The Marebonus, the incentive to promote the transport of
goods by sea taking loads off the roads, should
be adopted throughout Europe. Interferry supports it,
the international association representing
navigation operating fleets of ferries, highlighting that for
improving the efficiency and resilience of the European system of
Transport and taking goods off Europe's roads is necessary
support short-sea maritime services.
"In Member States such as Italy and Spain," he explained.
Brittany Ferries CEO Christophe Mathieu,
speaking yesterday, representing Interferry, of which it is
member of the Board of Directors, at the workshop "Increasing the
share of maritime transport in Europe's trade" within
of the European Shipping Summit taking place at the Royal Museums of
Fine Arts of Brussels - we find that a system of ecobouns
is an effective means of increasing the volume share
transported by sea. Encouraging hauliers to use
Short-haul sea routes, the market can choose the
Most viable shipping solution from the point of view of
economic and environmental view, and at the same time the congested network
road is lightened and competition continues to be
Safeguarded. So - said Mathieu - we ask for a system
pan-European ecobonus for short sea shipping, in order to
realising our common ambition to transfer more
transport from road to sea throughout the European Union'.
Meanwhile, participating in the RemTech fair underway in Ferrara, the
new CEO of RAM - Logistics, Infrastructure and
Trasporti Spa, the in-house company of the Ministry of
Infrastructure and Transport founded in 2004 to implement the
program of the Motorways of the Sea, has relaunched the role of RAM
in the digitalization and innovation of ports and
logistics: "Ports and logistics in general - he said
Davide Bordoni - have a central role in development policies
which can also count on PNRR funds. Ours
task, as RAM is to support and support the
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport to develop and put
Innovative projects underway that make a qualitative leap
to our country in terms of digitalization and interconnection
with the European networks'.
Remembering that RAM has over 20 conventions for
technical assistance, incentive management and the development of
European projects with MIT, Bordoni announced that he will ask
A comparison with industry associations "to take stock
on their needs and priorities. Realities
institutional and entrepreneurial - it has specified - have in fact the
pulse of the most pressing issues on which we can provide the
our contribution."