Quotidiano indipendente di economia e politica dei trasporti
03:09 GMT+1
Barcelona's 2019 figures hold the balance
Altogether, the port of Barcelona sees 2019 as a year of
consolidation. It achieved a turnover of EUR 172 million in 2019,
moving sideways with regards to the 2018 result of EUR 174 million.
This income stability was achieved despite the 10% reduction of the
cargo fees, which represent one of the port's main sources of
revenue, cutting back income by approximately EUR 4.5 million.
Total traffic - covering all types of cargo - was 67.7 million
t, very close to the 67.8 million achieved in 2018.
The 35 million t of hinterland traffic stuck to the record level
of the year before. Containers, dry bulk and cars, however, closed
the year on a negative note.
Container traffic totalled 3.32 million teu moved, a decline of
3.2% year on year. Short sea shipping services remained strong in
2019, accounting for over 410,000 intermodal transport units (ITU),
marking a 0.5% increase.
With a cash flow of EUR 97 million in 2019, the port of
Barcelona retains the necessary means to cover its planned
investments. Over the last year, the port also significantly reduced
its debt (-9%), which now stands at EUR 179 million and came down to
12% of equity.
Investments also increased by 21% during the financial year,
reaching EUR 60 million. The port of Barcelona made EUR 44 million
in profit, which represents a setback of 18% (compared to EUR 54
million in 2018). This drop is due to the increase in non-recurring
expenses like the dredging of the port, contributions to the
interport compensation fund etc. (mw)
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Direttore responsabile Bruno Bellio Vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, senza l'esplicito consenso dell'editore