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Assoporti protests for the reading given from some to the data on the traffic of the ports EU is diffused by Eurostat
Monti: "it is not true that the Italian portualità is neglected"
March 19, 2014
The Association of the Italian Ports (Assoporti) protest for the reading given from some to the data on the traffic enlivened in 2012 from the ports of the European Union that are elaborated and diffuse yesterday from the statistical office Eurostat ( on 18 March 2014). "Let us say it once and for all - the president of the association of the Italian Harbour Authorities clarifies, Pasqualino Monti - is not true that the Italian portualità is neglected, a kind of smaller son of a God of the European portualità. The Italian portualità anticipates continental excellence, in the traffic of transhipment of the container, in the cruises, the freeways of the sea, the productivity". According to Assoporti, "the publication of the Eurostat relationship and the interpretations that of this relationship have been immediately dates, do not reflect therefore the truth".
Assoporti finds, in the first place, that "the data are exceeded". "In the 2013 - the association specifies - traffic container it has grown of 5.7% in the Italian ports, that of the passengers on cruise ships of 5.1% approaching itself the historical record, the terminals of transhipment container are in strong development (from more 12% than Cagliari to more 14% than Gioia Tauro), and, icing on the cake, the port of Trieste occupies the tenth position in the top-ten European".
"The maps produced from Eurostat - denunciation the association - do not have an economic sense species for a Country as the Italy that altogether place to the third party place in Europe for marine traffic and that it historically has a diversified harbour offer regarding the other European Countries. Perhaps it would be the case, once and for all also in European center - Monti emphasizes - to wonder because also for this fragmentation. Perhaps because our Country has a very various orographic structure from France and Germany, perhaps because on the contrary than it happens in France, in Germany or in Spain, the industrial production in Italy is scattered on hundred of difficultly approachable sites talora via earth".
"When they are read the Eurostat data - the president of Assoporti continues - these considerations go held to mind. Of statistics it goes made however treasure in order to restate that without a system direction it is grotesque to speak about not competitive ports. The ports today are competitive if behind they have efficient road and railway nets. If they have infrastructures adapted to the trends of the new traffics, if they have backdrops in a position to receiving the giant ships that by now dominate the world-wide interchange, if they are able to invest timely, if they are not martoriati by the bureaucratic implementations, if they are able to attract international investor".
"Assoporti - rimarca Monti - on this line of the front is. From months it asks with force that the things change, than the norms are adapted to the level of the international challenge in action and certainly it does not raise today, less than never, white flag. The logistic platform of the Mediterranean exists, the times in order to change step are extremely tight and finally the job in tightened synergy between government and parliament - the president of the association concludes - seems to create the conditions in order to produce in times breviums those lines innovation guide able to say to return more efficient and competitive the ports".
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