The Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC)
could increase its presence in India by expanding its
activities in the country also in the field of
shipbuilding. The Indian information portal ETInfra.com has
MSC has initiated preliminary contacts with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Ports, Maritime Transport and Waterways of New York
Delhi in order to identify a site to build a construction site
useful for satisfying the needs of construction and
ship repair of the shipping group. Furthermore, on the basis of
indications of the Ministry, MSC has started a discussion with the
shipbuilding company Swan Defence And Heavy Industries for
carry out shipbuilding and repair activities
at the Indian company's shipyard in Pipavav, Gujarat.
According to the Indian media, MSC's interest in
developing shipbuilding activities in India should have
the Swiss group's need to equip itself with new ships
in the next five years, the construction of which could be
hampered by the current lack of capacity of many shipyards
naval sectors. In addition, it was highlighted that currently
in the region, the MSC group targets shipyards in Dubai and Colombo
for its ship repair needs in the absence of
adequate infrastructure in India. MSC's interest
may have been stimulated by the initiatives taken by the
Indian government to promote the shipbuilding sector,
including the provision of tax incentives, including a
support for ship recycling activities. Aid,
under a programme expiring in 2034 extendable to
2047, are aimed at covering 20% of shipbuilding costs
25% of the construction costs of specialized ships such as
tankers, chemical tankers and container ships, and 30% of the costs of
construction of ecological or technologically advanced ships.