The president of the VARD of the Fincantieri group, Alberto
Maestrini, was elected president of SEA Europe
(Shipyards' & Maritime Equipment Association of Europe),
the association representing the European shipbuilding industry.
"The European maritime technology industry –
declared Maestrini on the occasion of his election - is at the

crossroads between immense opportunities and significant challenges. SEA
and its member associations and companies have raised the
the profile of shipyards and shipyard manufacturers
maritime equipment as strategic industries for Europe.
Thanks to these efforts, the European Union has committed to
implementing a maritime industrial strategy. As
President, I am determined to consolidate these results,
ensuring that SEA Europe plays a key role in providing
form and implement this strategy. We will focus on the
Leveraging innovation and exceptional capabilities
of the European maritime technology industry, which encompasses both the
civil and military sectors, to drive competitiveness
and sustainability".