"One of the main innovations concerns the creation
of a publicly controlled company with the task of managing
investments and to represent the Italian port system at
international level, with a fundamental role in strengthening
of its global projection". This was said yesterday by the
Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Edoardo Rixi, to the
meeting of Cipom, the Interministerial Committee for Political Policies
of the sea, illustrating in summary the announced reform of the
port legislation. "Planning,
Integrated coordination, sustainability and efficiency - ha
added - are the pillars on which to erect a new model of
governance aimed at common guidelines, coordination of
concessions and harmonization of port master plans".
"The objectives - explained Rixi - are clear:
simplification, reorganization, organic and functional development to
benefit of our airports. A new vision that aims to make the
more modern, sustainable and capable of
to respond to the global challenges of the sector".