The Italian Confederation of Shipowners (Confitarma) has addressed a
I appeal to Parliament and the Government to ensure that, in the process of
conversion into law of the Milleproroghe decree-law,
the rule introduced by Article 103-bis of the
Decree-Law No. 18/2020, converted with amendments by Law
no. 27/2020, "a fundamental tool - highlighted
shipowners' organisation - to simplify the procedures for
stipulation of enlistment contracts in Italy".
"Unfortunately - explained Confitarma - the failure to extend the
of the aforementioned rule creates considerable operational inconvenience to
seafarers, shipowners and Port Authorities,
forced to use the previous bureaucratic procedures now
exceeded since 2020, resulting in endless queues at the same
Harbour Masters".
"It is more necessary and urgent than ever - he said
the Director General of the Confederation, Luca Sisto - to pose
remedy for this serious problem during the conversion process
of the Milleproroghe decree. The simplification has proved to be
an important step forward for the industry and has won the
unanimous opinion of the entire maritime cluster. During 2025, it will be
It is essential to work to approve a structural change to the
Navigation Code, which makes this measure permanent and
further improve the efficiency of our system".