For decades, not long after its introduction in Italy in the
1972, the extent to which value added tax applied
goods imported through national ports generate a substantial
revenue for the state coffers and how much the ports of call
or more properly the System Authorities
Ports that administer them, benefit from these taxes. This
"how much" has been repeatedly defined as null or
very little from representatives of the various categories of the communities
even after Decree-Law No. 83 in 2012
A fund has been established for the construction of infrastructure works
in ports and road and rail links with ports that is
fed with 1% of the annual VAT revenue produced
the import of goods through each port system, with
a maximum limit of resources that has gradually been redefined.
To denounce "how little" the ports benefit from the
VAT revenue from their product (and whether it is produced or rather
"collected" from ports is a matter that has always
transcends these complaints), is today Spediporto, the association
of the Genoese freight forwarders, who, "to give an idea of the
proportion to the State's receipts from other taxes
indirect", highlights that "the ports of Genoa, Savona and La Spezia,
alone, they bring more money than car tax, lotto and
almost as much as taxes on tobacco. The figure - explains Spediporto -
emerges from the recent breakdown concerning the VAT produced in the
2021 and linked to the port law "Financial autonomy of the
Port System Authority and Financing of the
construction of works in ports". A fund that, moreover, is
has been halved compared to what would be expected (1% of VAT
produced). As for the Ligurian ports, Genoa and Savona -
Spediporto specification - together they brought into the coffers of the
State, about 6,500 million euros, 31% of the total collected by the
Italian ports, which stands at around 20,500 million euros,
while La Spezia, with over 2,000 million euros raised,
represents 12%. And what comes back? - Spediporto denounces -
a pittance: 10 and a half million to the ports of Genoa and Savona, little
more than four million to La Spezia. Little also for the role
of Italian port activities in the European chessboard
where, with 8%, they contribute to gross value added
of the economy of the continental sea (data from Unioncamere-Centro Studi
"The Ligurian port system - underlines the director
General of Spediporto, Giampaolo Botta - confirms himself among the most
important Italian and European taxpayers with regard to
VAT collections. In the face of such an important and
strategic - he explains - in the coffers of the port system and the
our region remains little or nothing. Yet these numbers are well
highlight how port logistics, which supports the entire
Italian production system, is what makes the most
to the Italian State".