Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) has signed a contract with Research on the
Energy System (RSE), a company for study and research
applied to the energy sector which is controlled by the
Ministry of Economy and Finance, a memorandum of understanding for
research and testing of a
magnetic levitation transport with Pipe§net technology.
In particular, the agreement will cover a new system of
transport, initially specific to goods, which will use
Pipe§net technology at the RFI circuit in Bologna San
Given. RFI and RSE have highlighted that the new system, thanks to the
magnetic levitation and electric motor propulsion
linear, which operates inside low-pressure pipes,
will represent a revolution for the sector.
The scientific and technological interest aims to evaluate
the integration of a sustainable logistics system for transport
of high-speed goods, through the reduction of
friction and energy consumption, with a solution of
faster, more cost-effective transport and
environmentally less impactful. The CEO of RSE,
Franco Cotana, explained that the Pipe§net technology
"It will allow goods of up to one tonne to be transported
per second throughout Italy without resorting to sources
because the energy needed for the movement of fossil fuels
capsules, operating in evacuated air and levitation tubes
will be entirely supplied by photovoltaic panels
integrated into the infrastructure. Thanks to the absence of friction - it has
specified Cotana - the linear electric motor will not disperse
energy and can also function as a generator, recovering
up to 70% of the energy used during acceleration, while
the remaining 30% will be provided by photovoltaic panels and
Batteries. This infrastructure could move up to a
billion and a half capsules per year along the entire ridge
Tyrrhenian Sea, from Reggio Calabria to Milan, and along the Adriatic Sea, from
Lecce to Venice, and develop the connection of ports and lines
Cross. Technology will allow the development of a real
and its own network, similar to the Internet, which will allow companies to
goods to reach the same destination through routes