Article 4 of Decree-Law No. 208 of 31 December 2024
("Urgent organisational measures to deal with situations of
particular emergency, as well as for the implementation of the Plan
national recovery and resilience system") extended the
duration of the Agencies for the administration of work in the port and
for professional retraining provided for in Article 4 of the
Decree-Law no. 243 of 29 December 2016, for those ports "in the
such as at least 80% of the handling of containerized goods
takes place or has occurred in the last five years in a
transhipment and states of crisis have persisted for at least five years
or cessation of terminal activities".
The provision to extend the duration of the operation
of the Agencies concerns the Gioia Tauro Port Agency Srl of the port of
Gioia Tauro, the Taranto Port Workers Agency Srl of the port of Taranto
and Karalis Transhipment Port Employment Agency (K.A.L.Por.T. Srl) of the port of Cagliari and ensures the coverage of the
for the years 2025 and 2026 of the Indemnity of
Failure to start.