On 24 December, Interporto Padova Spa launched
a market survey with the aim of collecting any
proposals from intermodal operators interested in participating
terminal activities of the Paduan company. The
collection of any proposals will be completed next
January 31st. The aim is to tighten and consolidate forms of
organic collaboration with the protagonists of the national market and
international also in order to develop the
"It is - explained the president of Interporto -
Padua, Luciano Greco - of an almost natural passage in the
development path successfully undertaken by Interporto Padova
in recent years, also in the light of the international scenario
of logistics. This is obviously an absolutely
that does not bind us in any way, but that allows us to
verify in a completely transparent and objective way the possibility of
to forge alliances and strategic collaborations in the future and
Operational. We also have a geographical location on our side
favorable which allows us to be a logistics platform
fundamental for the North East but at the same time a strategic hub
for both continental and global maritime traffic. The goal is
to make Interporto Padova increasingly a
A leading player in sustainable logistics not only at the
national but also international, to the benefit of the economy of
the whole country".
Interporto Padova, which is connected to numerous
intermodal connections with the most important ports in the
Tyrrhenian and Adriatic as well as with large terminals
in Central Europe, for years it has been classified as a "Node
TEN-T trans-European transport network and is
owner and operator of a large intermodal terminal equipped with
six gantry cranes, European module loading and unloading rails and
characterized by a significant degree of automation in the process of
further development. In addition, the company is the manager of the
railway shunting activities within the area
Padua Interporto railway station.