The Campania regional secretariats of Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl and
Uiltrasporti have proclaimed for the whole day tomorrow a
strike of the workers of the Port System Authority of the
Central Tyrrhenian Sea. Justifying the decision to call the protest,
The trade unions explained that it was decided to
strike "because the general principle of respect
of the agreements and their stability over time (pacta sunt
servanda) also applies in the ports of Campania. We no longer believe
possible - they specified in a note - to suffer the consequences of
irresponsible employer attitudes who, in contempt of good
contractual faith, constantly place us under "threat"
unilateral cancellations of company bargaining, recoveries of
sums already paid or suspension of payments due, unaware
waiting for clarifications from third parties. We don't want to anymore
suffer the risk of a systematic non-application of the
Contractual working conditions governed by the contract
and the national collective agreement of ports for deficits
attributable to the current leaders of this Port Authority, such as the lack of
knowledge, understanding and enhancement of the peculiar nature of the
employment of the Port Authority, the result of a more general
and worrying distorted interpretation of Law 84/94 and
of the autonomy that it grants to port authorities. All
represents a direct attack on the dignity of women workers
and of the workers of the Port Authority of the MTC".
"The "posthumous" publication of resolution no.
65 of 25 November 2024, making it clear that from Piazzale Pisacane
an attempt is underway to carry out a demolition action
of the function and contents of the national collective agreement of
work of the ports - denounced the three unions - confirms and
It reinforces the reasons for our contestation. By denying their own
prerogatives of "arbitrator" on checks and controls
application of the rules and the CCNL of the ports, the top of the body
aims to delegitimize national collective bargaining,
negotiating subjects and at the same time their own association
representative policyholder, Assoporti. We consider it an act
very serious and, unfortunately, not new!"
"We will not stop - continues the note - in the face of those who
try to trample on our rights! Disorganization,
Deregulation and the absence of concrete answers are the symbol
of a system that aims only at the self-celebration of its own
and profit by offloading the costs on those who send every day
Ahead of the ports, with effort and dedication. On January 9 we will be in the first
line, alongside every worker, to reiterate that
we are not bargaining chips and that the dignity of those who work is not
it can be stepped on; therefore, we invite you to participate and
Workers of companies pursuant to art. 16, 17
and 18 because this problem will spare no one.
We will be in Naples, at Piazzale Pisacane, from 7:45 to 15:21,
to make our voices heard loud and show that without us the
ports stop!"
And from Piazzale Pisacane came a harsh reply
of the Port System Authority of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea,
according to which "there is only one unacceptable
attitude of great irresponsibility that is regrettable
to be noted once again comes from the confederal union present
in the company". The port authority has "strongly rejected the
unfounded and inappropriate accusations which, according to the statements of the
relate to "repeated violations of the
national and decentralised sector bargaining, as well as
a worrying and distorted interpretation" of the law
establishing the ports, Law 84/94 put in place to the detriment of the
workers of the same. Substance -
points out a note from the Port Authority - this authority specifies that
the "systematic disapplication of contractual conditions"
to which the three acronyms refer in fact concerns the verification
punctual implementation by the competent offices of this
administration of contractual institutions to which employees
he was not entitled. Economic benefits previously allocated on the
misleading and arbitrary interpretations that in fact
weigh on the budget of the entity and therefore on taxation
general. The irritation of the three
trade unions forced to communicate to workers and
to the workers of the Port Authority of Naples and Salerno the loss of
benefits acquired over time or the return of sums received in
past, to which they were not entitled, but it is evident that this
responsibility cannot fall on this
administration that is required by law to operate in the sole
and exclusive interest of public affairs. Therefore, since these
the reasons behind the declaration of a planned strike
for 9 January it is reiterated that this administration does not
may derogate from the checks and controls on the application of the
legal and contractual provisions put in place to protect the public interest
and that the measures taken have nothing to do with the
violation of the rights of workers in this
Port Authority and as employees of a public body
will be applied, in the same way as what is
applies to all other workers concerned, the same
economic treatment provided for by current provisions. These
top management - concludes the note of the Port Authority - to date have always
applied the law in the interest of the State and the workers, and
of the institution's workers".