The Port System Authority of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea
expressed disappointment with the decision announced by the
regional secretariats of Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti of
proclaim a new strike of the Port Authority workers after
that the protest action had been suspended following a meeting
which took place last week with the secretary general of the Port Authority
January 2025.
Specifying that he does not understand the reasons for the decision of the
continuation of the strike, in a note the Port Authority,
explains that, "glossing over the ungenerous and harmful statements
contained in the press release, this governance confirms the commitment of
provide, within the current month, to settle all the
fees for the Istat adjustment as well as arrears
(all on the capital revalued over each individual year) in
compliance with the articulated opinion of the Attorney of the
A state that in these hours has been transmitted to the Port Authority;
This confirms the commitment made by the administration in
On the occasion of the meeting with the trade unions on Monday 13
January last year who on the basis of this commitment had
decided to suspend the protest".
"At the same time, while an in-depth study is underway
evaluation of the contents of the aforementioned opinion of the Attorney General -
continues the note of the port authority - this governance is made
willing to evaluate, in the context of a desirable serenity
discussion with the social partners, every possible institution
contractual arrangements to meet the demands of the workers and
Port Authority workers in the framework of bargaining
and in any case of the possibilities offered by the current
to a body governed by public law as it is today
the Port System Authority".
"We hope, in the light of the confirmation of the commitments already
hired with the trade unions - concludes the body - which
can resume a climate of détente by representing that the
strike is not only a damage to this Port Authority but to all the
port operators and related industries".