Last year, intermodal traffic moved in the center
logistics of Interporto Padova has reached a record share of almost
412 thousand TEUs, with an increase of +6.5% on 2023. "The data of the
2024, with the all-time record of containers and semi-trailers handled,
over 411 thousand - highlighted today the Director General of the
interport company, Roberto Tosetto - underline that

We are fully fulfilling our role, which is to
connecting the world of production with that of the
trade. Exceeding 411 thousand TEUs is a demonstration of
efficiency, but also to be an efficient tool for
keep our businesses connected to the world. We
successfully faced the technological challenge of automation that
will become operational, as far as the
handling with electric gantry cranes, in the coming months.
This will allow us in the future to be even more
efficient in moving trucks from the road to the train, with
growth potential is very great if we think about how much the
transport of goods by road and the objectives of
modal shift and European policies on
environmental sustainability".
A further growth that Interporto Padova could pursue
together with possible logistics partners who could respond to the
request for possible collaboration in the activity
terminal launched in recent days by the company
of 7
January 2025). "The goal - explained today the
president Luciano Greco illustrating the initiative - is
strengthen ourselves in a changing world, there will be new challenges,
We are now in a position of relative strength compared to even the
to other realities similar to ours and is therefore the
right time to strengthen ourselves further. To give an example
simple is the same operation that airlines do
to become stronger in global competition. That
that Interporto Padova is doing today - specified Greco - is
assess, through market survey, whether the conditions exist to
enter into negotiations with market participants that are important for
strengthen the position of Padua within the context
international competition".
"Interporto Padova - continued Greco - in the last few years
years has diversified its ability to react to rapid
changes in the market, such as we can also imagine
happen in the future in light of the current international scenario.
Today we do not only maritime traffic, but also semi-trailers
which are typically land traffic. This means that, in order to
depending on how international trade relations will change -
above all, the geography of commerce will change
- Interporto Padova must be able to
respond with new and different trade routes. The search for
An alliance to strengthen what we already are, we need
precisely to this, to respond in real time to the new
Contingencies. Attention - underlined the president of
Interporto Padova - if we were not to find the operators who are
interesting for what we are today, we will continue as
We have done in the last 10 years, continuing to grow."