The Port System Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea,
as part of the Green Ports programme, today published a
for the selection of proposals for intervention by
concessionaires/terminal operators operating in port areas for
the purchase of new electric or hydrogen service vehicles, or to
the electrification of existing vehicles. They can benefit from the
Concessions holders of a valid concession or other title
operating within the port areas of
competence of the Port Authority. Interventions must include the purchase of
electric or hydrogen vehicles for the handling of goods and/or
waste, shuttles for the collective transport of people
within the port area, the transformation of existing vehicles
in electric or hydrogen and provide for the scrapping of vehicles
The resources available for the granting of the subsidies
amount to almost 5.4 million euros. Non-repayable grants
can cover up to 100% of the costs deemed eligible, with the
limit of 300,000 euros per company in three years and cannot be
cumulated with other sources of Community funding. The term
for the submission of applications is set at 12.00
of next January 31, while requests for clarification may be
be submitted until 12.00 noon on 17 January.