If we were able to rejoice in 2003 for
the excellent year that we experienced in shipping,
what can be said about 2004 where we went from record
to record?
The healthy state of the industry has
had one consequence, which has gone relatively
unnoticed, the reconciliation of the shipping world
with the stock market. Historically the Stock Exchange
had never shown much interest in the shipping sector,
too uncertain, too volatile, too specialised, and
shares always showing a chaotic tendency and too low
p/e ratios. However, discreetly, the shipping sector
has enjoyed this past year one of the best performances
amongst all other quoted industries. The few indexes
which comprise the evolution of shares in shipping show
an overall progression of nearly 30 % with strong
disparities within the sectors. For example, according
to the 'Tradewinds Equity Index', values of oil tanker
companies have moved on average between January 2003
and December 2004 from an index of 100 to nearly 400
and for the container sector from 100 to 250. A number
of values have tripled or even quadrupled in the course
of the year, taking the financial analysts by surprise,
as up till now they have paid little or no attention to
shipping and maritime activities.
This discovery by the financial markets
of our sector of activity opens up new financing
options for owners (in addition to the traditional
mortgage financing) and should also allow for
substantial merger & acquisition operations, which we
have had a glimpse of in 2004:
In April, Teekay Shipping
bought Naviera Tapias, who own four gas carriers and
nine modern Suezmaxes, with the intention of developing
the LNG business and introducing Teekay LNG partners
onto the stock market.
The oil tanker owner Stelmar,
having rejected an offer from OMI and Athenian Tankers,
is finally on the point of accepting an offer from OSG
(Overseas Shipholding Group) of $48 per share, or $1.3
Elsewhere, John Frederiksen,
the leading tanker owner, has taken shares in Hyundai
Merchant Marine (6%), in P&O Nedlloyd (10%), and in
General Maritime (4.3 %). Nobody expects that he will
be satisfied with a minority shareholding.
At the end of the year, the
Greek owner Restis managed to lay his hands on the bulk
shipping activity of MISC (Malaysian International
Shipping Corp.) namely 32 ships for $740 million.
Some owners, encouraged by the success
of General Maritime Corp., whose shares more than
doubled in the course of the year, are now looking at a
quotation on Wall Street, such as the Stena group
with their subsidiary Arlington Tankers or Greek owners
Dynacom, and this trend should be accentuated,
unlocking important investment capacities within the
shipping community.
Ironically, the rise in shipping costs
has as a consequence called into question this service,
which is often minimised in the economic chain and has
made operators reflect more deeply into their logistics
and operations, but also as to the qualitative
differences between owners. All that is expensive is
not necessarily good value'
Curiously it is in this context of
highly priced markets that charterers are seeking long positions to
which owners are resisting, given the inflated values in the
short term. Arbitrages between long term/short term and
purchase/chartering become more and more strategic,
with certain choices being crucial in the case of a
brutal change in the markets.
This year has also witnessed the steady
decline of the dollar, concealing to some extent the
effects of rocketing oil prices and shipping costs as
expressed in euros, but disastrous for European
shipyards, wiping out their productivity gains and thus
accentuating the competitive advantage of the Asian
countries with the exception of Japan.
However, if the dollar continues its
downward trend, a revaluation of some currencies, such
as the Korean won and the Chinese yuan would become
inevitable. Today this is a major concern of Chinese
and Korean shipyards who already suffer from a massive
rise in their supply costs, steel in particular. Asian
shipyards certainly have their orderbooks full,
but profits are not yet forthcoming despite substantial
increases in their sale prices. A revaluation of their
local currencies could jeopardise, at least
temporarily, their expansion.
We begin this new year with confidence,
even if we believe that certain excesses will correct
themselves, since the growth of the developing
countries, and especially that of China, is still very
much a reality. We remain nonetheless cautious as to
the evolution of the dollar which could upset a number
of economic calculations and tarnish the current
glitter of the shipping sector.