In 2024, passenger traffic managed by Stations
Marittime, the company that operates this type of traffic
in the port of Genoa, decreased overall by -4.4%
on the previous year having been 3.87 million people. In the
cruise segment alone, the decline was more
accentuated since a total of 1.53 million passengers
(-9.8%), of which 600 thousand as home ports (-4.0%) and 931 thousand in transit
(-13,2%). Stazioni Marittime specified that the traffic
cruise industry has suffered the effects of the unavailability of
a quay due to the work in progress for the construction of
important improvements to the infrastructures that will lead to the
enhancement of the spaces dedicated to cruise traffic with
construction of a new 376-metre pier on the east side of
Bridge of the Thousand. In 2024 the highest volume of traffic
cruise ship was brought by MSC Cruises ships with
over 1.16 million passengers (-14%) followed by the number of passengers
by Costa Cruises ships with over 315 thousand passengers (+32%).
Last year there were 2.34 ferry passengers
million (-0.5%) and the sector also recorded traffic of 1.91
million linear metres of rolling stock (-5.2%), 860 thousand cars
(+0.2%) and 66 thousand motorcycles (+3.7%).
By 2025, Stazioni Marittime predicts that the traffic of
ferries will mark a growth of +2-3%, while in the
of cruises are currently scheduled 333 calls for about 1.70
million cruise passengers (including 1.20 million MSCs and 370 thousand
Costa), of which 700 thousand in home port and one million in transit.