In 2024, the port terminals belonging to the PSA group
International of Singapore have handled a traffic of
Record container that, for the first time, exceeded 100 million
TEU, with an increase of +5.6% on the previous year. The new
was achieved thanks to both the new historical record of
containerized traffic handled in the port of Singapore alone,
which amounted to 40.9 million TEUs (+5.5%), both new
Historical record of container loads handled in terminals
foreign countries, which amounted to 59.2 million TEUs
"2024 - commented the president of the PSA group,
Peter Voser - it was a year of limited recovery
of the global economy, characterized by continuous conflicts
geopolitical issues, trade tensions, national elections, pressure
and floating interest rates. Despite the challenges, we are
proud to have reached this important milestone of
productivity for the group. Looking ahead, we predict
a continuation of economic uncertainty. However, thanks to the
dedication of our team and to the constant support of our customers,
partners and associates, we are confident in our ability to
overcome the headwinds that could arise".