Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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In the fourth trimester of the 2019 traffic of the goods in the port of Civitavecchia it is diminished of -9,7%
In the entire year a bending is recorded of -14,8%
February 24, 2020
In the last trimester last year the traffic of the goods in the port of Civitavecchia is piled to 2,4 million tons, with a bending of the -9,7% on the period October-December of 2018, of which 1,6 million tons to disembarkation (- 10.2%) and 799 thousand tons to the boarding (- 8.7%). The reduction of total handling of the goods is determined by the contraction of the -33,4% of the traffic of the solid bulk that is come down to 694 thousand tons and discounts the contraction of destined cargos of coal to headquarters of Enel, solo partially compensated from the increment of +69.3% of the liquid bulk, attest to 167 thousand tons, and from the light several rise of +1.4% of the goods that have been pairs to beyond 1,5 million tons, of which 1,2 million tons of rotabili (+1.7%) and 285 thousand containerized tons of goods (- 0.4%).
In entire the 2019 harbour port of call it has enlivened a total of 9,6 million tons of goods, with a reduction of the -14,8% on the year precedence, of which 6,2 million tons to disembarkation (- 20.8%) and 3,4 million tons to the boarding (- 1.1%). The volume of total traffic of the solid bulk almost has been halved coming down to 2,4 million tons (- 46.8%), of which 1,9 million tons of coal (- 48.8%), 221 thousand tons of producing metalworkers, iron minerals, minerals and metals (- 21.8%), 28 thousand tons of crude ores, concretes and soccers (- 28.4%), 8 thousand tons of fertilizers (+115.8%), 2 thousand tons of chemicals (- 92.1%) and 199 thousand tons of other bulk sand banks (- 45.8%). In the field of the liquid bulk the total has been of 639 thousand tons (+26.2%) for almost the refined totality constituted from producing oil. In the section of the goods several tons (+4.5%), included 5,6 million tons of cargos ro-ro (+4.8% are enlivened 6,6 million), 1,0 million containerized tons of goods (+3.0%) totaled with a handling of containers pairs to 112.249 teu (+3.5%) and 5 thousand several tons of other goods (- 7.2%). Last year the traffic of the passengers of the ferries has been of 1,8 million people (0%) and that of the crocieristi than more 2,6 million people (+8.6%).
In year 2019 totally in the ports of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta, that they are administered by the Authority of Harbour System of the Centro Settentrionale Tyrrhenian Sea, the traffic of the goods have been of 14,6 million tons (- 11.1%).
While friday the president of the AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Centro Settentrionale, Francesco Maria di Majo, has had an encounter with the scope to identify concrete actions in order to exceed the economic and occupational crisis already in existence deriving from the progressive and meaningful reduction of the coal import for headquarters of Enel. During the encounter to the Ministry of the Economic Development on the phase out from the coal - it has announced of Majo - "I have represented the requirement that the reconversion to gas of headquarters of Enel is accompanied by participations and sets in action concrete between which I have evidenced in the first place the necessity, for Civitavecchia, to have use of the "national Bottom for the occupational reconversion in the territories in which they are located central to coal", of which one attends I decree implementing, and of instituting Deep European "the Just transition fund", face also to favor new economic opportunities in the areas in which the transition of headquarters is previewed to coal towards forms of energetic generation less impattanti, to the aim so to alleviate the associate-economic impacts deriving from such transition to gas".
"I thank PUT and in particular the undersecretary Alessandra Todde - it has continued of Majo - for the organization of this encounter that has given to way to all the institutions, trade-union acronyms and associations to represent, from various visual angles, not only problematic deriving from the reconversion to gas of headquarters of Enel but also some concrete solutions in order to exceed them. Me it is seemed to record a community of attempts on the fact that the process - ineludible - of decarbonizzazione, already in existence, must be accompanied from an ambitious territorial plan of throws again of the local economy, in particular in the field of renewable energies, that it can be indeed alternative to headquarters of Enel and therefore to carry occupation to the territory of Civitavecchia, today in great suffering. For our part, we have restated, as anticipated in the note transmitted to IT PUT in recent days, the strong interest to develop in the harbour within relative industrial projects to the energetic field, having the port of Civitavecchia moreover, in the part north, that is the more distant part from the city center, still many areas available, as in particular the Energetic Dock Great Masses, regarding which sussistono the town-planning and environmental foundations (VIA) in order proceeding to its realization. I consider that the realization of the DEGM can be moreover online with the suggestion of the undersecretary of PUT, Alessandra Todde, to focus the actions on participations you turn - as proposed to Brindisi - to favor new productive activities. To such care I have received with favor the proposal of PUT to institute of the next sessions dedicated to the development of productive activities let alone the proposed connected one of the mayor of Civitavecchia and Unindustria, to institute, for the territory of Civitavecchia, of contracts of area or program, which, with the support of the Region Latium, will be able to also strengthen istituenda the Simplified Logistic Zone".
"To closing of the table - it has added the president of the AdSP - I have also collected positively the indications, which reached from some trade-union acronyms, to continue on the road to make of the port of Civitavecchia a true port green promuovendo, for example, the institution of a pole, than moreover already it was proposed in the past, of production of systems or they members for the exploitation of renewable energies (wind shovels, batteries of I accumulate, fotovoltaici panels, etc). Such project, as I have proposed, could be realized in the areas overleaf of the DEGM or in those retroportuali united to the development of alternative fuel, as the GNL, for the feeding of the road haulage and the marine carriers. To such objective that of the potenziamento of the railway infrastructural connection of last mile in the port joins, for which we have already obtained a contribution unsecured from the European Union, that it will favor the use of the railroad as means of transport of goods and passengers having reduced, consequently, the emissivo impact deriving from means of transport".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher