The Fishing Vessel market in 2000
The year 2000 has been marked by several events which
point to a gradual transformation within the fishing sector. The
continuing tuna crisis has pricked the conscience throughout the
industry (owners, canning factories, national and international
authorities) for the need to regulate the market. Buffeted by the
recurring crises of oversupply and important illicit catches still
occurring in certain regions, the sector seems at last prepared to make
a concerted effort.
This reaction is all the more justified in that
access to resources, given the depletion and the protection of numerous
species, will become tighter.
Unlike the tuna, some sectors with a high added value
such as the toothfish are experiencing a market resurgence. Toothfish
that are caught using longliners is by nature much more selective and
allows a superior quality to be produced. Doubtless it is in this
direction that the tuna fish sector should be able to find a solution,
given that there is an increasing demand for fresh fish from consumers.

The tuna fish crisis |

This is the worst situation the industry has faced in
the last 25 years with stocks of tinned and frozen tuna still increasing
following the high level of catches going back to 1999. Even though the
"mad cow" disease has meant that beef consumption has dropped
dramatically in supermarkets, there has not been a noticeable increase
towards tuna as a substitute. Concerning prices, following the poor
state of the market during 1999 the first quarter of 2000 saw levels
rise to $750 per tonne in Bangkok which was an increase of some 50 %.
During the second quarter, the big catches had the
effect of depressing levels down to $400 per tonne in May. This in turn
led to a rise in canning factories' stocks and encouraged buyers to
hold back in anticipation of further price reductions.
To add salt to the wound, zones of fishing were
extended in South America and in particular Ecuador, a traditional tuna
producer, with limits as far the Galapagos. This resulted in an Ecuador
tuna seiner catch of 197,000 tons in 1999 compared to 117,000 tons in
1998. This increase was helped by the General System of Preferences
which allows Ecuadorian fish to be imported into Europe without any
customs duty. Export of tuna cuts without any duty originating from
Ecuador and Colombia into Spain and particularly Italy is competing and
pushing out deliveries of whole frozen tuna at the expense of European
There was an improvement in prices during the third
quarter which stayed around $400 per ton C&F. They even dropped down
to $380, and even as low as $350 in the fourth quarter, which translated
to a price well below cost of $200-250 per ton to shipowners. The
wholesale price of tinned tuna has been hit throughout the year by
considerable discounts offered by Asian canners to stimulate exports,
which were only partially passed through to the retail prices by the big
In 1999, the catches broke all records, with nearly 4
million tons worldwide, compared to 3.6 million in 1998 and 3.4 million
in 1997. During 2000 less tuna was put onto the market, mainly because
of lack of buying interest, with reduced activity especially from the
Asian canners. The introduction of 'slow fishing' from a number of
countries, as well as Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC)
decision to prohibit fishing around wrecks as from September 15th, 2000
and the fishing of yellowfish as from December 15th to the end of the
year, will also have an effect on quantities supplied.
The practice of "slow fishing" consists in
refrigerated tuna freeze seiners remaining in dock for a period of 15-45
days, fully crewed, before setting out on a new trip, which has the
effect of reducing their effective fishing time. This policy was first
applied in the western Pacific by the Americans, for the majority of
their 38 ships, which it should be remembered are mainly big jumboized
vessels (lengthened from 70 to 90 meters, and with a carrying capacity
increased from 1,100 to 1,600 tons of tuna). In November 2000, it was
agreed that they would remain in dock until February 2001, and
thereafter observe a 21-day rest at the start of each new tide. The
canner Star-Kist is scheduled to rest up his 8 ships until April 2001.
Likewise, as from last December, other countries have
brought in measures to reduce their fishing time, either due to
"slow fishing" or to more restrictive catch quotas. Countries
in this category are: Taiwan, Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Ecuador,
Spain, and France.
One of the other concerns of tuna fishing is research
to find a way to prevent the netting of dolphins, which has become a
sensitive cause taken up by consumers and nature lovers. Already in 1992
protective measures were introduced which were reinforced in 1997 with
quota restrictions.
Tuna have the habit in the Eastern Pacific to travel
with dolphins and to swim underneath them. Despite the best intents,
dolphins are often involuntarily caught with the tuna and die of
suffocation. Another characteristic of tuna fishing in the tropics is
the positioning of artificial ship wrecks where the tuna shoals
congregate especially the young and which are then easily located thanks
to satellite systems.
Steps which are being taken both as regards the
prohibiting of catching dolphins as well as the restrictions being
placed on the introduction of artificial wrecks both in the Eastern
Pacific as well as the Atlantic, should bring some relief to the general
market deterioration.
We can only hope that despite prices being at their
lowest for 25 years (excluding the dollar exchange impact) that these
measures will help restore a more healthy market.
As to newbuilding orders in France, this situation is
stationary, with only the delivery of the 'Cap Saint Vincent' and
the 'Sterenn' for the GIE France Thon, built by Piriou shipyards at
Concarneau. Additionally very few transactions took place on the
second-hand market.
The sector is moving towards greater concentration;
the takeover of Saupiquet, by Trinity Alimentari (a subsidiary of The
Bolton Group, Netherlands) announced in 1999 was concluded this year and
the latter are now looking to buy out P'che et Froid, which would make
them the European leader in the canning industry.
Spain has been able to preserve and strengthen its
tuna activity due to some specific measures such as European subsidies ,
the assistance of Spanish autonomous regions and the exemption of death
duties for family businesses. This allows Spain to keep the largest
European fleet with 55 tuna ships in service, helped also by the lowest
paid crew costs. The main Spanish owners and canners are the Calvo
Group, Las Conservas Garavila, Albacora and Jealsa.
In conclusion, the measures and changes outlined
above, while positive factors should not hide the fact that for as long
as production continues to be based on frozen pickled tuna and then
canned, the root of the depression remains untouched.
It is necessary to switch production on a permanent
basis towards tuna fishing based on longliners to catch quality species
and either make short trips to deliver ashore fresh frozen tuna which
correctly treated (bled or gutted) can be kept up to 21 days, or longer
trips to produce tuna frozen at very low temperatures (-50'C or even
-70'C). Fresh tuna is a choice dish in the form of steaks or filets,
while frozen it is highly appreciated in Japan already for sashimi which
allows the existing fleet to continue to supply the canning factories.
63.70 m, built 2000 by Piriou - Operated by GIE France Thon |
Tootfish sector |

In contrast to tuna, the toothfish sector continues
to enjoy a prosperous period, helped in particular by important sales at
high prices into Japan and the US markets where it goes by the name of
"blue gold".
Fishing is carried out in extremely difficult waters
and which first started with French shipowners using foreign vessels in
the longliner category on bareboat charter. However, a number of these
orders have been confirmed this year within the context of the
"Pons" legislation by commissioning through various bodies,
Sapmer, Mascareignes, Reunion, Le Garrec, la Comata, etc.
All these vessels have been placed with the Piriou
shipyards of Concarneau of longliner class and fitted with the most
modern equipment.
These units which will have to fish within their
allotted quotas, will be environmentally friendly whether in respect to
nature and birds or in respect to the size of the dragnet used to avoid
catching the young and small.
The volume of orders should also ensure a French
presence in the distant region of Kerguelen where all the vessels have
been placed under the French flag. Slowly but surely, month by month,
year by year, the pirates that up till now have raided this region
unmolested, will have increasing difficulties to remain in these
out-of-bounds zones.
This fish is highly prized for its particularly
tender and white fresh flesh. Its first appearance was on the US market
in 1991 and today is a sought-after commodity that has had an
unparalleled success with an unending price rise. The same is true on
the Japanese market where it achieved an astronomical price of US$10,000
per ton.
France controls two important fishing zones in the
Indian Ocean which for the moment remain under-exploited or else
regretfully infested by the bandits.
One can ask the question as to what the French
authorities are doing, but it is worth remembering that the Crozet
Islands are more than 2,800 km from La Reunion and that the only ship
capable of carrying out the policing of an area three times the size of
France (1,7 million sq. km) is the 'Albatros'. This obviously leaves
a large scope for the bandits even if the actual fishing zones are more
strictly limited. We shall see later that the existing sanctions if
caught are far from negligible.
Unfortunately, there is little chance that this kind
of disincentive carries much weight, as a number of pirate vessels are
capable of playing games by changing their flags and adopting flags of
convenience to avoid any legal pursuit. Two incidents, which occurred at
the end of the year, illustrate the degree of tension in the area and
the attraction that toothfish hold over the bandits.
On October 9th 2000, a pirate ship under Sao Tome
flag with a crew of 40 comprising Spanish, Koreans and Chileans got
wrecked and 26 sailors were picked up by another pirate ship operating
in the vicinity as well as eight bodies. Six persons remain missing.
Unfortunately, no ship from the French Navy was in the vicinity and so
the pirates could not be questioned.
On September 25th, a French vessel spotted a pirate
ship operating without authority inside the EEZ. The pirate ship, on
being approached for identification, went into a series of manoeuvres to
try to jam the propeller of the French vessel with a steel cable.
These incidents highlight the degree of danger that
exists in this zone, and for the need of better and proper surveillance.
In this respect the decisions taken by the Mauritius government to
reinforce controls of the suspected illicit unloadings have received the
full support and co-operation from the French agricultural ministry.
The tootfish
- More commonly known as Pantagonian toothfish, Chilean Sea Bass
or Toothfish.
- Average length - one metre, discovered in the early 90's in
Antarctic waters, South of Chile, toothfish fishing is the most
recent example of a "Gold Rush".
- Nowadays, fishing is carried out in Southern Seas, based out of
La Reunion, Mauritius, South Africa, Chile, Argentina, and New
Zealand as well as South Georgia, Bouvet, Crozet and the Kerguelen
archipelago (in the vicinity of the Roaring 40's and the
Fighting 50's).
- Vessels called "longliners" catch fish in depths
between 300 m and 2,500 m. They derive their name from the method
of fishing that is practised.
- Longliner fishing consists of putting out a line on which there
is a multitude of baited hooks. The main lines are equipped with
13,000 - 16,000 hooks each and are laid over hundreds of nautical
miles. They are also heavily ballasted to ensure that they sink
rapidly once in the water, avoiding the entrapment of endangered
bird species such as the albatross and the petrel.
- The waters where the toothfish is caught, are extremely
difficult, requiring the use of processing ships of more than 50
metres long, capable of dropping main lines and dry freezing fish
to -40'C.
The environnement |

The various rules which must be followed in order to
respect the strict limit on catches, necessitates the latest ships and
expensive technologies. Owners need to have a stable environment in
order to be able to pay off their investments (lighting, ballasting the
lines, disposal of rubbish, bird protection, etc.).
It should be remembered that in some areas, 90 % of
toothfish catches are illegal, and that the 'Blue Gold' attracts its
own underworld'
In an effort to prevent pirates continuing their
pillaging, the international authorities have put in place a number of
measures :
If caught in the act, the penalties applicable are
quite dissuasive. If the culprit is apprehended in La Reunion, his cargo
and his equipment will be impounded and the crew's representatives
will be deferred to the Island's public prosecutor. In addition to
possible national sanctions, there is also possible international
intervention. The CCAMLR (Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic
Marine Living Resources) can in practice indirectly bring pressure to
bear on the culprits to the extent that they play a determining role in
the attribution of quotas (especially in the case of toothfish). The
pillaging can therefore restrict any legal access to fishing by this
means. Indeed there has been a reduction in their activities in recent
times, although in practice the pirate ships have learnt to become more
The Navy likes to point out the "dissuasive
effect" of the heavy penalties on captains, the impounding of their
catch, their material and their vessels. This "dissuasive
effect" has been reinforced since the beginning of 1999 by the
decision of the "Prefet" (port admiral or commander-in-chief
of the port) of La Reunion to sink three longliners which had forfeited
their rights of property. Lastly, during 1999 the CCAMLR met and voted
the introduction of a new legislation with effect from May 7, 2000. This
stipulated an identity of the origin of catches of toothfish in the
Antarctic. The system requires a catch certificate to be presented on
discharge of the toothfish, on transhipment, and when importing and
The countries, where the ship is registered, are
responsible for the delivery of these documents concerning toothfish
catches in the Southern Seas. Crucial information should be supplied
under this system not only on the level and location of catches but also
on their final market destinations. Japan and the US are considered as
the main outlets for the toothfish. The CCAMLR is concerned that if
today's unregulated and illicit activities are not limited, it could
jeopardise future stocks to be found in Antarctic waters and the
vicinity. More than 20,000 tons of toothfish are probably illegal fished
which represents twice the quantity actually authorised in the CCAMLR
The ideal solution would be to combine this
legislation with the closure of certain ports (near to the fishing areas
in Mozambique, Namibia, and South Africa), where the pirate ships are
currently welcome. To acheive this, it would be necessary to negotiate
with the port authorities to prohibit the entry and discharge of
Industrial or semi_industrial fishing |

This sector has seen a lack of development and
difficulties in operating, mainly linked to problems of access to
Many shipowners and the authorities in Brussels are
beginning to question whether if it would not be appropriate to offer an
incentive in order to reduce the present fleet, as was practised in the
past. This would also permit the fleet to modernise with the new ships
meeting a number of ecological criteria, namely: protection of birds,
protection of young fish of endangered species and protection of the
seabed, constantly being excavated by trawling by longliners of average
dimensions which would certainly be better adapted to fishing activities
in Europe.
Shipping and Shipbuilding Markets in 2000