One man died this afternoon and one remained
seriously injured as a result of an accident in the port of
Salerno which involved two young officers from Messina who
worked as first and second officers on the ship
Cartour Delta of the company Caronte & Tourist,
who were run over by a tractor.
'The Port System Authority of the Tyrrhenian Sea
Central - said the president of the institution, Andrea Annunziata
- expresses his deepest disturbance for what he is
success today in the port of Salerno. It's a very
difficult. We must take note of the fact that this dramatic
accident at work shows us how much more and more
Everyone's culture of safety is important, especially
in such a delicate area as the port one».
The unions have proclaimed 24 hours of strike in the ports
Campania. Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti have denounced that
Today's accident represents "yet another human life
broken on the work in the maritime and port sector". Joining
to the pain of the family of the young worker, struck by the serious
mourning, to which they expressed all their closeness and
solidarity, the three unions stressed that for years
They ask "to keep up the guard and attention on the
Accidents in the maritime and port areas where it is necessary
do much more than the issue of health and
security, strengthening the system of safeguards and controls".
"From this point of view - they highlighted Filt Cgil,
Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti - we denounce how serious it is that they are not
the necessary regulations have been issued to allow coordination
of laws 271 and 272 of 1999 with the discipline of the decree
Legislative Decree 81/2008 on the Stop-Work Authority. It is also necessary to
increase information and training at all workplaces
through the involvement and participation of company RLS
and site. It is essential that maritime work and
port operations take place in full compliance with the procedures with
particular attention to the risks due to interference that occurs
They check when several companies work in the same place'.
"We appeal to all institutions and authorities
competent - concluded the three trade unions - to give
start of a permanent confrontation to achieve a radical change of
The goal of eliminating deaths at work becomes an imperative
for everyone."