testata inforMARE
09 September 2024 - Year XXVIII
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
17:13 GMT+2


Progress and technology

Il nuovo sistema di scarico/carico delle portacontainers del Terminal Ceres di Amsterdam

Le portacontenitori di capacità pari ad 8.000 TEU ed oltre entreranno presto in servizio commerciale sulle principali rotte marittime, se - naturalmente - la loro utilità dal punto di vista dell'economia potrà essere dimostrata. Uno dei fattori-chiave per la riuscita dell'introduzione in servizio di queste navi sarà il conseguimento di un'elevata produttività portuale. Tuttavia, nei terminals esistenti possono essere dedicate ad una singola nave cinque o sei gru da banchina al massimo. Se cinque gru sono in grado di sostenere 30 movimentazioni per ora lavorativa nel corso dell'attracco-nave, lo scarico ed il carico dell'80% della nave richiederanno circa 53 ore lavorative e, aggiungendo i tempi di fermo ed altre perdite di tempo, i tempi richiesti per lo scalo presso il porto saranno dell'ordine di circa 2,5 giorni. Dato l'alto costo capitale della nave, l'armatore non può accettare questo stato delle cose e sarà quindi necessario un maggior tasso di produttività portuale allo scopo di far sì che queste navi diventino entità commerciali vitali.

La CTI (Ceres Terminals Inc) e la PMA (Amministrazione Portuale di Amsterdam) hanno, pertanto, proposto di risolvere questo problema mediante la messa in opera di un progetto che è sotto esame da molti anni, vale a dire mettere la nave su uno scalo di alaggio e lavorarla da entrambi i lati. L'obiettivo della CTI e della PMA è quello di conseguire il considerevole livello di produttività netta di 300 movimentazioni per ora lavorativa/nave.

La CTI in origine aveva proposto di mettere attraverso lo scalo di alaggio grosse gru a cavalletto dotate di braccio doppio. Questa conformazione, tuttavia, avrebbe richiesto l'introduzione di una larga varietà di nuove tecnologie inerenti alle gru da banchina e ciò avrebbe comportato tutti i rischi che normalmente accompagnano un progetto di ricerca ingegneristica, unitamente a quelli che risultano dal lavorare una nave secondo nuove modalità.

Un gruppo di programmatori formato da rappresentanti della CTI, della PMA, della JWD, della Liftech Consultants e della Paul F. Richardson & Associates ha, perciò, sviluppato alla fine un piano terminalistico basato su equipaggiamenti più tradizionali. Nel piano definitivo, vengono piazzate gru da banchina tradizionali su normali calate su ciascun lato dello scalo di alaggio, servite da normale equipaggiamento per operazioni terminalistiche. Le caratteristiche principali del piano preliminare erano le seguenti:

Scalo di alaggio

Lunghezza 390 metri, larghezza 56 metri, in grado di servire navi fino a 340 metri di lunghezza con 20 containers affiancati sul ponte.


  • Banchina lato nord dello scalo di alaggio di 330 metri
  • Banchina lato sud dello scalo di alaggio di 390 metri
  • Banchina attraverso l'ormeggio di 650 metri
  • Banchina feeder/chiatte di 250 metri lungo il lato nord dello scalo di alaggio.

Piazzale contenitori

35 ettari di area di deposito netta, servita da uno dei due elevatori a forca, con una capacità complessiva di deposito di 16.000 TEU ed una capacità produttiva di 600.000 movimentazioni/nave all'anno.


Varco doppio con otto corsie d'accesso ed otto corsie di uscita, in grado di servire punte di traffico pari a 1.600 contenitori al giorno.

Piazzale ferroviario

2.240 metri di binari operativi.

Lo sviluppo di questo piano si è basato su una accurata pianificazione, supportata da una rigorosa simulazione computerizzata. In origine, erano state prese in considerazione tre modalità operative:

  • Elevatori a forca;
  • RTG (gru a cavalletto su ruote gommate) servite da trattori a doppio semirimorchio;
  • RTG servite da trattori a semirimorchio singolo.

Ognuna di loro presentava diverse capacità produttive e diverse punte di produttività, il cui calcolo è stato ottenuto mediante una simulazione analitica. La Tabella sotto riportata riassume l'equipaggiamento e le prestazioni di ciascuna opzione.

a forca
con doppio
con singolo
Capacità produttiva (movimentazioni/anno) 609000 620000695000
Veicoli di servizio per gru da banchina 3-456
Elevatori a forca a servizio di varco e ferrovia 19--
RTG a servizio del piazzale contenitori -4943
Movimentazioni/ora presso l'ormeggio a dente 316285302
Movimentazioni/ora presso l'ormeggio traverso 11194100

Il piano che prevedeva la RTG a semirimorchio singolo ha conseguito la più alta capacità produttiva a causa della sua maggiore capacità di deposito in piazzale. Sia questa configurazione che il piano basato sugli elevatori a forca hanno raggiunto l'obiettivo della CTI, fissato in 300 movimentazioni/ora. La Paul F. Richardson & Associates ha effettuato una esauriente analisi economica di tutte le alternative ed è pervenuta alla conclusione che quella inerente agli elevatori a forca presenta i minori costi complessivi per movimentazione. Il piano che prevede gli elevatori a forca dispone della minore capacità produttiva ma bisogna tenere presente che la PMA ha la possibilità di ampliare rapidamente ed a basso costo il terminal al fine di conseguire maggiori capacità di deposito e di produttività.

Lo scalo di alaggio è stato collocato in prossimità dell'estremità settentrionale del terminal allo scopo di trarre vantaggio dal bacino posto all'intersezione del Noordzeekanaal e della Amerikahaven, che costeggiano il terminal rispettivamente in direzione nord ed est. Lo scalo di alaggio si trova in acque protette, in assenza quindi di maree o correnti, il che agevola la manovra di grandi navi per entrarvi od uscirvi. Il piazzale contenitori è diviso in maniera diseguale dallo scalo di alaggio. Molti dei contenitori manipolati presso la banchina settentrionale dello scalo di alaggio dovranno essere messi in deposito nel piazzale meridionale, dopo aver fatto il giro dello scalo di alaggio. Una simulazione computerizzata ha valutato l'efficacia di questa movimentazione e l'interazione tra stivaggio, traffico nel piazzale ed al varco alla punta dello scalo di alaggio.

Il piano preliminare prevede nel complesso fino a dodici gru da banchina. Di queste, quattro sono assegnate in permanenza alla banchina nord dello scalo di alaggio, due sono assegnate stabilmente alla banchina sud, tre possono servire sia la banchina sud dello scalo di alaggio che la banchina convenzionale, mentre tre gru sono assegnate stabilmente alla banchina convenzionale. Ciò farà sì che nove gru possano servire simultaneamente la nave nello scalo di alaggio, mentre tre di loro saranno in grado di servire l'intera larghezza della nave a prua o a poppa della sovrastruttura della nave.

Le sei gru assegnate in permanenza alle banchine dello scalo di alaggio saranno dotate di bracci in grado di raggiungere tutti i containers presso i boccaporti centrali di qualsiasi nave Panamax o più grande. Le restanti gru saranno dotate di bracci lunghi abbastanza da servire l'intera larghezza di navi con sino a 20 contenitori affiancati sul ponte. Le gru al lato opposto dello scalo di alaggio saranno configurate per lavorare sui boccaporti laterali della nave; al fine di assicurare la sicurezza dell'operatore, saranno necessari speciali meccanismi di guida, di controllo dell'asta e del macchinario di sollevamento. La Liftech Consultants sta attualmente lavorando con la McKay International, la CTI e la PMA al fine di sviluppare le necessarie caratteristiche richieste per le gru in questione.
(da: Cargo Systems, maggio 1998)

MSC presents its own new standalone services while HMM, ONE, and Yang Ming form the Premier Alliance
Seul / Singapore/Keelung / Geneva
The new alliance will bring five services to Italy, compared with 18 in the MSC.
Hupac to include French access lines to Alptransit in Swiss modal transfer policy
Bertschi : The adjustment of the Belgium-Metz-Strasbourg-Basel line to the four-metre profile is a top priority
The contract for the renewal of the contract of the German port workers is in the final stages of arrival.
Berlin / Bremen
The ZDS dating association and the union ver. of have signed a preliminary agreement
Federagents, wrong even just hypothesizing a privatization of ports with the sole purpose of doing cash
Saints : privatisations have never produced exciting results in Italy
In July in the port of Ravenna, the bulk of the bulk of the bulk of the bulk goods were raised and the other goods declined.
In the first seven months of 2024, cruising traffic fell by -14.3% percent.
Hapag-Lloyd, renewed the parasocial pact of CSAV shareholders and Kühne Maritime
Las Condes
The deal will be at least until the end of 2030.
In Vestas Blades the concession of the logistics plate of the port of Taranto
Proposal in line with the objectives of the AdSP for the development of hubs for the production of offshore wind and related components
Final free route at the entrance of MSC in the capital of German HHLA
At the Parliament in Hamburg 72 votes in favour and 33 against
WTO continues to rise in world trade in goods, but the future is unpredictable
WTO continues to rise in world trade in goods, but the future is unpredictable
Uncertainty is due to geopolitical tensions, regional conflicts, the change of monetary policy in advanced economies and the weakening of export orders
Does the calura stick to it? It's time to talk about the privatization of ports
Medlog (MSC) bought the British logistics company Maritime Transport
Felixstowe's company has 3,000 employees
Chinese navalmechanical groups CSSC and CSIC announce a merger plan
The deal will be based on a share swap deal signed by the two companies on Tuesday.
Wallix and Telenor Maritime announce partnership to increase IT security in the maritime sector
Paris / Arendal
It is focused, in particular, on digital solutions with remote access
The Companies inform
100 Years of Industrial Turbocharging
The year 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of the first turbocharger for large engines
Another portelon of a ferry in the fleet of Jadrolinija has been ceded.
Milanovic President and CEO of Croatian President Croatian and the CEO of the shipping company have been attacked.
COSCO Shipping Development orders the construction of 42 bulk renovator
Committed to the total value of nearly 1.8 billion
Last month Chinese ports recorded a new historical record of container traffic
Last month Chinese ports recorded a new historical record of container traffic
Seaports alone have handled 25.6 million teu (+ 8.3%)
Further increases in the quarterly economic and operational performance of the COSCO Group
Further increases in the quarterly economic and operational performance of the COSCO Group
In the April-June period of this year, revenues increased by 19.0% percent. Order 12 new container ships from 14,000 teu
Surge in container sales produced by Chinese CIMC
Hong Kong
The company has recorded new semi-annual and quarterly revenue records
In the first half of 2024, the traffic of goods in Moroccan ports grew by 15.3%
Call by Dominguez (IMO) to stop attacks on ships in the Red Sea
Highlights of the risk of serious damage caused by possible oil spills
In the first half of 2024 the traffic of goods in the port of Tanger Med grew by 13.9%
In the second quarter, 3.5 million tonnes more than in the April-June period of 2023
Royal Caribbean orders Meyer Turku a fourth class cruise ship
Royal Caribbean orders Meyer Turku a fourth class cruise ship "Icon"
Miami / Turku
The commit includes options for a fifth and a sixth unit
Transhipment containers continue to fuel the growth of container traffic in Spanish ports
In July the national port scans handled 1,531,414 teu (+ 6.3%)
It still dips the fire on the Suezmax Sounion attacked on Wednesday in the Red Sea
It still rammed the fire on the Suezmax Sounion attached on Wednesday in the Red Sea
Flames on the deck of blanket and on part of the superstructure
Arrive at Medcenter Container Terminal in Gioia Tauro 18 new straddle carriers
Joy Tauro
In the first seven months of 2024, the Calabrian port airport moved 2.3 million containers (+ 11.9%).
Filt-Cgil, the instrument of self-production, is already governed by the current rules.
The union calls on the bodies concerned to apply them with authoritativeness, rigor and competence
VSM, the participation of the State in Meyer Werft must be temporary and the company's guidance must be confirmed to the Meyer family
In the second quarter it flattened the growth of exports of goods by G20
The import and export value of services was also higher and imports of services were also higher.
Confirmed the agreement on the restructuring plan of the Meyer Werft Group
It is a huge opportunity for a new beginning that must be exploited, " said Daniel Friedrich (IG Metall Küste). Expected redundancies
Singamas records significant growth in semi-annual dry container sales
Hong Kong
The average box price from 20 ' per dry load fell by -7.7%
At least 80% percent of the capital of German navalmechanics company Meyer Werft
Government intervention would be temporary
In the port of Valencia continues the growth of container traffic
In the first seven months of 2024, 3.14 million teu (+ 13.1%) were handled.
Stable container traffic in the port of Hamburg in the first half of 2024
Stable container traffic in the port of Hamburg in the first half of 2024
In the second quarter alone, the containers had a decline.
The brilliant results of services in the Pacific and with Latin America tow the quarterly performance of the ZIM
The brilliant results of services in the Pacific and with Latin America tow the quarterly performance of the ZIM
The crisis in the Red Sea reduces the volumes transported on the route (-30.8%) but not revenues (+ 27.1%)
In the first half of 2024 the increase in goods miscellaneous in the ports of Spezia and Carrara contains the drop in bulk
The Spezia
Accentuating the upward trend in general goods in the second quarter
In the first half of 2024 the traffic of goods in the port of Livorno decreased by -3.4%
In Plungino growth of 52.2% thanks to the activity of the regasification
In the first seven months of 2024, freight traffic in Russian ports fell by -3.1% percent.
St. Petersburg
Stable the overall volume in the month of July
ZIM tightens a long-term operational cooperation agreement with MSC
It is related to routes between Asia and USA via Panama and Suez
In the second quarter of 2024 the Port of Bremen / Bremerhaven handled 15.9 million tons of cargo (+ 9.2%)
In the second quarter of 2024 the Port of Bremen / Bremerhaven handled 15.9 million tons of cargo (+ 9.2%)
In the first six months of the year, the growth, driven by containers, was 9.9% percent.
MSC Cruciere hopes the concession will be granted in Bari and Brindisi ports despite the notice of rejection of the application.
The company will present its own counter-deductions to the AdSP
The shortage of cold ironing plants in ports also hints the development of electric cargo ships
Frankfurt am Main
Paper on the environmental impact of batteries in ocean ocean freight carried out by CIMAC and Maritime Battery Forum
Germany's MOSOLF Port Logistics & Services buys compatriate TO Group
Kirchheim unter Teck / Bremen
The transaction will include venues in Belgium, Spain, Poland and the United Arab Emirates.
In the first quarter of 2024, it returned to grow traffic in Belgian ports
Increase of loads at boarding
Saipem has awarded two offshore contracts in Saudi Arabia worth one billion dollars.
In July, freight traffic in the ports of Genoa and Savona-I'm going to go
The decline in the cruises sector was particularly consistent.
Christiania Shipping (Eitzen group) will acquire Navquim Holding
Le Havre
The Dutch company owns and operates a fleet of 13 stainless steel chemical tanker
Kongsberg will sell the segment of ship government systems to private equity firm Norvestor
In 2023, these assets generated revenues of about 850 million Norwegian kroner
Oakley Capital gives up to Lloyd's Register a majority stake in Ocean Technologies Group
London / Luxembourg
The transaction will be completed in the last quarter of this year
The new cruise terminal in Fusina, Marghera, has been inaugurated.
Expected this year a growth of 9% percent of the cruise traffic in Venice
In the first half of 2024 the container traffic in CMPort terminals was 71.8 million teu
Hong Kong
Recorded a growth of 7.9%
Grimaldi has taken delivery of the fifth multipurpose ro-ro ship of class "G5"
The "Great Casablanca" will be employed in the links between North Europe and West Africa
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
German port firms call for measures to counter the effect of rising train tracks prices
Germany's BLG sets up its own subsidiary in Turkey
The new company BLG Uluslararasi Tasimacilik Ltd. is based in Istanbul
The iron ore of the Vale will arrive at European steelworks through the port of Tarragona
Tarragona / Kallo
The first ship is approx at the Euroports terminal
In the second quarter, revenues from China's COSCO Shipping Ports increased by 4.5%
Hong Kong
In the first half of 2024, the increase was 3.0% percent.
Continues the trend of declining economic results of MPC Container Ships
In the second quarter of 2024, revenues declined by -32.7% percent.
Expected upwards of quarterly financial results of Regional Container Lines
In the April-June period, revenues grew by 16.6% percent.
Vard will build a second Ocean Energy Construction Vessel hybrida for Island Offshore
Delivery is scheduled for the first quarter of 2027
In the port of Galveston, the construction of the cruise terminal that will be home port of MSC Cruciere has begun.
It will be inaugurated at the end of 2025
The Spezia is proposed as the seat of the Giuseppe Garibaldi transformed into a museum ship
The Spezia
Highlighted the connection of the city with the Navy Militate
In Japan on the way a study for the realization of ships for the transport of liquefied CO2
Design and constructive features will be defined
GNV entruvs Telemar with the management and maintenance of the rescue and safety systems of navigation
Oslo / Paris
Agreement relating to three ships currently under construction in China
Shipping traffic in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore
Port Klang
In the January-July period, 54,563 vessels were transited (+ 7.2%)
South Korean navalmechanical group HD KSOE will acquire majority of Convion
Finnish company specialises in the development of fuel cell technology
Waiting for a relevant growth of participation in Green Logistics Expo
Two main meetings : the General States of the Logistics of the North East and of Lombardy and Mercintrain
In July the port of Algeciras handled 399mila containers (-1.9%)
In the first seven months of this year, traffic amounted to 2.8 million teu (+ 2.0%)
The semi-annual results of China's COSCO Shipping International
Hong Kong
In the first six months of this year, revenues rose by 8.2% percent.
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
On July 17, the public assembly in Assiterminal will be held in Rome.
Messina (Assshipowners) : with the renewal of the Ccnl of the shipowner industry valid responses to the needs of workers
The assembly of Assagents will be held in Genoa on June 25.
Event entitled " Mari inquieti. Routes and conflicts : the incognition of traffickers "
››› Meetings File
Die Rettung der Meyer Werft geht in die entscheidende Phase
Samsung, HMM clash in US over shipping rates
(The Korea Times)
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Tomaso Cognolato
Roma, 17 luglio 2024
››› File
USB, continue in the punctual complaint of any attempt at unauthorized self-production in ports
In the first half of 2024, OOIL revenues grew by 2.3%
Hong Kong
Decline in earnings
Attack on a Greek Suezmax tanker ship in the Red Sea
Southampton / Athens
It took place 72 nautical miles west of Hodeidah
CD Cargo has exercised options with Bombardier Transportation for 11 locomotives TRAXX 3MS
Italo Rumena has acquired Swedish Nordic Storage
The company operates seven storage depots in Sweden and Denmark
In Greece the commander of a ferry has been arrested for breach of security
Alessandropolis / Keratsini-Drapetsona
Accelleron initiates agreement to acquire Canadian True North Marine
The company specialises in the optimization of ship routes on the basis of weather-marine conditions
Magellan Circle initiates a collaboration agreement with the Digital Container Shipping Association
Partnership focused on EU funding opportunities
GDP orders Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding the construction of five dual-fuel container ships from 13,000 teu
Noatum will acquire control of Egypt's maritime agency Safina
Madrid / Cairo
Will be rebranded Noatum Maritime Egypt
In the first half of 2024 the Hutchison Ports terminals handled 42.3 million containers (+ 7%)
Hong Kong
Last month, containerized traffic in Hong Kong's port fell by -6.8% percent.
In July, container traffic in the port of Long Beach increased by 52.6%
Long Beach
New record for this month and historic peak of empty containers
In July, container traffic in the port of Los Angeles increased by 37.3% percent.
Los Angeles
Seroka : It is the effect of a high early season
In the April-June quarter, freight traffic in Tunisian ports decreased by -10.5%
The Goulette
Stable miscellaneous goods and hydrocarbons. Sensitive decline in dry bulk
Positive the quarterly results of the German terminalist firm HHLA
In the April-June period, container traffic in the company's port terminals increased by 1.1%
In the first seven months of 2024, the port of Singapore handled 23.8 million containers (+ 6.1%)
The total traffic of the goods was 366.9 million tonnes (+ 7.1%)
In the second quarter of 2024, the traffic of goods in Croatian ports decreased by -7.8%
Only growing containers with 1.15 million tonnes (+ 10.5%)
Wallenius Wilhelmsen records record quarterly revenue and EBITDA
The volume of rotatable and goods transported by the fleet is decreasing
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Press Reg.: nr 33/96 Genoa Court
Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher
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