testata inforMARE
13 November 2024 - Year XXVIII
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
09:02 GMT+1


Commercio internazionale

Chongqing: la posizione geografica quale punto di forza

Chongqing reclama la qualifica di più grande città del mondo, essendo ufficialmente il domicilio di una popolazione di 32 milioni di persone, sebbene un gran numero di esse vivano all'esterno dell'area urbana nella circostante municipalità.

Si tratta della quarta municipalità della Cina sotto la diretta supervisione del governo centrale dopo Shanghai, Tianjin e Shenzhen; essa spera di trarre vantaggio dalla propria localizzazione strategica sull'alto corso dello Yangtze.

Secondo He Jiangyu, direttore vicario del dipartimento promozione investimenti nel comprensorio interno presso la Commissione Commercio Estero e Relazioni Economiche di Chongqing, la città ha già un brillante futuro.

"Con una popolazione di oltre 30 milioni di persone ed un PIL lo scorso anno pari a 348 miliardi di Rmb (45,2 miliardi di dollari USA), Chongqing è attualmente la capitale economica ed industriale della regione, con un certo numero di industrie strategiche ben sviluppate" afferma.

"Fra loro si annoverano impianti di assemblaggio di automobili, di tecnologia informatica, di telecomunicazioni ed industrie chimiche, così come industrie pesanti.

Gli investimenti esteri hanno già raggiunto gli 1,1 miliardi di dollari USA, mentre il commercio estero lo scorso anno ha raggiunto i 42 miliardi di Rmb.

Per il 2010 speriamo di incrementare il PIL sino a 500 miliardi di Rmb, in parte mediante l'incremento del valore del commercio estero sino a 80 miliardi di Rmb.

Il nostro obiettivo è quello di cercare di mantenere oltre il 10% la crescita del PIL nei prossimi cinque anni".

Allo scopo di conseguire tali obiettivi, la città è intenzionata a spendere una grossa cifra, migliorando in modo esauriente i risultati in termini di carichi trasportati della città e rendendola più attraente per gli investitori stranieri.

"Stiamo innalzando il profilo della città e stiamo creando un ambiente d'investimento favorevole al fine di continuare ad attirare investimenti stranieri diretti" continua la He.

A testimonianza del successo di questa strategia, qualcosa come 27 delle prime 500 ditte a livello mondiale hanno istituito una presenza a Chongqing e la città è ora la quarta località maggiormente attraente per gli investimenti stranieri diretti dopo Pechino, Shanghai e Shenzhen.

Infatti, dato l'impegno del governo per il fiume Yangtze e la posizione di Chongqing quale centro regionale della politica governativa del "vai ad ovest", la città sembra pronta a diventare un importante hub logistico per la Cina sud-occidentale.

Al cuore della fascia economica della regione, Chongqing è a cavallo di un'idrovia che collega 11 province e distretti municipali, fungendo da perno per i 400 milioni di persone che abitano la regione.

"Unitamente al Ministero delle Comunicazioni, stiamo cercando di realizzare le reti ferroviarie ed autostradali allo scopo di consegnare all'esterno la produzione della provincia occidentale" spiega la He.

Secondo il citato Ministero, entro il 2010 la rete locale di superstrade attorno a Chongqing avrà dimensioni pari a tre volte quelle attuali e ci si aspetta che il porto di Chongqing possa disporre di una capacità produttiva di 1,2 milioni di TEU.

Chongqing si trova nei pressi di una trentina di idrovie dalle dimensioni navigabili; è stata programmata la costruzione di un centinaio di porti fluviali e tra loro 15 avranno una capacità annua di 500.000 tonnellate; 12 di loro dovrebbero essere situati sulla rotta primaria del fiume Yangtze.

Attraverso la chiusa sulla diga delle Tre Gole, navi sino a 10.000 tonnellate saranno in grado di raggiungere Chongqing dalla costa.

Il governo di Chongqing, peraltro, spera che i traffici siano anche relativamente equilibrati.

"Certamente c'è anche il potenziale per i traffici a doppio senso" aggiunge la He, e con lo sviluppo dei progetti infrastrutturali che collegano la Cina al sud-est asiatico via Yunnan - nonché lo sviluppo della zona franca cinese ASEAN - sembra infatti che Chongqing possa costituire una scorciatoia per i produttori dello Yangtze che sperano di spedire i propri carichi alla volta del sud-est asiatico senza passare dagli intasati porti della costa.

Come spiega la He, "esiste certamente il potenziale perché Yunnan rappresenti una rotta di consegna in uscita da Chongqing nel sud-est asiatico.

Infatti, stiamo già assistendo alla consegna di motociclette e prodotti dell'industria leggera attraverso Yunnan in Vietnam ed oltre.

Peraltro, il collegamento tra Yunnan e Chongqing ha ancora bisogno di essere migliorato affinché la direttrice possa essere davvero aperta.

Ciò sarà possibile mediante il completamento della nuova rete intermodale ferroviaria che quel corridoio potrebbe aprire maggiormente".
(da: Cargo Systems, maggio 2007, pag. 36)

Danaos reports a new drop in quarterly revenue generated by fleet of container carriers
Coustas : With the Trump administration, which has promised new duties, a future reduction in container traffic is possible
In the first ten months of 2024, the traffic of goods in Russian ports decreased by -3.2%
St. Petersburg
The dry goods amounted to 370.8 million tonnes (-3.5%), those liquids at 372.2 million tonnes (-2.9%)
The port of Sevilla won the ESPO Award 2024
Award-winning the project "Circular Economy for Valorising Maintenance Dredging Sediments"
Signed the contract for the construction of the frangiflutti dam in protection of the FSRU Ravenna
In Egypt, it is asked whether new services to the maritime industry will be able to close the losses generated by the drop in traffic in the Suez Canal.
In Egypt, it is asked whether new services to the maritime industry will be able to close the losses generated by the drop in traffic in the Suez Canal.
At Thursday's meeting between the Suez Canal Authority and the Ministry of Finance did not mention an increase in transit rights, but the matter is in the air
Planzer bought the transport and logistics company Sifte Berti
In strong growth the quarterly financial results of Taiwanese Yang Ming and Wan Hai Lines
In strong growth the quarterly financial results of Taiwanese Yang Ming and Wan Hai Lines
Keelung / Taipei
The revenues of the two companies increased by +102,9% and +117,6% respectively.
New historical record of containerized loads transported in one quarter by CMA CMA fleet
New historical record of containerized loads transported in one quarter by CMA CMA fleet
In the July-September period of this year, the French group's revenues increased by 38.5% percent.
Crystal turns the option with Fincantieri into order for a third new cruise ship
The Companies inform
Accelleron initiates partnership with Geislinger to expand service business in the Mediterranean region
Loans of 400 million for the expansion of the Moroccan port of Tanger Med
The increase in annual rotable traffic capacity to more than one million trucks is expected to increase.
In September, shipping traffic in the Suez Canal declined by -51.0% percent.
In September, shipping traffic in the Suez Canal declined by -51.0% percent.
Cairo / Ismailia
In the past hours, the Egyptian waterway has been transited by a 90-meter-wide floating basin.
In the third quarter, freight traffic in the port of Ravenna fell by -0.7%
In the third quarter, freight traffic in the port of Ravenna fell by -0.7%
Miscellaneous goods in decrease of -8.9%. On the increase the liquid bulk rinses (+ 6.0%) and dry (+ 5.8%). Downturn of -16.3% of cruises
Ship owners and European fuel producers call on the EU to set rules to unlock investment for European production of clean shipping fuels
Solicitation to the policy of the Clean Maritime Fuels Platform
In the third quarter, revenues in the DFDS group grew by 11.0% percent.
Net profit down -13.0% percent. Increase in rotable traffic and handling passengers by fleet
In the July-September quarter the traffic in goods in the ports of Montenegro decreased by -3.3%
Passenger in growth of 26.4%
Hapag-Lloyd invests four billion US dollars for construction of 24 container ships
Twelve 16,800 teu ships have been ordered to Yangzijiang Shipbuilding and 12 from 9,200 teu to New Times Shipbuilding
Höegh Evi accords with Port-La Nouvelle port for the import of hydrogen through the French stopover
Oslo / Port-La Nouvelle
A traffic of up to 210mila tonnes per annum is expected as of 2030
Altera Infrastructure gives up its fleet of 18 tanker shuttles to Greek shipowner group Angelicoussis
The completion of the expected transaction in the first semester of 2025
At the end of the year Fret SCNF will cease to exist and the activity will be detected by the new companies Hexafret and Technis
St. -Ouen
The deal is aimed at averting the payment of 5.3 billion euros.
Tzitzikostas : At the beginning of my mandate I will present a strategy for European ports
Tzitzikostas : At the beginning of my mandate I will present a strategy for European ports
"The competitiveness of the transport sector must be based on sustainability," the European Commission said.
The intermodal hubs of Melzo and Milan Smistamento will be retaken in the ZLS of the port and retroport of Genoa
Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings records record quarterly revenue
In the July-September period of this year, the group's ships have embarked on 812mila passengers (+ 9.7%)
Port of Gioia Tauro, the memorandum of understanding for security in working environments and port operations
Joy Tauro
Will have a duration of three years
Paola Piraccini appointed as Legal Technical Collaborator of Spininvest
Joined in magistrate in 1981, he is a retired cassation adviser
The meeting in Rome between the representatives of Italian ports and ports in Florida
Expect a comparison to find common themes on which to set up a benchmarking task
This year the Cruserists in the port of Ancona have grown by 18.9%
25.1% increase in transits and drop by -5.1% of landings and embarkation
Changed Risso constitutes a joint venture in Cagliari
Cagliari / Genoa
Partnership at 50% with Fausto Saba and Riccardo Vargiu
Ok to the 2025 forecast budget of the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Centre North
It presents a surplus of more than 2.5 million euros
In Palermo, the first sheet of the new ferry for the Sicilian region was cut off.
Trieste / Palermo
The delivery of the ship is scheduled for 2026
DP World signs an agreement to buy Australian Silk Logistics
Dubai / Melbourne
The expected value of the transaction is approximately 115 million
Global Ship Lease's quarterly revenue records show the first decrease since the end of 2018
The company believes that its container fleet has very good future prospects of employment
A worker has passed away in the port of Crotone
Joy Tauro
He would suddenly go down to the ground while talking to some colleagues
Torbianelli : well the ok of CIPESS in financing the future Molo VIII of the port of Trieste
Of the estimated 315 million euros, 206.9 are expected by the state
The French state has acquired 80% percent of the capital of Alcatel Submarine Networks
The company has a fleet of seven posacavi vessels
Eurizon Capital (Intesa Sanpaolo Group) has acquired a majority stake in Germany-based
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
The Latvian Ansis Zeltins is the new president of the European Sea Ports Organisation
The Latvian Ansis Zeltins is the new president of the European Sea Ports Organisation
Brussels / La Spezia
Federica Montaresi (AdSP Liguria Oriental) Chairman of the Intermodality and Logistics Commission
The temperature of the Mediterranean Sea has grown by more than 1 ° C over the past 25 years
The data of 100 campaigns conducted by ENEA and INGV in collaboration with the GNV company
In the third quarter, container traffic in the port of New York grew by 16.0% percent.
New York
In the first nine months of this year, the increase was 13.8% percent.
The Ministerial Committee investigating concessions in the port of Genoa will end the work by the end of the year.
In the third quarter, Eimskip's revenues grew by 9.2% percent.
Net profit down -13.9%
Merger of the Cypriot companies of ship management Intership and Interorient
The new InterMaritime Shipmanagement will manage a fleet of more than 170 ships
The ro-ro service of DFDS between the ports of Damietta and Trieste will be inaugurated on November 29
Expected a navigation time of about 68 hours
ICTSI terminalist records new record quarterly results
In the July-September period, the group's port terminals handled 3.3 million containers (+ 3.6%)
Port of Taranto, ok of the Management Committee at the Grant of the Port plate at Vestas
The infrastructure in support of the production line of wind turbines
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
On Friday, the public assembly of Federagents will be held in Rome.
The Federation celebrates the 75 years since its founding
Spediporto has organized a two-day trip on the Green Logistic Valley and Italy-China trade
It is scheduled on 22 and October 23
››› Meetings File
Sudan govt scraps $6bn Red Sea port deal with UAE
(The North Africa Post)
Argentina enfrenta tarifas portuarias hasta 500% más altas que otros países de la región
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Nicola Zaccheo
Roma, 18 settembre 2024
››› File
Further improvement of Finnlines ' quarterly financial results
Around the end of the year orders for three new ro-pax ships
Fincantieri-EDGE agreement for the development of solutions for the underwater needs of military navies
Abu Dhabi / Trieste / Paris
WSC, crucial mandate of new European commissioner for transport to ensure decarbonisation of shipping
The shipowner association indicates some other priorities to be addressed
Federagents ready to illustrate to institutions the priorities of Italian ports
Pessina : available to our know-how to suggest the measures to be taken
Sébastien Romani is the new CEO of Forship Spa
Go Ligure
Subenters to Giuseppe Scognamiglio
Restyling of the landing area of the Cruserists in the port of Catania
In 2023 the traffic of cruises in the Sicilian stopover increased by 43.7% percent.
Resume work for the completion of the commercial docks of the Milazzo Port
The realization of 18,000 square metres of new aprons is planned.
In the third quarter, Kalmar's turnover fell by -16% percent.
New orders increased by 6%
Approved the 2025 forecast budget of the West Liguria AdSP
Ok also at the annual review of the Triennale Operating Plan 2023-2025
Approved the 2025 forecast budget of the Central Adriatic System Authority of the Central Adriatic
Green light to the forecast budget and the three-year plan of the work of the Eastern Liguria's AdSP
The Spezia
The first crane arrived to make Giammoro's pontile operating near Milazzo.
Will be installed by end of year
Approved the forecast budget 2025 and the POT 2025-2027 of the AdSP of the Southern Tirreno and Ionian
Joy Tauro
Port of Livorno, seized a 40-pound load of cocaine
Tracts under arrest three people
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher
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