Referring to the definitive cancellation, in the course of
the approval of the Budget Law, the 65 million fund
of euros, after the first cut of 55 million, for the purchase of
locomotives and railway wagons deriving from a standard approved in
2021 and which provided for an initial allocation of 120 million,
Uiltrasporti has defined the decision to cancel this measure
"A wicked choice that exacerbates the criticalities of the
rail freight transport in an already strongly
"We invite the government - urged the union in a
note - to retrace their steps, reintroducing, and indeed
strengthening all measures to support the sector, including those
relating to the 2011 Ferrobonus. We hope that a
Once and for all, what the government intends to do with freight transport on
iron to ensure greater sustainability in our country
environmental, social and economic also with a view to the pursuit of
of the Community objectives in this regard'.