The evaluation commission appointed by the Supervisory Authority
Port System of the Ionian Sea to examine the two applications
received for the consent in concession of the compendium "Piastre
Port of Taranto" selected the proposal formulated
by Vestas Blades Italia Srl, as - explains the decree
of the Port Authority - "offers greater guarantees of profitability
use of the concession and proposes to make use of it
for a use that, in the opinion of the administration, responds to a more
significant public interest".
The Taranto-based Vestas Blades Italia, a company with capital
of 21.4 million euros, which is entirely
controlled by the Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas,
requested the concession of the area of a total of 132 thousand square meters
with a proposal that - specifies Decree No. 81 of the Port Authority - "is
characterized by concrete profiles with a sustainability plan
valuable from social, environmental and economic aspects. The
company holds an immediate start-up business with significant
investments to upgrade existing infrastructures and with
any positive effect on the allied industries. He expressed the concrete desire
to divert to the port of Taranto the import of components useful for the
production cycle that, at the moment, are concentrated elsewhere. It is
The intention of the company is evident - the decree further specifies -
to consolidate an important organizational and managerial structure
with a significant financial commitment aimed at the development of
production and logistics activities in the port of Taranto
bringing benefits for the territory in terms of
socio-economic-occupational level. The initiative is absolutely
consistent and in line with the strategic objectives of the Port Authority and the
port of Taranto projected towards the development of hubs for the
production of offshore wind power and related components".
The evaluation committee also examined the
proposal sent by ITPL Logistics Srl, a newco established at the end of the
last March, with a share capital of 10 thousand euros, to develop and
manage - the decree states - "the activities of
international logistics in Italy, with operational headquarters in Taranto and
with the majority shareholder who from the data provided is "inactive"».
The act of the Port Authority explains that "the ITPL has presented a project
which would use the existing state-owned compendium in the
state in which it finds itself without implementing investments in
existing infrastructures and therefore without the development of related industries; that
providing for a traffic plan limited in volumes and not guaranteed
the economic and financial capacity of the company. The
company declares, in fact, a potential traffic of 18,000
TEU/year from March 2025 (of which 75% by sea and
remaining on rail and road) and provides for a "second phase"
to be able to "at least double this volume". Ago
reference to MoU from which he hopes that "a
increase in the volumes indicated by about 10%". Although they are
good relations between the major society
shareholder and other important Polish and
international projects, no concrete project was provided in
able to guarantee the profitable use of the maritime state.
On this point, it is also relevant that ITPL could develop
the proposed business, bearing only variable costs and
not the fixed costs of the concession, at the Multi-sector Pier
which is already equipped - with handling equipment
infrastructured with operational railway tracks,
organized with qualified and ZFD equipped personnel - for the
type and volumes of work/movements proposed".
The decree also recalls that the Port Authority has "rejected the
competing application submitted by Tecnomec Engineering Srl in
date 05.04.2024 because it is incomplete and not integrated into the deadline
assigned, confirming its inadmissibility with sheet no.
12269 of 20.05.2024". Furthermore, the act recalls that "the
Tecnomec Engineering Srl appealed before the General Court
Regional Administrative Committee of Puglia - Lecce, the measures to
by means of which the Port Authority declared the application inadmissible
submitted by the company itself in order to
obtain its annulment after granting precautionary protection;
the Puglia-Lecce Regional Administrative Court, with order no. 475/2024 reg. prov. Cau.
published on 12.07.2024, rejected the request for suspension
enforcement of the contested measures for the reasons therein
Indicated; On 23.07.2024, Tecnomec appealed to the
Council of State against the above-mentioned order; The room of
council has been set for 03.09.2024".