testata inforMARE
27 luglio 2024 - Anno XXVIII
Quotidiano indipendente di economia e politica dei trasporti
03:38 GMT+2
FORUM dello Shipping
e della Logistica

The Liquefied Petroleum Gas shipping market
in 2005

'Ever higher or already on top?'


As we anticipated at the same time last year, the LPG market has been experiencing a sustained activity over these past twelve months, as well as a broadening of the strong upward trend that began in mid 2004.

All the evidence that allowed us to anticipate a continuation of this tendency has combined to evolve in a predictable manner, fortifying the basis of a revival which was long-awaited by the shipping community. Only the extent of this revival, which all agree was inevitable, remained to be determined.

Let us briefly recapitulate the fundamental factors and recent evolutions, as they will continue to leave their mark on the market in the coming years:

  • 1. Closer commercial contact between owners and operators of ships already involved in the sector had previously been initiated, in the context of a depressed market, in order to optimise operations and to increase their coverage of a given traffic within a specific size segment. These diverse consolidation moves, which had been undertaken some years ago by industry Majors, will probably be modified with the arrival of new players having acquired existing ships or ordered newbuildings, most of which still to be delivered. New investments have been committed by some operators who are taking position in new sectors, trades, or sizes of ships, which will change the configuration within sectors and multiply the supply sources of ships.

  • 2. Newbuilding orders, whose level remained low when the market was depressed, as well as an increase in new investments in this sector since mid 2004, have resulted in few new deliveries over the course of 2005, due to delays brought about by the shipyards. The next two to three years will see a real replenishment of the fleet, starting in 2006 with deliveries of the orders signed in 2004, followed to a far greater extent with 2005 orders, which will bring ships into service during 2007, 2008, and even 2009! Some size categories, notably the small pressurized or semi-pressurized ships of 4,000 to 8,000 cbm, were less affected by the delays in deliveries from the shipyards, and few new ships will be operational as from the end of 2006.

  • 3. Scrapping, which was well-sustai-ned these past two years, has been limited these last twelve months. We have only registered six demolitions, all done in the first half of the year, including four small ships of 4,000-6,000 cbm, one of 20,000 cbm and one of 75,000 cbm, whereas some twenty units were sold for demolition the previous year. The strength of the market has obviously made certain operators hesitating to scrap their vessels, especially those who invest heavily in maintenance costs' The strict application of standards and quality controls, combined with age limitations, should, however, favour demolitions in the coming years, as well as the newbuildings joining the trade.

  • 4. The very strong surge in American imports, principally ammonia whose production is linked to the price of natural gas: the Henry Hub spot price has jumped from $ 7.80/mmbtu in December 2004 to nearly $ 13.75/mmbtu in December 2005, an increase of around 75 %! Trade volumes have practically doubled over the last months. The current nervousness of the energy market in general would suggest that this trend might amplify, even if the growing volumes of natural gas due to be imported into the US should theoretically take off some of the pressure in the long term. One should also note the disruption of import and export to and from the US, caused by the hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Cindy and Denis, which hit the Gulf of Mexico between July and September. They resulted in lower propane production and important distribution problems during the last half of 2005.

  • 5. The logistics of transporting gas between production and consumption zones is changing. The arrival, over the next few years, of important volumes of gas, including LPG, often associated with new LNG production in West Africa, North Africa, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, and Egypt towards the traditional major poles, and new consuming zones of emerging countries, will cause a change in the movements of numerous ships over longer and considerably different routes. The ammonia and chemical gas sectors are also becoming more and more implicated by this global redistribution, making them more vulnerable to international market fluctuations, whereas, up until now, they have only been limited to specific geographical zones. The development of longer voyages will continue to reinforce the ton-miles factor on these markets.

  • 6. The increase of demand within Far Eastern countries and all the emerging countries such as India, based on oil products and other raw materials, has remained very sustained. There has been, however, a certain easing off in the growth of Chinese energy imports as a result of the development of domestic production.

  • 7. Crude oil and oil product prices have continued to increase, directly affecting those of bunkers ' whose level, based on the selling price at Fujairah, has gone from $ 170 per ton in December 2004 to nearly $ 300 per ton in December 2005, an increase of nearly 175 %!

  • * * *

    We could continue to list other factors that have contributed to the revival of the LPG market and which are likely to influence the future, but we have contained ourselves to the principal ones and, more especially, to those whose levels or prices have reached 'peak' or possibly 'ceiling' levels.

    Parallel to the freight market, which has experienced this continuous rise throughout the year, product prices have also increased considerably despite extensive volatility, which has allowed operators to hedge movements between the various continents. For example, the $ 600 per ton mark was broken at the end of the year for butane deliveries C + F into the Far East, whilst that of propane exceeded $ 650 per ton into North Europe!

    Our usual table shows the evolution of prices for few oil products and gas related products over the last three years:


    VLGC (Very Large Gas Carriers) from 70,000 to 85,000 cbm

    The share of units employed in transporting naphtha diminished, reaching a level of 2-4 ships at the end of the year, given the improvement in LPG freights compared to naphtha rates. There was a high volatility in this market. The spot reference rate MEG/Japan varied from $ 30 to $ 40 per ton in the first quarter, then down to $ 30/t in mid July to peak at over $ 60 in mid September. It dropped to $ 35/t in November, before climbing to nearly $ 50/t at the beginning of 2006! Some exercise for traders who are often confronted with term positions!

    Forecasts for strong increases in LPG production in the coming years continue to promote new orders at higher and higher levels, now reaching over $ 90 million per unit. Some 26 orders were signed in 2005 for a total capacity of 2.15 million cbm, compared to an existing fleet of 104 ships, representing a total of 8 million cbm. For reference, orders in the year 2005 totalled over twice as much as the preceding year, and three times more than that of 2003, whilst building prices have gone up by an average of 35 %!

    Construction costs of over $ 90 million should normally translate into higher freight rates, to the extent that transport demand should remain surplus and we should not see a situation such as the one that exists in the LNG sector with delays in bringing new sites into operation. Some 46 VLGCs remain to be delivered over the next four years.

    In conjunction with the traditional players in the sector such as Berge-sen, Exmar, or A.P. M'ller, several newcomers, owners or trader-owners such as BP, Petredec, Dorian, Latsis, Angelicoussis / Marangas, QGTC, have invested in the VLGC sector.

    There were limited long term charters in the first three quarters of the year, but same became more numerous at the end of the year, at which time the levels awarded were close to a million dollars, more or less 5 % depending on the specifi-cations of the ship and the period concerned.

    Recent term charters have been:

  • 'Joyama' - 82,500 cbm ' t/c 2 years delivery Dec. 05 900,000 $/mth ' Ferrel
  • 'Gas Diana' - 78,000 cbm ' t/c 3 years delivery Dec. 05 950,000 $/mth ' APM
  • 'Gas Energy' - 78,000 cbm ' t/c 18 mths delivery Dec. 05 1,050,000 $/mth ' HMM
  • 'BW Broker' - 80,000 cbm ' t/c 10 years delivery June 07 700,000 $/mth ' BW

  • Also worth noting some secondhand sales structured around medium or long term charters with purchase options:

  • the 'Berge Trader', a new Geogas ship, 78,500 cbm, for delivery in June 2006, fixed for a time charter of 5 years to Bergesen with an option to buy after the first year at $ 92 million, all combined with a COA from Bergesen to Geogas;
  • the 'BW Broker', a new ship from Zodiac, 80,000 cbm, for delivery in June 2007, fixed bareboat to Bergesen with an option to buy at $ 50 million after 10 years.

  • Large Gas Carriers from 52,000 to 60,000 cbm

    We have often remarked that this size category has benefited, and continues to benefit from the domino effect between the VLGCs and the Midsize sector of 30,000 to 40,000 cbm on some very sensitive trades with increased volumes of ammonia on transatlantic routes (Black Sea or Baltic to the US) and on those from the new producers (Australia, Iran, etc.).

    Despite some periods of inactivity, levels have risen appreciably during the last quarter, with spot market rates of ammonia Black Sea/US going from $ 60 to $ 120 for lots of 35,000 tons! The tightness of this market has led some Majors and Traders to take term positions at t/c rates close to a million dollars per month, preferring thus not to be at the mercy of lacking transport capacity at a given moment or not to be confronted with spot rates where the equivalent time charter levels sometimes exceed $ 1.4 million or even $ 1.5 million!

    The end of the year was marked by the order of eight newbuildings with a capacity of 60,000 cbm with Hyundai for deliveries spread over 2008 and 2009, at a price around $81 million each, with three units for Solvang and three for General Ore (Neu Schiffahrt).

    The average age of this fleet (15 years) and some ten units of 25 years or more, which are still trading ammonia but are due to disappear shortly, was largely the reason for such a decision, even at a record construction price of over $80 million!

    Recent transactions:

  • 'Hugo N' - 35,000 t ' NH3Yuzhny/USG Jan 06 ' $ 120/t ' Transammonia
  • 'Havdrott'- 54,000 cbm ' NH3 ' 12 months Dec 05 ' $ 950,000/m ' Harvester

  • Midsize carriers from 24,000 to 43,000 cbm

    Compared to the other sizes, this sector started from a more sustained level at the beginning of 2005, which explains why the variations were not as great. This category is always favoured, with a growing demand both from the ammonia sector as well as LPG, mainly on traditional routes: out of the Caribbean to the US, including the West Coast, and from the Middle East to the Indian Ocean or the Far East.
    Ammonia prices reached their peaks with FOB Black Sea being close to $ 300/t, whereas the CIF US surpassed $ 410/t in the month of November.

    Freights were frequently tight, which, during the second half of 2005, resulted in a multitude of transactions on term business, concluded by some Majors and Traders who sought cover for three, five, even ten years, to benefit from more attractive rates than those on the spot market which remained limited in this size category, not much from a lack of cargoes but rather from a lack of available ships!

    With demand being firmer, the programmed arrival of new tonnage, starting from the year 2006 and particularly in 2007 and 2008, has not affected the trend. However, the increase in the number of operators means that the control of ships and market coverage will probably be more and more diverse.

    The average rise in time charter rates since the beginning of 2005 is between 30 and 40 %, depending on sizes and specifications of the ships concerned, which, in fact, for a 35,000 cbm represents a monthly rate of $ 1.15 million for a 12 year period, with some rebate for longer term contracts from 3 to 10 years.

    Freight rates of ships ranging between 24,000 and 28,000 cbm rose to levels above $ 900,000 before the winter season, thus leaving one to predict possible future tightness should the coming months be harsh.

    Operators who are due to take delivery of their new 35,000 cbm ships in 2006 are looking to place them on time charters at rates of around $ 900,000 to $ 950,000 per month with 3 to 5 year charters. The few spot transactions, given the limited number of ships operating in this sector, are being negotiated at equivalent time charters above $ 1.2 million for a standard ship of 35,000 cbm.

    Seven ships changed hands in 2005, with notably the sale of three units of Bibby to Exmar and Bergesen, as well as the four 35,000 cbm of A.P. Moller to the Indian owner Varun.

    Sixteen new orders will be delivered in the next three years, of which 6 in 2006, 8 in 2007 and 2 in 2008 for a volume of 578,000 cbm, which signifies that 2007 should be a swing year, given the number of new ships due to enter the market. Some analysts are trying to claim that these new units will be quickly absorbed in the market due to the scrapping of older units in the fleet and the increase in the demand of transport from the emerging countries and inter-continental movements.

    The current fleet consists of 40 units with a volume of around 1.3 million cbm.

    Some recent transactions:

  • 'Camberley' - 35,000 cbm ' t/c 3 years del. March 06 ' $975,000/mth Bakri/Sabic
  • 'Herakles' - 30,455 cbm ' t/c 3 years del. Jan. 06 ' $975,000/mth Keytrade

  • Handysize gas carriers from 12,000 to 22,000 cbm

    The gradual resumption of chemical gas movements, principally long haul trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific, combined with sustained demand from the LPG and ammonia sectors has also helped to contribute to price increases throughout 2005.

    Ships of 20,000 to 22,000 cbm, which began the year with rates in the range of $ 650,000/700,000 per month, reached during the course of the year more than $ 850,000, on the basis of one year time charter, while the equivalent t/c rate for spot voyages for chemical gas was established at levels above a million dollars (always on the basis of a round trip, one voyage, without counting eventual waiting time).

    The last quarter saw rates strengthen further to reach levels above $ 900,000 on the basis of a one year time charter and more than $1.4 million for the equivalent t/c on spot voyages for chemical gas or LPG!

    Rates in this size category will probably remain very firm over the next few years, due to very few newbuildings (eight units of 16,000 to 22,000 cbm, of which six ethylene carriers). World demand, coming from the LPG, chemical gas, and ammonia sectors, is continuously growing and this size of ship is used in all three product sectors on intra-regional or coastal traffics.

    We saw an interesting order of four ethylene carriers of 17,000 cbm by the Norwegian owner Solvang, placed at the German shipyard Meyer, at a record price close to $ 50 million euros per unit! An interesting commitment for a most probable promising project!

    Three semi-refrigerated ships of 22,500 cbm were reported ordered by Navigator and associates (ex Hyundai) for delivery in 2008, but this does not seem to have been confirmed yet, meaning perhaps that the slots will be allocated to others on different ship sizes.

    Amongst last year's sales, that of Naftomar's 'Queen Zenobia' to the German owner Harpain, 22,500 cbm semi-ref built in 2002, for a record price of $ 61.5 million, was outstanding in that this was nearly $ 15 million more than the previous ship of this type, and nearly $ 30 million more than the price Naftomar paid when ordering in 2000! This type of transaction is typical of the confidence that some operators are giving to this segment size for the future. The Gaschem Hamburg pool, of which Harpain is a partner, will take commercial management of the ship, which should be delivered at the end of March 2006. It will be the most important unit in the pool, which up until now has had smaller sizes. A new player in this size category.

    Recent transactions:

  • 'Annapurna' - 22,000 cbm ' 1990 ' 12 mths Jan. 06 ' $900,000/mth HPCL
  • 'Navigator Nep' - 22,000 cbm ' 2001 ' 12 mths ext Jan. 06 ' $885,000/mth Geogas
  • 'Vidzeme' - 20,700 cbm ' 1997 '12 mths Dec. 05 ' $880,000/mth Naftomar
  • 'Sussex'-'Surrey' - 15,000 cbm ' 1981/82 12/12 mths Dec. 05 ' $685,000/mth Transammonia

  • Small gas carriers from 3,500 to 12,000 cbm

    The year was marked particularly by moves of fleet concentrations and new acquisitions, lead by certain owners which were absent up till now or only present in a marginal manner in the gas sector, such as Stealth, Eitzen, Magnus, Samos, etc.. We have seen the important show of strength of Stealth, which has moved from a fleet of 10 units at the end of 2004 to a fleet of 27 units at the end of 2005 (all ships in the size range of 1,300 to 7,500 cbm, pressure or semi-pressure/refrigerated).

    On the other hand, Exmar has relinquished its fleet of small pressurized coasters (9 ships of 3,500 cbm) to partners/owners in the Unigas pool, who have elected to leave the commercial management of their ships to the former pool with Lauritzen Kosan.

    More recently, the Italian owner Montanari also decided to leave this sector, having ensured a good price for the sale of its fleet of ten ships of 4,000 to 9,000 cbm to other Italian interests. The latter, new entrants in this sector, will, however, leave the management of their ships to the Gasmare/Gaschem pool.

    Freight rates for these small pressurized ships of 3,500 to 4,000 cbm have scaled new 'peaks', surpassing the $ 300,000 per month mark mid year, but fell back to levels 25 % lower to these records at the end of the year. The coastal market has remained firm and was very active throughout 2005, also helped by the hike in bunker prices, which increased by more than 175 % during the same period.

    The more sustained activity of the ethylene market allowed all ethylene carriers to be employed on international trades, thus reducing their availability for other markets and products, despite some periods of inactivity.

    The market of small semi-refs did not take off indefinitely, as some people were expecting at the end of last year. Rates remained firm, however, despite a certain lack of molecules (propylene and VCM) which increased waiting times between voyages.

    New ethylene production capacities coming into service over the course of the next few years will be substantial, and it has motivated several players to order ethylene carriers. In total more than twenty ships of this type, of different sizes ranging from 5,600 to 10,000 cbm, have been ordered by seven different owners, at price levels varying between $ 25 to $ 40 million each, depending on size and specifications. These orders are spread between European shipyards for the smaller sizes, and the Korean or Chinese shipyards for the larger sizes. Confidence is therefore strong, comforted by some impressive figures on production forecasts out of the Middle East and the growing demand in Asia.

    Apart from ethylene carriers, the sector of newbuildings has been dominated by the pressurized ships, with some 42 units of 3,500 to 11,000 cbm ordered mainly with the small Japanese shipyards offering deliveries as from 2007, based on standard conditions of medium term charters with purchase options. Have past lessons already been forgotten?

    Most of these ships were ordered at price levels 40 % above those of 18 months ago! With such price levels, operating these ships will have to be sharp!

    Recent transactions:

  • 'Kempton'- 6,400 cbm ' 2000 ' prs ' 6/9 mths Nov. 05 ' $440,000/mth ' Aygas
  • 'Norgas Challenger' - 6,300 cbm ' 1984 ' ethy ' 12 mths ext Jan. 06 ' $450,000/mth ' Mitsui
  • 'Newmarket' - 6,250 cbm ' 1999 ' sr ' 12 mths Jan. 06 ' $430,000/mth ' A. Veder
  • 'Gaschem Atrice' - 7,650 cbm ' 1984 ' vcm ' 12 mths Jan. 06 ' $485,000/mth ' Primex
  • 'Riogas' - 7,300 cbm ' 1986 ' sr ' 2 mths Dec. 05 ' $550,000/mth ' Primex


    2005 was strongly marked by the confirmation of the revival of the various liquefied gas markets, whose main product prices and freight rates attained new heights. Will these soon be considered as 'ceiling' levels?

    Some operators in well defined sizes seem to think of this as the case, judging by some of the 'departures' seen during the course of the second half, or do they consider that other investments will be less risky or more favourable in the coming years?

    Others have taken the inverse position by entering into this market through the acquisition of secondhand ships, or by placing new orders at record prices!

    The FOB Saudi-Arabia contract prices of butane and propane were $ 585 and $ 575 respectively at the end of the year, whereas they were only $ 372 and $ 365 a year before, being an increase of 57 %!

    CIF prices have followed the same direction, with sometimes even greater increases, whereas those of freights have, on average, been less pronounced, being in a bracket of 25 to 50 % depending on the sizes and the types of ship being considered.

    We should again underline the very strong surge in bunker prices (nearly 175 % in a year), which somewhat modifies the actual increase in rates, but contributes even so to the escalation in freight levels.

    This evolution is certainly not likely to slow down, judging the continuous rise in oil prices and associated products. We evaluate the impact of the bunker price increases on freight rates to be about $ 6.50/ton on the round trip reference voyage MEG/Japan for a VLGC, and about $ 4/ton for an inter Med voyage for a 20,000 to 28,000 cbm vessel.

    It is interesting to note that the freight rates for sizes ranging from 20,000 to 85,000 cbm are all situated around a million dollars, more or less 15 %!

    Forecasts for the next two to three years remain optimistic, given the need to renew the fleet, the delays being experienced in deliveries of newbuildings, with shipyards full up until the end of 2009, and in face of the strong demand for energy and fertilisers, coming especially from the Indian Ocean and Asia, as well as the possible increase of LPG used as a feedstock for chemical gas.

    Given the heights already attained, any extension in the price increases and freight rates should, however, become less pronounced over the coming years.

    Several owners have made their entry or consolidated their presence in the gas market, attracted by higher returns and the prospects of an expanding sector. The specialisation by segment size and specific trades, however, remains important.

    In any case, the freight, newbuilding and the second-hand markets have definitely entered into a new cycle, characterised by higher prices, which, in return, will require the fundamentals to operate these ships commercially to remain available.

    Shipping and Shipbuilding Markets in 2005

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    La FMC blocca l'entrata in vigore dell'accordo Gemini Corporation tra Maersk e Hapag-Lloyd nei traffici con gli USA
    Sarebbe diventato automaticamente efficace lunedì, ma l'agenzia americana ha richiesto ulteriori informazioni
    Nel primo semestre del 2024 il traffico delle merci nei porti russi è calato del -3,1%
    San Pietroburgo
    Merci secche in diminuzione del 2,7% e rinfuse secche del -3,5%
    Nel porto di Klaipeda inizierà la costruzione di un nuovo terminal crociere
    Si prevede che i lavori partiranno quest'anno
    Inaugurato il nuovo porto indiano di transhipment
    Inaugurato il nuovo porto indiano di transhipment
    Lo scalo in acque profonde di Vizhinjam è gestito dalla Adani Ports and Logistics
    Nel secondo trimestre sono diminuiti gli atti di pirateria contro le navi, ma non la violenza contro i marittimi
    Nel secondo trimestre sono diminuiti gli atti di pirateria contro le navi, ma non la violenza contro i marittimi
    Londra/Kuala Lumpur
    Denunciati 27 attacchi rispetto ai 38 del periodo aprile-giugno del 2023
    Sottoscritta l'ipotesi di accordo per il rinnovo del Ccnl dell'industria armatoriale
    Aumento complessivo al parametro medio (nostromo) di 202 euro
    Global Ports Holdings accetta l'offerta di takeover dell'azionista di maggioranza GIH
    La proposta include il delisting della società
    GNV pubblica il proprio Rapporto di Comunità 2023
    Catani: generiamo annualmente impatti diretti, indiretti e indotti pari a 1,36 miliardi sull'economia italiana
    Approvate le variazioni al bilancio di previsione 2024 dell'AdSP Ligure Occidentale
    Ok del Comitato di gestione alle convenzioni con RFI per i collegamenti di ultimo miglio
    Sindacati, approvato il rinnovo del contratto dei marittimi e sciolta la riserva
    Alcune criticità nel settore del rimorchio
    L'AdSP della Sardegna accelera le spese per l'infrastrutturazione
    Circa 60 milioni di euro di somme a disposizione in più nel 2024
    Aggiudicato l'appalto per la nuova pavimentazione delle banchine 19, 20 e 21 del porto di Ancona
    Nell'area verranno spostati parte degli attracchi dei traghetti
    Medlog (gruppo MSC) diventerà comproprietaria del nuovo inland port belga di Limburg
    Partnership con Essers e Machiels
    Al via nel porto di Augusta i lavori per la realizzazione del nuovo posto di controllo frontaliero
    Saranno ultimati entro gennaio 2025
    Nei primi cinque mesi del 2024 il traffico delle merci nel porto di Napoli è cresciuto del +5,8% mentre a Salerno è calato del -1,0%
    Approvato il DPSS dell'Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Settentrionale
    Lo strumento definisce gli obiettivi e le strategie di sviluppo coordinate dei porti del Sistema
    Nel secondo trimestre di quest'anno i ricavi di UPS sono diminuiti del 1,1%
    Utile netto in calo del -32,3%
    Stabile il fatturato trimestrale del gruppo logistico Kuehne + Nagel
    In crescita i ricavi generati dalle spedizioni aeree
    Nuovo servizio di Bertani Trasporti per il trasporto ferroviario di auto tra Chignolo Po e Cassino
    Il 6,5% della flotta in navigazione è in grado di utilizzare carburanti o propulsioni alternative
    Trafigura diventa unica proprietaria della High Heat Tankers
    Acquisito il 50% del capitale in mano alla Gearbulk
    Positivo il secondo trimestre di Wärstilä
    Accentuata crescita nel segmento marittimo
    Varata una ro-pax di Bluferries
    Dall'inizio del prossimo anno collegherà Villa San Giovanni con Messina
    Accordo Fincantieri-Hera per l'ottimizzazione del ciclo dei rifiuti
    Verrà istituita una newco. L'attività avrà avvio nel cantiere navale di Monfalcone
    La giapponese ENEOS cede la flotta di navi cisterna e rinfusiere ad una newco partecipata all'80% da NYK
    La vendita non include le navi per il trasporto di petrolio greggio
    Visual Sailing List
    Porto di partenza
    Porto di destinazione:
    - per ordine alfabetico
    - per nazione
    - per zona geografica
    Fondi UE per 765 milioni alla nuova linea ferroviaria Torino-Lione
    Finanziato anche l'accesso al tunnel di base del Brennero
    Medtruck (gruppo MSC), accordo con i sindacati su salario e diritti
    Nei prossimi 15 giorni i lavoratori saranno chiamati ad esprimersi sull'intesa
    Inaugurato il nuovo collegamento ferroviario intermodale tra l'Interporto della Toscana Centrale e il Terminal Darsena Toscana
    In arrivo nel porto di La Spezia i mezzi navali per la costruzione del nuovo molo crociere
    La Spezia
    Saranno utilizzati per il consolidamento dei fondali marini e la prefabbricazione e posa dei cassoni
    Rhenus ha inaugurato due stabilimenti nei pressi di Bologna e Milano
    Nuove filiali a Castel San Pietro e Casei Gerola
    A giugno il porto di Long Beach stabilisce un nuovo record di traffico dei container per questo mese
    Long Beach
    La BEI finanzia con 90 milioni il progetto della Darsena Europa del porto di Livorno
    Guerrieri: pieno sostegno politico e finanziario alla sua realizzazione
    Accordo tra l'AdSP dell'Adriatico Centrale e la Polizia di Stato per la prevenzione ed il contrasto dei crimini informatici
    Croce (Assagenti): non fermare la realizzazione delle grandi infrastrutture
    Diga di Genova, Terzo Valico e gronda autostradale - sottolinea - sono opere essenziali
    Nel primo semestre del 2024 il traffico dei container nel porto di Hong Kong è calato del -5,4%
    Hong Kong
    Nel secondo trimestre la flessione è stata del -7,5%
    Rinnovato l'accordo quinquennale tra Onorato Armatori e IMAT per la formazione degli equipaggi
    Castel Volturno
    Saipem si è aggiudicata due progetti offshore in Arabia Saudita
    Nuove attività del valore di circa 500 milioni di dollari
    Al via i lavori per la realizzazione del nuovo varco d'ingresso al porto di Augusta
    Di Sarcina: opera strategica anche alla luce del recente trasferimento del traffico dei container da Catania
    La forte domanda di container si riflette sugli utili della CIMC
    Hong Kong
    Registrato un aumento significativo delle vendite di dry box
    ALS Customs Services ha acquisito l'italiana Battaglino Customs Services
    L'azienda di Milano ha 79 dipendenti
    Approvato il bilancio 2023 di Interporto Campano
    Confermati Alfredo Gaetani (presidente) e Claudio Ricci (amministratore delegato)
    Saipem, commessa per attività offshore in Azerbaijan
    In programma attività nelle acque azere del Mar Caspio
    Il gruppo danese SGL compra la brasiliana Blu Logistics Brasil
    Accordo per acquisire l'intero capitale sociale
    Sottoscritto il 99,2% dell'aumento di capitale da 400 milioni di Fincantieri
    L'azionista di maggioranza CDP Equity ha sottoscritto nuove azioni per 285,8 milioni di euro
    Il 17 luglio a Roma si terrà l'assemblea pubblica di Assiterminal
    Messina (Assarmatori): con il rinnovo del Ccnl dell'industria armatoriale valide risposte alle esigenze dei lavoratori
    Al La Spezia Container Terminal iniziano gli scali delle portacontenitori da 21.000 teu di OOCL
    La Spezia
    Inaugurato l'impianto di Onshore Power Supply del porto di La Valletta
    Ogni mercoledì “MSC World Europa” si collegherà alla rete elettrica dello scalo
    PSA, le misure per mitigare la congestione nel porto di Singapore stanno avendo successo
    Nei mesi scorsi è aumentata, tra l'altro, la necessità di movimentare più volte i container
    Presentato il XII Rapporto Nazionale sull'Economia del Mare
    Il settore genera un valore aggiunto diretto pari a 64,6 miliardi di euro
    Impostata nel cantiere di Ancona la costruzione della nave da crociera extralusso Four Seasons I
    Fincantieri la consegnerà entro la fine del 2025
    Hapag-Lloyd annuncia i risultati preliminari del primo semestre
    La compagnia ritiene che la seconda metà del 2024 sarà migliore rispetto alle attese precedenti
    A maggio il traffico delle merci nel porto di Ravenna è diminuito del -3,0%
    Atteso per il mese di giugno un calo del -3,3%
    L'analisi economico-finanziaria di Fedespedi delle compagnie di navigazione containerizzate
    Posa della chiglia del nuovo megayacht ultra-lusso destinato ad Aman at Sea
    Cerimonia nel cantiere di San Giorgio di Nogaro della T. Mariotti
    Danaos conferma l'ordine in Cina per cinque nuove portacontainer
    Quattro avranno una capacità di 9.200 teu ed una di 8.258 teu
    A Barcellona il primo container terminal del Mediterraneo con banchina elettrificata
    Venerdì l'inaugurazione dell'impianto di Onshore Power Supply di Hutchison Ports BEST
    Porti italiani:
    Ancona Genova Ravenna
    Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
    Bari La Spezia Savona
    Brindisi Livorno Taranto
    Cagliari Napoli Trapani
    Carrara Palermo Trieste
    Civitavecchia Piombino Venezia
    Interporti italiani: elenco Porti del mondo: mappa
    ArmatoriRiparatori e costruttori navali
    SpedizionieriProvveditori e appaltatori navali
    Agenzie marittimeAutotrasportatori
    Il 17 luglio a Roma si terrà l'assemblea pubblica di Assiterminal
    Messina (Assarmatori): con il rinnovo del Ccnl dell'industria armatoriale valide risposte alle esigenze dei lavoratori
    Il 25 giugno a Genova si terrà l'assemblea di Assagenti
    Evento dal titolo “Mari inquieti. Rotte e conflitti: l'incognita dei traffici”
    ››› Archivio
    Samsung, HMM clash in US over shipping rates
    (The Korea Times)
    Houthis Mount Biggest Month of Attacks on Ships This Year
    ››› Archivio
    FORUM dello Shipping
    e della Logistica
    Relazione del presidente Tomaso Cognolato
    Roma, 17 luglio 2024
    ››› Archivio
    Prosegue la crescita dei ricavi delle taiwanesi Evergreen e Yang Ming
    YML ordina 9.100 nuovi container
    Inaugurata a Gioia Tauro la banchina che ospiterà il polo di riparazioni navali
    Gioia Tauro
    Agostinelli: quest'anno il traffico dei container in porto sfiorerà i quattro milioni di teu
    Il gruppo cinese Hengli costruirà un cantiere navale sull'isola di Changxing
    Investimento del valore di 1,3 miliardi di dollari
    SFL Corporation rinnova con Maersk il noleggio di quattro portacontainer
    La capacità delle navi sarà elevata da 8.700 a 9.500 teu
    Prysmian, record di installazione di un cavo in acque ultra-profonde
    Test per l'installazione a -2.150 metri
    La tedesca Rhenus ha acquisito il 15% della francese C Chez Vous
    È specializzata nella consegna di merci di peso superiore a 30 chilogrammi
    Astilleros Armon ha consegnato il traghetto dual-fuel Margarita Salas alla Baleària
    Può essere alimentato a gas naturale liquefatto
    Fratelli Cosulich ordina due nuove chemical bunkering tankers
    Saranno prese in consegna nel primo semestre del 2026
    Fincantieri vara ad Ancona la nave da crociera Viking Vesta
    Los Angeles
    A metà 2025 sarà consegnata all'americana Viking
    Lineage compra il fornitore abruzzese di magazzini frigoriferi Eurofrigor
    Gestisce una struttura a celle frigorifere di oltre 24.000 metri quadrati a Controguerra
    Al via la fase costruttiva dell'antemurale del porto di Porto Torres
    Affidata ad un Collegio Consultivo Tecnico la questione dei maggiori costi dell'opera
    Avvenuta in Cina la posa della chiglia della nuova ro-pax GNV Virgo
    Sarà la prima nave della flotta di GNV ad essere alimentata a gas naturale liquefatto
    A Genova la Giornata mondiale degli ausili alla navigazione marittima
    Il 22 agosto la IALA assumerà lo status legale di organizzazione intergovernativa
    SFL Corporation ordina la costruzione di cinque portacontainer da 16.800 teu
    Commessa del valore di un miliardo di dollari alla New Times Shipbuilding
    Nel 2023 Fratelli Cosulich ha registrato performance finanziarie seconde solo a quelle record del 2022
    OMT (Accelleron) acquisisce la OMC2
    L'azienda produce iniettori di carburante ad alta precisione per motori marini, stazionari e ferroviari
    Lo scorso anno il traffico delle merci nei porti olandesi è calato del -7,6%
    Riduzione dei volumi in tutti i principali comparti merceologici
    Chantier Naval de Marseille ammodernerà altre due navi da crociera di AIDA Cruises
    Fanno parte della classe “Sphinx”
    La genovese De Wave ha acquisito la Inoxking
    L'azienda produce mobili in acciaio e sistemi di refrigerazione per l'industria marittima
    Continua la flessione del traffico dei container nel porto del Pireo
    Hong Kong
    Complessivamente in aumento i volumi movimentati dagli approdi del network di COSCO Shipping Ports
    MSC ottiene il 97,71% del capitale della Gram Car Carriers
    Nei prossimi giorni l'acquisizione delle rimanenti azioni
    Hapag-Lloyd ribattezza la propria divisione terminalista
    A Hanseatic Global Terminals fanno capo 20 container terminal in 11 nazioni
    ADNOC Logistics & Services ordina in Corea 8-10 nuove navi per gas naturale liquefatto
    Abu Dhabi
    Saranno costruite da Samsung Heavy Industries e Hanwha Ocean
    Kombiverkehr è allarmata per la riduzione dei servizi di DB Cargo per il trasporto intermodale
    Francoforte sul Meno
    L'azienda è alla ricerca di partner alternativi
    - Via Raffaele Paolucci 17r/19r - 16129 Genova - ITALIA
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