At the beginning of this year, the cargo ships of the
global fleet that are equipped with electric batteries for
the power supply of propulsion systems and other
were 879 on board, to which were added another 349 ships equipped with
batteries whose construction had been ordered from the shipyards or
which were already under construction at the time. Of all
these ships, there were 94 whose propulsion system is
entirely electrically powered or hybrid or hybrid
plug-ins, of which 64% of these vessels are used
coastal services, 17% inland navigation and 19%,
therefore only 18 ships are used for maritime services
Oceanic. This is a very small percentage of the fleet
cargo ship that should be increased to
meet ship emission reduction targets
established by the International Maritime Organization. This is highlighted by the
first of three papers on the environmental impact of batteries in the
ocean maritime transport carried out by CIMAC (International
Council on Combustion Engines) and the Maritime Battery Forum.
The document highlights that the potential is very high
of battery application to support decarbonization
shipping. "The batteries - he underlined
the CEO of the Maritime Battery Forum, Syb Ten Cate
Hoedemaker - will play an important role in decarbonisation
of the maritime sector'. However, the report specifies that,
With just 18 electrified ocean-going freighters, the industry is
in the initial phase of adoption of this technology and there is
There is still a long way to go to make the most of the
batteries installed on ships.
The document notes that the reduced number of cargo ships
plug-in hybrid ocean can be related to the
limited availability of cold ironing systems in ports
for charging the on-board batteries via the connection
of ships to the shore-side electricity grid. A problem, that of the
shortage of these plants, which also has an impact on the
maritime passenger transport and which has been highlighted
Once again in these days by the International Association
of CLIA cruise companies, explaining that if currently
There are 147 cruise ships that can connect to the
cold ironing, only 3% of the ports where these ships call are
equipped with electrified docks.
The paper by CIMAC and the Maritime Battery Forum notes that, therefore,
the increase in the number of quays equipped with cold ironing systems
for charging on-board batteries can support
development of the adoption of battery systems on board ships,
installation which - the document specifies - is more
difficult on ships already in service compared to
the integration of batteries in the design of new
construction. However - the paper underlines - to achieve the
emission reduction targets set by the IMO can
It is essential to have solutions for an installation
easy and cheap batteries on ships already