SEFE Securing Energy for Europe, a company operating in the
Energy trading, sales, transportation and storage industry
which is owned by the German Federal Government, has
signed a memorandum of understanding with Höegh Evi, the company
that develops solutions for the supply and transport of energy
mainly focused on a fleet of regasification terminals
FSRU floats. The agreement aims to develop supply
international supply chains for the supply of clean hydrogen to the
Germany and other European locations. The purpose of the agreement
includes ammonia supply, transport by ship and
delivery to floating terminals where ammonia would be
converted to hydrogen for delivery to SEFE customers.
The activity includes, among other things, the identification of
Possible sites for floating terminals along the coasts
Baltic and North Sea and other locations
"Thanks to Höegh Evi's pioneering technology
in the field of floating import terminals, including
conversion of ammonia to hydrogen within the terminal, and
the in-depth understanding of the needs of customers who
we have acquired in recent decades - underlined today the
commercial director of SEFE, Hamead Ahrary, on the occasion of
of the announcement of the agreement - we are in the best position to
develop international supply chains of clean hydrogen with
in order to make the ecological transition a reality".