The Campania regional secretariats of Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl and
Uiltrasporti have decided to suspend the staff strike
of the Port System Authority of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea
After a meeting that the category secretaries of the three acronyms
trade unions had with the secretary general of the port authority,
Giuseppe Grimaldi. "The confrontation - announced the president
of the Port Authority, Andrea Annunziata - was serene and
addressed with due accuracy some questions posed to the
center of the dispute. During the meeting, it was
agreed that the Istat adjustment of the
salary items of second-level bargaining pending
of the awaited opinion of the State Attorney's Office, because it appears
evident that on this as on the other issues it will not be
possible to disregard the opinions of the State Attorney and the
Vigilant ministry".
The port authority has specified that
of the dates for the discussion and comparison on the new negotiation
and, as regards the contract in force, the
governance of the Port Authority has further reiterated that the same is not
never been questioned, which has already found full
application but which, from a purely administrative point of view,
the body is awaiting the opinion requested from the Ministry of Education,
Infrastructure and Transport.