At Seatrade Cruise Europe, taking place in Hamburg, an event that is
resumed with important presences after a stop of a few years, the
Italian Port System Authorities are promoting the
domestic cruise system. The Italian port is
present with a CruiseItaly stand promoted by the Association of
Italian Ports (Assoporti), in which meetings and
Insights in favor of cruise traffic with a strong
imprint of the Made in Italy brand.
"The Italy of the ports - the president of
Assoporti, Rodolfo Giampieri - is in Hamburg to participate
to the meetings and events implemented by Seatrade, uniting the
moments of official conferences to those of networking between all the
segment stakeholders. As I have already had the opportunity to say in
several occasions - added Giampieri - in Italy traffic
Cruises shows a steady recovery and we see a lot of interest from
part of the main players, with a strong growth in traffic. A
segment, which grows thanks to the efficient services of our ports
but, of course, also for the strong tourist attraction of our
Country that holds cultural heritage and landscapes unique in the world. One
promotion of the Made in Italy system is very important for us,
also in consideration of the great work carried out by the lines
navigation in terms of innovation and sustainability.
We believe, in fact, that the destination Italy should also be valued
with these forms of participation, also to promote activities
in favor of sustainability that are in place».