bari La Spezia Savone
Brindisi Livourne Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palerme Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venise
Interports Italiens: liste Ports du Monde: Carte
Armateurs Réparateurs et Constructeurs de Navires
Transitaires Fournisseurs de Navires
Agences Maritimes Transporteurs routiers
Demain à Naples une conférence d'études sur la lutte contre le trafic illicite par mer
Il se tiendra à l'Université de « Parthénope »
A Ancône, la conférence « Le port comme pôle stratégique de développement du territoire »
Il est prévu pour le 11 février
››› Archives
Govt. to woo top ten shipping liners in world for Colombo port expansion
(Daily Mirror)
HD Hyundai, one of the world's largest shipbuilders, looks to build a shipyard in India
(The Times of India)
››› Index Revue de la Presse
FORUM des opérateurs maritimes
et de la logistique
Relazione del presidente Nicola Zaccheo
Roma, 18 settembre 2024
››› Archives
Au cours des neuf premiers mois de 2024, le trafic de fret dans les ports italiens a augmenté de +0,5%
Les cargaisons solides en vrac et conventionnelles diminuent. Croissance dans d’autres secteurs
MAIRE, Eni et Iren lancent le processus d'autorisation pour une usine circulaire de méthanol et d'hydrogène
Fritelli (Nextchem) : les ports italiens seront parmi les premiers au monde à pouvoir utiliser le nouveau carburant écologique
Maestripieri (CISL Ligurie) : les ports de Gênes et de Savone-Vado ont besoin d'un président
Les aéroports - a-t-il dénoncé - sont obligés de fonctionner dans un régime d'urgence absolu
Nova Marine Carriers, Aug. Bolten et Ership acquièrent le groupe Maja Stuwadoors
L'entreprise néerlandaise exploite un terminal de vrac dans le port d'Amsterdam
En 2024, le trafic de conteneurs dans le port d'Algésiras a diminué de -0,5%
La tendance négative s'est poursuivie le mois dernier
Confitarma, le maintien de la procédure simplifiée d'enrôlement des marins est une bonne chose
La journaliste napolitaine Bianca D'Antonio décède à l'âge de 83 ans
Point de référence pour la courtoisie et le professionnalisme également pour le secteur maritime
L'AdSP de la mer Ligure orientale a rejoint l'Observatoire national pour la protection de la mer
L'organisation favorise la valorisation de la ressource marine
Demain à Naples une conférence d'études sur la lutte contre le trafic illicite par mer
Il se tiendra à l'Université de « Parthénope »
Le port de Los Angeles atteint un nouveau pic de trafic de conteneurs pour janvier
Los Angeles
Port de Livourne, en 2024 le trafic ferroviaire a augmenté de +10,4%
La part du transport ferroviaire dans les volumes de fret transportés a augmenté à 19 %
Contrat pour l'immersion dans le bassin de récupération d'Ancône des sédiments de dragage des ports de Fano et Numana
L'année dernière, le trafic de marchandises dans les ports monténégrins a augmenté de +2,2%
Le nombre de passagers a augmenté de +16,1%
Federlogistica, la fermeture du péage autoroutier de Busalla pourrait mettre la logistique en crise dans le Nord-Ouest
Investissements de 1,4 milliard d'euros pour le développement du Hub Logistique du groupe FS Italiane
Des investissements pour de nouveaux actifs physiques et numériques sont prévus dans le plan stratégique 2025-2029
Le Groupe Grimaldi étend son réseau maritime à l'Inde
Le 20 février, première escale au port de Mumbai avec le PCTC « Grande California »
Un million d'euros pour la réduction du montant des droits de mouillage dans le port de Gioia Tauro
Joie Taureau
Ok pour l'agrandissement du terminal automobile Automar
L'AdSP de la Ligurie orientale s'accorde sur la nécessité de zones tampons pour les ports de La Spezia et Marina di Carrara
Zones identifiées par l'organisme à proximité du port et de l'arrière-pays de Santo Stefano di Magra
Conférence « Fer-Caoutchouc-Eau : l’intermodalité et le port de Gênes »
Elle aura lieu vendredi à la gare maritime de Gênes
Fratelli Cosulich a acquis une participation majoritaire de 62% du capital de Femo Bunker
Son chiffre d'affaires annuel est supérieur à 70 millions d'euros
Interport de Nola, en 2024 le trafic intermodal a augmenté de +18%
Le trafic routier de marchandises est stable
Le nouveau terminal de croisière de MSC Croisières dans le port de Barcelone est opérationnel
Il sera officiellement inauguré dans les prochains mois
En janvier, le port de Singapour a traité 3,5 millions de conteneurs (+5,8%)
Singapour/Hong Kong
Le trafic de conteneurs dans le port de Hong Kong a diminué de -10,5%
La « taupe » du tunnel de déversement du torrent Bisagno est arrivée au port de Gênes
Il est composé de trois pièces principales de 196 tonnes
Le port de Long Beach continue de connaître une croissance exceptionnelle du trafic de conteneurs
Plage longue
En janvier, 953 mille personnes ont été déplacées (+41,4%)
Mercitalia Intermodal conclut un accord avec PJM pour la digitalisation de 600 wagons intermodaux
Entre 2025 et 2027, ils seront équipés du système numérique WaggonTracker de l'entreprise autrichienne
Demain, CMA CGM activera un nouveau service entre l'Italie, l'Espagne et l'Egypte
Réorganisation de la ligne Bora Med Service avec l'intégration d'escales en Syrie
Assoporti au salon Fruit Logistica pour soutenir le secteur italien des fruits et légumes
Valeur record des exportations de 6,1 milliards d'euros en 2024
- Via Raffaele Paolucci 17r/19r - 16129 Gênes - ITALIE
tél.: +39.010.2462122, fax: +39.010.2516768, e-mail
Numéro de TVA: 03532950106
Presse engistrement: 33/96 Tribunal de Gênes
Direction: Bruno Bellio
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