If the President of the Federation of Shipping Agents
Italians, Alessandro Santi, had warned to be cautious with the
Hypotheses of privatization of ports recently put forward by
Government representatives
September 2024), from La Spezia we invite you to evaluate the example of
privatization carried out in the Ligurian port of call. "The only
port where a private individual has built his terminal,
starting from the docks up to the cranes passing through
squares, offices, computer system - said Andrea Fontana,
representing the port community of La Spezia and president
of the La Spezia Association of Shipping Agents - was
La Spezia. And when it comes to the privatization of airports
Italian seafarers perhaps could not and should not
to disregard this successful experience that is and remains
A unicum".
"Italy," Fontana pointed out, "is truly a
A strange country in which even in the face of successful experiences,
the desire to reinvent everything and rewrite rules prevails
and parameters. In the case of the La Spezia Container Terminal, considered
also for its indisputable successes, an anomalous cell of the
national ports, the formula was so much
Simple to appear trivial today. A private entrepreneur has put to work
resources to finance the construction of a terminal
container that did not exist, set it up and made it work with
efficiency and productivity standards for years
unreachable elsewhere. For its part, the State through its
local emanations, which were not yet called Authorities of
Port System, has calibrated the times and values of the
concession so that the private entrepreneur was able to make
square an industrial plan, recoup its investment and
make profits".
Today we are back to talking about the privatization of ports and direction
when - continued Fontana - the primary need
would be to ensure national planning of the
resources allocated to ports while today each Authority
of the Port System receives public resources and builds quays and
terminals that will probably not be of use to anyone and will not be able to
be managed economically. "It is appropriate to state
clearly - concluded Fontana - that for years now the traffic
that gravitates around Italian ports has a stationary trend and
and a record increase in the supply of handling services
of goods, especially containers, such as the one in progress, will obtain
only one result: that of generating another gigantic hole in the
public accounts".
If it is true that, as Fontana observes, Italy is
really a strange country, perhaps it is also because
when public resources are allocated to the construction of quays
and terminals that probably will not be of use to anyone and will not be able to
be managed economically, none, but absolutely no
representative of the national port system assumes the
responsibility to denounce in no uncertain terms what they are
the works intended to fuel the waste of public money. At
if anything, they are associations of citizens or environmentalists who,
sometimes rightly and sometimes around, they demonstrate against those who
They consider projects senseless.