InfoEra Srl, a company specialized in IT solutions
for ports and port communities which is controlled by the
Circle, which develops solutions for innovation and
digitalisation of the port and logistics sectors,
awarded in a temporary consortium of companies together with the
Circle Spa (5%) and DataCh Technologies
(10%, external to the group) the call for the development and management of
digitization services of the Port System Authority
of the Eastern Adriatic Sea as a private partner
of the joint venture "PCS Newco S.r.l.",
company that will be set up by the successful bidders
together with the same Port Authority that administers the ports of Trieste and
The value of the contract awarded is at least 5.81
million euros for the first six years, with the possibility of
a further six million euros in the first six years. For the
seventh year, up to 969 thousand euros are expected, with a further
possible extension up to one million euros. The value
The maximum total of the contract therefore amounts to 13.78 million
euro, with 90% of this value remaining within the
perimeter of the Circle group.