The next start of strikes in the
ports on the East Coast and Gulf of the United States.
The International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) and the United States
Maritime Alliance (USMX), which are respectively the
trade unions and employers' parties engaged in negotiations for the
renewal of the contract of the workers of these ports,
in fact, a preliminary agreement has been reached for a new agreement
contract for a duration of six years. Yesterday the parties
agreed that the current contract will remain in force until
whereas the ILO Payscale Committee will not meet
and will schedule a date to vote on the new agreement, while
in the meantime, USMX members will be able to ratify the new
"We are pleased to announce - underlined the two
parties in a joint note - that the ILA and the USMX have reached a
agreement in principle for a new six-year contract, subject to
ratification, thus avoiding any interruption of work
from 15 January 2025. This agreement safeguards the current posts of
ILA work and defines a framework for the implementation of technologies
which will create more jobs by modernising in the
ports on the East Coast and the Gulf, making them more
and creating the capacity they have
to maintain the robustness of our supply chains.
This is a win-win arrangement that creates jobs of
ILA work, supports American consumers and companies, and maintains
the American economy as a key center of the global market".