testata inforMARE
26 April 2024 - Year XXVIII
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
17:31 GMT+2


Studi e ricerche

Ottimo momento per i traffici interasiatici

Nel corso degli ultimi 12 mesi, si è assistito ad un rallentamento della domanda in diversi dei principali traffici containerizzati mondiali (segnatamente, quello transpacifico, l'Estremo Oriente/Europa ed il transatlantico in direzione ovest), mentre i corridoi commerciali nel contesto del mercato asiatico hanno in genere continuato a marciare spediti.

Inoltre, un nuovo rapporto, intitolato "Traffici containerizzati interasiatici: demistificare il mercato", pubblicato dalla Drewry Shipping Consultants con sede a Londra, suggerisce come le prospettive future del settore in questione restino buone.

Infatti il rapporto, che ha richiesto 18 mesi di ricerca e contiene oltre 120 tabelle, prevede che i volumi di contenitori nell'ambito del mercato interasiatico in pratica raddoppieranno da qui al 2013.

"Poiché gran parte della base produttiva mondiale è ora concentrata in Asia, si è manifestata la necessità sempre maggiore di movimentare elevati volumi sia di materie prime che di merci finite in entrata ed in uscita dalla regione" afferma Neil Dekker, co-autore del rapporto.

"Abbiamo assemblato ed esaminato accuratamente una dovizia di dati relativi alla regione, che abbiamo definito come quella ricomprendente Cina, Giappone, Sud Corea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailandia, Vietnam, Filippine, Indonesia, Cambogia e Myanmar".

Il ricercatore ha sostenuto la necessità di una tale definizione rigorosa dell'area al fine di apportare chiarezza all'analisi.

Ha infatti dichiarato: "Molti vettori marittimi comprendono anche il Medio Oriente e l'Australia/Nuova Zelanda nella regione, ma questi traffici hanno dinamiche diverse e metterli assieme serve solo a diluire qualsiasi analisi.

Nel 2000, abbiamo stimato in 25,9 milioni di TEU i volumi dei traffici principali interasiatici e ravvisiamo che essi saliranno ad almeno 51 milioni di TEU nel 2013.

La nostra tesi è che nei prossimi anni la crescita avverrà nella fascia del 10-11%".

Dekker ha indicato la regione come quella che andrà progressivamente a controllare la quota più grande dei traffici containerizzati a livello globale.

Secondo il rapporto, ci si aspetta che essa aumenti da poco più del 20% nel 2005 al 21% nel 2009, arrivando in prossimità del 22% nel 2013 (v. Tabella 1).

Nell'ambito del mercato interasiatico stesso, Dekker ha evidenziato la crescente influenza della Cina.

Sotto molti aspetti, il paese è diventato una calamita per i traffici interasiatici dal momento che esso caratterizza le movimentazioni di molti prodotti finiti, semi-lavorati e delle materie prime che vengono trasportati e sui quali così tanti suoi vicini fanno affidamento.

Tabella 1:
Sviluppo previsto dei traffici
containerizzati interasiatici, 2005-2009
(in migliaia di TEU)




rispetto ai





















Fonte: Drewry Shipping Consultants

Di qui, la presenza della Cina in diversi dei corridoi caratterizzati dalla crescita più alta nella regione (v. Tabella 2).

Ciononostante, le dimensioni dell'economia giapponese e la sua influenza complessiva negli scambi regionali - il paese ha sottoscritto un accordo di libero scambio con l'ASEAN - nonché i finanziamenti disponibili fanno sì che i suoi porti continueranno a movimentare un volume significativo di carichi interasiatici.

Le impressionanti prospettive di crescita della regione, ed il fatto che notevoli quantitativi dei carichi movimentati sono controllati dalle stesse società multinazionali impegnate nei traffici est/ovest, hanno indotto le compagnie di navigazione di linea ad incrementare le proprie presenze nel mercato.

Lo scorso anno la CMA CGM ha acquisito la Cheng Lie Navigation con sede a Taipei, mentre operatori quali Maersk Line, MSC, Hapag-Lloyd, OOCL ed APL hanno progressivamente aggiunto ai propri servizi allacciamenti destinati a movimentare i traffici (non carichi di raccordo) di importazione ed esportazione interasiatici.

E' stato altresì significativo l'incremento dell'utilizzazione di navi più grandi di dimensioni panamax in alcuni corridoi interasiatici, tendenza che Dekker attribuisce in parte alle maggiori esigenze a livello globale dei vettori di reimpiegare il tonnellaggio distogliendolo dai traffici a lungo raggio, in seguito alla consegna delle super-navi della generazione da 8.500 TEU ed oltre.

Dekker sostiene che ciò ha messo sotto pressione alcuni degli specialisti regionali, quali la Wan Hai Lines, la Regional Container Lines e la Samudera Shipping Line.

"Non è una semplice coincidenza il fatto che gli operatori regionali si stiano interessando sempre più ai traffici a lungo raggio" afferma Dekker.

L'esperto ha dichiarato che l'avvento degli operatori globali nell'ambito del mercato interasiatico si è dimostrato un influsso distruttivo sulle tariffe di nolo.

"I vettori marittimi devono concentrarsi maggiormente sui risultati finanziari e, alla fine, ne potrebbe risultare un maggiore consolidamento dell'industria".

Dekker non ha escluso la possibilità che alcuni operatori interasiatici minori possano non sopravvivere ovvero che debbano ridurre drasticamente la propria presenza in certe rotte di traffico a basso profitto in Asia settentrionale.

I più elevati prezzi del rifornimento negli ultimi 12 mesi hanno avuto un effetto dannoso sulle operazioni di diversi vettori.

"La Heung-A ha recentemente ridotto il tonnellaggio impiegato in diversi dei suoi allacciamenti al fine di risparmiare sui costi del carburante e questo ha comportato la sottoscrizione di un numero maggiore di accordi per la condivisione di slot" ha detto Dekker.

Tabella 2:
Alcuni corridoi di traffico
interasiatici con volumi di rilievo
(in TEU)




Cina - Giappone




Cina - Corea del Sud




Corea del Sud - Giappone




Thailandia - Giappone




Cina - Vietnam








Fonte: Drewry Shipping Consultants

Anche se i traffici interasiatici sicuramente non sono immuni dai problemi creditizi a livello globale e dal rallentamento delle economie d'Europa e del Nord America, in questo momento stanno attraversando un momento di robusta crescita e presentano un livello di maggiore integrazione; entrambi questi fattori alimenteranno la crescita dei traffici interregionali.

Su queste basi, essi offrono interessanti opportunità a coloro che sono impegnati nel trasporto marittimo di linea di contenitori.
(da: Containerisation International, settembre 2008, pag. 55)

Port Marghera, okay to renewal of concession at Terminal Intermodal Venice
It will expire in 2050. Approved the 2023 budget of the AdSP of the Northern Adriatic
In the first quarter of 2024 container traffic in the port terminals of China's CMPort grew by 9.0%
Hong Kong
Exceptional first quarter of year for Royal Caribbean Cruises
Exceptional first quarter of year for Royal Caribbean Cruises
Historic record of passengers embarked. Spike in economic performance for the period. Liberty : The one in progress is the best wave season in history
In the third quarter of 2023 the traffic in goods in EU ports decreased by -6.5%
The loads at landing and boarding dropped by -7.2% and -5.4%, respectively.
The performance of Bureau Veritas in the shipping and offshore sector is growing.
Record of order book and fleet value in class
Approved the 2023 consuntive budget of the AdSP of the Northern Tirreno Sea
Le Aziende informano
ABB fornirà la sua soluzione per il Cold - Ironing nel Porto Internazionale di Portsmouth
The MSC Group presents an offer to buy the Gram Car Carriers, the world's third largest carrier in the PCTC segment
The MSC Group presents an offer to buy the Gram Car Carriers, the world's third largest carrier in the PCTC segment
The proposal, worth about 653 million euros, was accepted by the Board of the Norwegian company and its main shareholders.
At the construction site Fincantieri in Marghera the varo of the Norwegian cruise ship Norwegian Aqua
At the construction site Fincantieri in Marghera the launch of the cruise ship Norwegian Aqua
Trieste / Miami
It is 322 meters long and has a gross tonnage of 156,300 tons
Paolo Guidi has been named general manager of CMA CGM Italy
HHLA will acquire 51% of the capital of Austrian intermodal transport company Roland Spedition
HHLA will acquire 51% of the capital of Austrian intermodal transport company Roland Spedition
Its network connects ports in Hamburg, Antwerp, Bremerhaven, Koper, Rotterdam and Trieste.
Kuehne + Nagel's downward trend in economic performance continues.
Kuehne + Nagel's downward trend in economic performance continues.
In growth the handling of volumes of sea and air shipments
ESPO points out issues to be addressed in order to enable European ports to face the next challenges
Memorandum in view of the European elections in June
The Port of Barcelona has established new historical records of monthly and quarterly container traffic
The Port of Barcelona has established new historical records of monthly and quarterly container traffic
As of March 2024, 348mila teu (+ 34.3%) were handled, of which 154mila in transshipment (+ 63.9%) and 194mila in import-export (+ 17.4%)
Fincantieri has delivered the new cruise ship Queen Anne to Cunard
Concordate with Princess Cruises the postponement of the delivery of the Star Princess
Le Aziende informano
Protocollo d'intesa tra l'Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare di Sicilia Occidentale e l'Escola Europea di Intermodal Transport
International shipping associations call for help at U.N. to protect shipping
Solicited a greater military presence, missions and patrols. The world-they write in a letter to Guterres-would be outraged if four airliners were seized.
In February, shipping traffic in the Suez Canal declined by -42.8% percent.
In February, shipping traffic in the Suez Canal declined by -42.8% percent.
The Cairo
Net tonnage of the naviglio down -59.8% percent. Drastic reduction of -53% of the value of transit fees
The World Shipping Council points to the EU the way to support the economy and trade
Butler : We urge the Union to work together with us to safeguard a sustainable, competitive and safe maritime sector
In Norway, the construction of the world's two largest hydrogen-powered ferries
In Norway, the construction of the world's two largest hydrogen-powered ferries
Brønnøysund / Gursken
Order of Torghatten company at the shipyard Myklebust
The freight traffic in the port of Rotterdam in the first quarter was down by -1.4% percent.  Increase of containers
The freight traffic in the port of Rotterdam in the first quarter was down by -1.4% percent. Increase of containers
Strong increase (+ 29.0%) of feeder ships departing from the Dutch stopover to the Mediterranean ports
In the first three months of 2024, freight traffic in Russian ports fell by -3.3% percent.
St. Petersburg
Drastic reduction of passenger traffic in the Crimean port scans
In the first three months of 2024, freight traffic in Russian ports fell by -3.3% percent.
Tytgat (SEA Europe) : A European maritime industrial strategy is urgently needed
Round table with representatives of the institutions of the European Union
Joe Kramek will be the next president and CEO of the World Shipping Council
Joe Kramek will be the next president and CEO of the World Shipping Council
Washington / Brussels/London / Singapore
He will retire at the end of July in Butler when the latter is retiring.
In the first quarter of this year the traffic of goods in the port of Antwerp-Zeebrugge grew by 2.4%
In the first quarter of this year the traffic of goods in the port of Antwerp-Zeebrugge grew by 2.4%
On the increase the containers. Decrease in other loads. Belgian, Dutch and German ports urge European governments to ensure that industries remain in Europe
Partnership of HD Hyundai Heavy Industries and Anduril Industries in the Field of Maritime Defense
Orange County / Seoul
Envisage the design, development and production of new types of autonomous naval systems
d' Friend International Shipping orders two new tankers LR1
Commits to China's shipyard Jiangsu New Yangzi Shipbuilding Co.
Global Infrastructure Partners waives to acquire 49% percent of Malaysian MMC Port Holdings
New York
CMA CGM Air Cargo announces its first transpacific line
Three aircraft will be taken over between summer and early next year.
In 2023 new annual historical record of maritime traffic in the Stories of Malacca and Singapore
In 2023 new annual historical record of maritime traffic in the Stories of Malacca and Singapore
Port Klang
The previous maximum peak had been reached in 2018
HMM announces the nearly doubling of fleet capacity by 2030
Expected 63% increments of the volumes transportable from container carriers and 95% in the bulk carrier sector
In the first quarter of 2024, the Port of Singapore handled ten million containers (+ 10.7%)
In the first quarter of 2024, the Port of Singapore handled ten million containers (+ 10.7%)
The overall traffic in goods increased by 7.6%
Iran has given way to the attack on Israel with the seizure of the container ship. MSC Aries
London / Manila
A team from the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps landed by a helicopter seized the ship.
The construction of the new Venetian container terminal in Porto Marghera is being carried out.
The construction of the new Venetian container terminal in Porto Marghera is being carried out.
It will be able to accommodate Panamax vessels and will have an annual traffic capacity of one million teu
The French Senate has approved a bill to limit the right to strike in transport
The French Senate has approved a bill to limit the right to strike in transport
Sustained quarterly growth of new orders acquired by Wärtsilä
In the first three months of this year, the group's revenues fell by -9.8% percent.
DIS orders two more new tankers LR1
New commits at the Jiangsu New Yangzi Shipbuilding Co.
An MSC container ship targeted with missiles and drones in the Gulf of Aden
San'a ' /Portsmouth
No damage to the ship and crew
Approved the consuntive budget 2023 of the Central Adriatic AdSP
In the first quarter of 2024 the orders of port means produced by Konecranes fell by -51.6%
Grimaldi has taken delivery of the multipurpose ro-ro Great Abidjan
It is the fourth of six class ships "G5"
Baltimore attributes to owner and operator of the ship Dali the blame for the collapse of the Key Bridge
They would have been established dysfunction to the power supply on board that would cause a blackout
Grimaldi and IMAT have renewed the five-year agreement for the training of crews
Castel Volturno
Focus on new technologies installed on board ships
The quarterly economic performance of DSV is still declining
In the first quarter of this year, the value of net profit decreased by -27.2%
Approved the consuntive budget 2023 of the AdSP of the Sardinia Sea
An administration surplus of 530 million euros, of which more than 475 tied for works in progress
US imports of dangerous goods have been penalized during the pandemic.
Survey by the Government Accountability Office
In 2023 CEPIM-Parma's Interport recorded a growth of 6.8% of the value of production
Bianconese of Fontevivo
Net profit di788mila euro (+ 223.2%)
In the first quarter of 2024, UPS Group revenues fell by -5.3%
Net profit down -41.3%
Grendi has perfected the purchase of the ship Wedellsborg
It will be renamed with the name of "Grenching Futura"
Grimaldi consolidates its presence in China with new headquarters in Shanghai
Naples / Shanghai
Inaugurates the offices of the Grimaldi Shipping Agency Shanghai
Approved the 2023 consuntive budget of the Western Ligure Sea AdSP
The new endowment of the institution's organic plant provides for 50 hires, including three managerial positions
First plant for the distribution of LNG and GNC to vehicles in the port of La Spezia
The Spezia
It has been installed in Stagnoni locations
Agreement between MSC, MSC Foundation and Mercy Ships for the construction of a new hospital ship
Geneva / Lindale
Tomorrow in Livorno a conference on the history of the city port
It will be talked about architecture, trade and politics between the XVI and the twentieth century
Agreement Assshipowners-ITS Academy G. Caboto for training in the maritime, port and logistics sectors
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
In the first quarter of 2024, the port of Algeciras handled 1.2 million containers (+ 8.1%)
The traffic in overall goods increased by 3.3%
In the first three months of this year in Valencia, container port traffic grew by 12.1% percent.
In March, the increase was 15.7% percent.
The Spezia and Carrara try to break down the bell towers and solicit cooperation at the ports of Genoa and Savona
The Spezia
Switzerland and Switzerland cut trade between Italy and Switzerland.
In the first three months of the 2024 decline in Swiss exports. Stable imports
Port of Naples, striking of the fast ferry Island of Procida against a quay
About thirty minor injuries among passengers
Summoned for April 23 a meeting at MIT on former TCT port workers
The unions had requested clarification on the future of the 330 members of the Taranto Port Workers Agency.
The outer Levant dock of the Arbatax port has returned fully operational
In August 2020 he had been shouted by the ferry "Bithia"
The Port of Los Angeles closed the first quarter with a 29.6% percent growth in container traffic
Los Angeles
Expected a continuation of the positive trend
Stable the value of ABB's revenues in the first quarter
The new orders are down -5.0% percent. At the end of July Rosengren will leave the CEO position in Wierod
The crisis of the Cooperative Sole Workers of Porto Flavio Gioia officialized at institutions and trade unions
USB Mare and Porti, what's going on in the port of Salerno is the result of pressure from shipowners
Euronav sells its own ship management company to Anglo-Eastern
Antwerp / Hong Kong
Manages the fleet of tanker ships of the Antwerp company
Genoa Shipbuilding Industries has acquired a submersible barge of the cargo capacity of 14,000 tonnes
It can also be employed as a floating basin for the varo of artifacts up to 9,800 tons
Venice Cold Stores & Logistics obtains the qualification of tax warehouse for wines and sparkling
Extension of the services offered to companies in the wine sector
Gasparate urges to exempt property of interports from payment of the Imu
President of the Union Interports Reunited warned that with the PNRR construction sites the railway intermodality is at risk
Hapag-Lloyd plans future investments to expand business in the terminal and intermode sectors
Among the markets, the company focuses attention on Africa, India, Southeast Asia and the Pacific
Set up a consortium to decarbonize transport on the northern Pacific route
It is formed by nine companies and entities and is open to other partners
In the first quarter of this year, container traffic in the port of Long Beach increased by 16.4%
Long Beach
In March, the increase was 8.3% percent.
Delivery of the work of consolidation of the foranea dam of the port of Catania
Procurement of the value of 75 million euros
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
Tomorrow in Livorno a conference on the history of the city port
It will be talked about architecture, trade and politics between the XVI and the twentieth century
On April 11, the sixth edition of the "Italian Port Days" will begin.
Also this year the project has been divided into two sessions : the first in the spring and the second from September 20 to October 20
››› Meetings File
Iran says MSC Aries vessel seized for 'violating maritime laws'
Le transport maritime national navigue à vue
(Aujourd'hui Le Maroc)
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Mario Mattioli
Roma, 27 ottobre 2023
››› File
Plan to improve in Genoa and Savona the rail links with cruise terminals and airport
It was presented today in the Ligurian capital
From 10 to May 12 at Spezia will be held "DePortibus-The festival of ports that connect the world"
The Spezia
The programme provides for technical events and cultural proposals
Three new STS cranes have arrived in the Kenyan port of Lamu.
They will be able to work on container ships of the capacity of over 18mila teu
One hundred new IVECO trucks powered by HVO in the Smet fleet
They will be taken over in the course of this year
In the first three months of this year, goods transported by rail between China and Europe increased by 10% percent.
Operated 4,541 trains (+ 9%)
In the first quarter of 2024, container traffic in the port of Hong Kong fell by -2.3%
Hong Kong
In March, the decline was -10.6% percent.
The regasification terminal FSRU Toscana left Livorno direct to Genoa
In the Ligurian scalp and then in Marseille maintenance interventions will be carried out
Confirmed to Tugchiers Meeting Port of Genoa the granting of trailer services in the port of Genoa
Planned investment of 35 million euros to renovate fleet
In the first quarter of 2024, OOIL revenues decreased by -9.0%
Hong Kong
Containers carried by the OOCL fleet increased by 3.4%
Mattioli (Federation of the Sea) relaunches the propulsive role of maritime clusters
Today, the National Sea Day and the marinara culture are celebrated
In the first quarter of 2024, the revenues of Yang Ming and WHL grew by 18.5% and 8.1%
Keelung / Taipei
In March the increments were equal to 20.3% and 8.6%
In 2023 the freight traffic handled by the State Railways Group fell by -2.0%
The Logistics Pole posted a net loss of -80 million euros, up 63 million euros.
Port of Genoa, inaugurated new rooms of Stella Maris at Maritime stations
They are intended for the welfare and socialization of seafarers in transit in the Superba
Germany's Dachser has acquired the compatriate Brummer Logistik
The company specializes in the logistics of perishable products
In the first quarter of 2024, Evergreen's revenues increased by 32.6% percent.
In March, the increase was 36.5% percent.
Cooperation pact between the associations of the ports and ferry companies of Greece
The Piraeus
Among the activities, make sure that port benches are adequate for new naval technologies
In 2023 the traffic in goods at ports in Lazio fell by -5.7% percent. Record of cruises
Passenger of line services growing by 10.0%
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
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