At the beginning of next year, Hupac will increase its
intermodal connections between Belgium and Italy. The company
Helvetica will activate a new shuttle train between the areas
industrial buildings in Ghent, Belgium, and Piadena, south-east of Milan. The
Connection will begin with a frequency of three rotations
weekly, which will be increased after the initial phase. All the time
on the route between Belgium and Italy, the Swiss company
will increase the frequency between the CLdN terminal in the port of
of Zeebrugge and the new terminal in Piacenza, which will become
operational early next year, raising it from three to four
weekly rotations.
In addition, in Italy, starting from next January 1st, Hupac
will increase from four to six rotations per week
frequency of the shuttle train between Busto Arsizio and Padua.